

导读 卓别林的一生有过四段婚姻。和他在银幕上所扮演的形象一样,他一直在寻找真正的爱情,在他生命中,有7个女人至关重要。1916年到1917年之间,卓别林与他电影中的第一位主要的女演员艾德娜·普文斯相爱了,但是这段关系仅仅存在了一年多。

查理卓别林简介自己总结 第1篇




但毕竟是闪婚,这场感情就像龙卷风,来得快也去得快,由于彼此的性格、情趣都不相投,很快这段婚姻就走到了尽头。1920 年11月,经法院判决,卓别林先生付出了整整10万美元和一部分股票的代价,和哈丽丝离婚了。


到了1924 年,卓别林结识了一位叫莉泰·格蕾的女友,那时他正准备拍摄《淘金记》。似乎卓别林总是更倾心于少女,格蕾当时也是16岁。他帮助她成了一名电影演员,后来又在格蕾的逼迫下与其成婚。但婚后却发现格蕾好吃喝玩乐,挥霍无度,负面消息频频传出,开始卓别林还忍气吞声,最终忍无可忍,付出 80 万美元的巨款作为分手费,才摆脱了这场婚姻灾难,除此之外他还花费了100万美元的律师费,这场离婚官司在当时的美国轰动一时。

查理卓别林简介自己总结 第2篇

Charlie Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin), born on April 16, 1889 in London, the British film and television actor, director, screenwriter.

Charlie Chaplin's first film is _making a living_。 From 1915 began Chaplin began to self-directed, and even served as a producer and editor. Later he joined the company of Espian, and in 1917 produced _immigration_ and _An Le Street_, in 1918 he and his brother opened his own company in Los Angeles. And in 1919 summoned to Douglas Fairbanks and others. But until 1923, Chaplin only for the company took the first film _Paris a woman._ After 1925 the _Gold Rush_ and 1928 _circus_ for Chaplin won the Academy Award.

In 1931 because of the _city light_ premiere Chaplin came to London, returned to the next year, his next film is 1936 _modern era_。 Four years later he filmed the _big dictator_。 In 1952, his sound film _stage career_ release, the same year he moved to Switzerland. In 1967 he photographed the last film _Hong Kong Piaget_, 1977 Christmas died in Switzerland at the age of 88 years old.

查理卓别林简介自己总结 第3篇

Chaplin claimed to be born on April 16, 1889, under the London South Walker East Waldorf Streets, but the locality did not have his exact birth certificate. From June to 1896 to January 1898, juvenile Charlie was only one of the schools

Usually inhabitants. 1898 Christmas, also less than 10 years old Charlie became a professional stage actor. As a result of his father's career relationship, he joined the then a junior theater. After several weeks of training, Jackson quickly selected members of the troupe performing dance. Christmas in 1900, the name of Lancashire's troupe in the dance drama _Cinderella_ in the performance of the animals in the kitchen of the opportunity. In this play, the young Chaplin dressed as a cat, and for the first time have the opportunity to introduce to laughter.

In the spring of 1901, Charlie left the Lancashire Theater. In the same year on May 9, his father died, only 37 years old, can no longer continue to provide any kind of help to his youngest son. In the next two years, Charlie did a variety of work: selling flower girl, barber shop workers, doctors of small workers, as well as newsboy. But most of his time is working in a glass factory and a printing plant. He has also made a toy boat in a private enterprise. In 1903 May, his brother Sidney returned to the sea, intended to rely on his entertainment experience on board the stage. Under the encouragement of Sidney, Charlie, who was only 14 years old, had the courage to volunteer to the West End, and soon got the role of Billy Peggy in the repertoire of a tour troupe Sherlock Holmes. Before waiting for the tour to start, he played a newsboy in the stage _Romantic History of Jim, Happy Township_。 For more than two years he played Billy's role in the company's stage play, after the role of Billy in London's Princess Theater. After another round of _Sherry Holmes_ tour, Charlie joined the comedy stage _repair_ in Sidney. In May 1906, he joined another stage play _Casey's Palace Circus_ and performed for the play for more than a year. At the age of 17, Charlie has begun to play a major role in the comedy repertoire.

February 21, 1908, Chaplin and the British juggling theater manager Fred Karno (Fred Karno) signed a contract, and in 1910 September lasted for three years. Charlie starred in the repertoire of Carnault, _Wearing a Masked Bird_ and _Soccer Team and Bold Jimmy_


查理卓别林简介自己总结 第4篇

In September 1912, he was selected to participate in the tour of the Carnault Theater in the United States. The tour lasted from September 1910 to June of 1912. Along with his tour, there is also a young comedian Stanley Jefferson of the Lancashire Theater, which was later Stan Laurie. The troupe, after traveling from New York to California across the United States, returned to Europe for four months, and he welcomed the second chance to travel to the United States, October 1912. In the spring of 1913, Chaplin was asked to contact Kaiser and Bowman, the New York head office of Kai Si East Cinema. The two sides signed a one-year contract on September 23, 1913.

In 1914, Chaplin's virgin movie _made a living_ was released. And then shoot _Twenty Minutes of Love_ (_Twenty Minutes of Love_ and _Mabel's Married Life_ (Mabel's Married Life) and many other movies. At the end of 1914, Chaplin's one-year contract expired. At this time Essanay film company to 1250 US dollars a week wages and 10,000 US dollars signed fee to dig Chaplin.

At Essanay Cinema, Chaplin won a greater free space and also met his future wife, Edna Pavillion. _Rogue_ let him start with comedy performance of the bottom of the people's lives, _work_ in the strong irony let him get applause. After this _woman_, _in the bank_ and _police_ let him in the public fame. After the end of the Essanay film company, the film _Charles Chaplin's Funny play_ and _triple trouble_ without Chaplin's consent, was unauthorized broadcast, Chaplin prosecution did not get legal Recognized.

On June 17, 1917, Chaplin signed a _$ 1 million contract_ with First National Exhibitor Circuit, which would pay $ 125,000 per film for each of the eight films produced by Chaplin independently The The first completed film is _dog life_, then launched in 1918, _from the military_, 1919 _bright side_ and _happy day_。 He also played two roles in the 1921 _leisure class_, a boring rich man and a tramp who was his substitute. In 1922 the _wages of the day_, he played a home wage earners. In the _Pseudo Pastor_, he played a fugitive who was mistaken for a village pastor.

In 1918, Chaplin set up his own studio because of the great increase in independence. Chaplin also carried out a number of independent production activities during this period. He showed his new studio in the comedy documentary _How to Make a Movie_。 The issuing company refused to release the documentary, which was screened after 70 years of re-production. _Bond_ is Chaplin's film studio for the efforts of the war, is a call for people to buy war bonds comedy. _Professor_ failed to finish, but some of the intense episodes survived. _Nice and Friendly_ is a very short drama comedy, visiting friends of Chaplin made a guest performance in the play. By 1923, Chaplin only for the company took the first film _Paris a woman_。

In 1923 the film _Paris a woman_, Chaplin guest a station porter. 1925 _Gold Rush_ and 1928 _circus_ for Chaplin won the Academy Award.

In 1931 because of the _city light_ premiere Chaplin came to London, returned to the next year, his next film is 1936 _modern era_。 Four years later he filmed the _great dictator_, who played the Jewish barber and Hitler respectively in the film. In 1947 he photographed _Mr. van der Du_。

In 1952, his film _stage career_ release, the same year he moved to Switzerland. 1957 _New York King_ is considered a portrayal of this life. In 1967 he shot the last film _Hong Kong Girl Count_。 British Queen Elizabeth II in 1975 awarded the 86-year-old Chaplin Jazz title. December 25, 1977 Christmas morning, Chaplin died in his home when he died, at the age of 88 years old.