

导读 concern oneself in/with/about sth 忙于,从事;关心,关切1)集合(集):某些指定的对象集在一起就成为一个集合(集).其中每一个对象叫元素3.参考词汇:方便的 convenient;交通 transportation

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第1篇

Hello, my dear friends! Whats my favourite season? Let me tell favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance. There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens the trees and the flowers. I think they may say, “Were very thirsty. The rain is very good. It can help us.” What a beautiful scene! Dont you think so? And what about your favourite season,could you tell me?



英语必修一单元2作文范文 第2篇


_Willows are green for thousands of miles, and the spring breeze warms thousands of homes._ It's about willows in spring. Today, I also talk about the willows in spring.


In spring, willows stand by the river. Under the spring wind, the branches flutter with the wind. Some of the branches hang on the clear river to see their own appearance, as if they are combing the branches; some of the branches get into the long river, as if they are tasting the taste of the river without doing anything; they are playing hide and seek with the small fish in the river; they are also like watching the beautiful scenery in the water; they are more like washing the soft branches.


Ah, willow, you are the most beautiful tree in spring!

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第3篇


A. 单词拼写

1. Something is wrong with the e__________ of the car. It can’t start.

2. Marie Curie was the discoverer of r_________.

3. According to the t________ of relativity (相对论), nothing can travel faster than light.

4. After all his mathematical calculations, Copernicus drew a c__________ that the earth was not the center of the solar system.

5. I__________ she’d gone, I remembered her name.

6. In the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese ___________ (打败) the Japanese invaders.

7. Shall he ________ (参加) the meeting to be held tomorrow?

8. Work on the new railway will be ___________ (完成) at the end of next year.

9. Our new offices are still under ____________ (建设).

10. They have found some evidences that are __________ (联系) to this murder.

B. 句型转换

11. A: From the facts John Snow concluded that polluted water carried the disease.

B: From the facts John Snow ________ _______ _______ that polluted water carried the disease.

12. A: He determined to find out why.

B: He __________ his __________ to find out why.

13. A: We will begin the work immediately.

B: We will begin the work ______ _______.

14. A: How will you deal with these letters?

B: What will you _____ _______these letters?

15. A: The movements of the other planets in the sky made sense only if you put the sun there.

B: Only if you put the sun there _______the movements of the other planets in the sky _______ sense.

C. 完成句子

16. He suggested that the machine ________ ________ (检查) carefully before we used it.

17. She ______ _______ _______ (全神贯注于) reading, so she didn’t notice what was happening.

18. We ______ _______ (下决心) that this should never be allowed to happen again.

19. ______ _______ ________ (除…之外) Wang Hai, who will go there?

20. The teacher is popular with the students because he _______ ______ ______ ______ (对他们要求严格).

二、单项填空 (每小题1分,满分15分)

team was ahead during the first half, but we _____ in the last ten minutes.

A. were won B. were lost

C. were beaten D. won

22. Usually children are allowed to ___________ when they are six years old.

A. attend school

B. attend the school

C. join school

D. join the school

23. Professor Hawking stepped into the office I knew that there was no hope.

A. Unless B. Now that

C. Although D. The moment

24. His failure in the experiment suggested that he ________ his teacher’s proper instructions.

A. should not have followed

B. should not follow

C. mustn’t have followed

D. hadn’t followed

25. I suggested that he _____ telephone the manager before he decided.

A. telephoned B. would telephone

C. telephone D. had to telephone

26. —I'm terribly sorry that I failed to win the game.

—You are not ________ for all you could do.

A. to blame B. pleased

C. right D. satisfied

27. Yang Liwei was surrounded by the audience ________ he stepped off the stage.

A. until B. through

C. now that D. immediately

28. Gathering clouds the coming storm.

A. declared B. turned out

C. connected D. announced

29. Seeing their son playing computer games all day, the parents don’t know ______ it.

A. how to do

B. what to do

C. how to deal with

D. how to do with

30. — So hard ______ in the past few months that he has made great progress in English.

— I can see that; only a few mistakes ______ in the exam.

A. has he worked; did he make

B. he has worked; did he made

C. he has worked; he made

D. has he worked; he made

31. Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any ________.

A. value B. sense

C. fun D. use

32. Only by shouting at the top of his voice .

A. he was able to make himself hear

B. he was able to make himself heard

C. was he able to make himself hear

D. was he able to make himself heard

33. Only after the second tower of the World Trade Centre did people know it was not an accident, but an attack of some kind.

A. had hit B. did fall

C. was hit D. was fallen

34. Last summer holiday, I went back to my hometown, ________ the neighbors and the house ________ I used to be familiar with were gone.

A. only finding; which

B. only to find; that

C. only to find; whom

D. found; that

35. It’s quite strange that the man sleeps with his mouth ____ and his eyes _____.

A. closing; open B. closed; opened

C. closing; opening D. closed; open

三、完形填空 (每小题1分,满分20分)


A person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work.

He may have the 36 that he is not capable (有能力的) of it. A child may think he is stupid because he does not understand how to make the 37 of his mental faculties(官能). Older people may be mistaken that they are incapable of 38 anything new because of their age.

A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real 39 , because he feels that it 40 be useless. He won’t go at a job with the confidence(信心) necessary for success, and he won’t work his hardest, even though he may 41 he is doing so. He is 42 likely to fail, and the failure will 43 his belief in his incompetence(无能).

Alfred Adler, a famous doctor, had 44 like this. When he was a small boy, he had a poor 45 in maths. His teacher told his 46 he had no ability in maths in order that they would not 47 too much of him. In this way, they too 48 the idea. He accepted 49 mistaken thinking of his ability, felt that it was useless to 50 , and was very poor at maths, 51 as they expected.

One day he worked out a problem which 52 of the other students had been able to solve.

Adler succeeded in solving the problem. This gave him confidence. He now 53 with interest, determination and purpose, and he soon became especially good at 54 . He not only proved that he could learn maths well, but luckily he learned early in his life from his own experience that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may 55 himself as well as others by his ability.

36. A. belief B. way

C. fact D. condition

37. A. biggest B. most

C. higher D. deepest

38. A. teaching B. learning

C. accepting D. using

39. A. decision B. success

C. effort D. trouble

40. A. would B. should

C. must D. could

41. A. forget B. think

C. guess D. understand

42. A. truly B. really

C. however D. therefore

43. A. lead to B. strengthen

C. increase D. add to

44. A. an experience B. an expert

C. a thought D. a story

45. A. state B. mind

C. start D. ending

46. A. classmates B. friends

C. neighbours D. parents

47. A. blame B. expect

C. get D. win

48. A. developed B. organized

C. discovered D. found

49. A. a B. one

C. its D. the

50. A. manage B. succeed

C. try D. act

51. A. only B. almost

C. just D. then

52. A. none B. all

C. many D. most

53. A. lived B. worked

C. played D. graduated

54. A. lesson B. medicine

C. subjects D. maths

55. A. encourage B. love

C. astonish D. disappoint

四、阅读理解 (每小题分,满分30分)


Albert Einstein was probably the most famous scientist of the twentieth century. He changed scientific thinking in the modern world. He is generally considered as the greatest physicist who ever lived. What’s more, he devoted a lot of his time and energy to working for human rights and progress.

In 1933, while Einstein was visiting England and the United States, the Nazi government of Germany took all his things away, including his position and his citizenship. Einstein then settled down in the United States. In 1939, Einstein, who loved peace—afraid of a world in which only Hitler would had an atomic bomb(_)—tried hard to persuade President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a famous letter to have the United States start uranium research. That Germany, after all, had no bomb, and that the first bomb would fall on Japan, could not have been expected. After the war, Einstein never stopped working for peace and reducing the number of soldiers in the world.

Although he wasn’t connected with any accepted religion(宗教), Einstein felt that trust in a personal God was too special an idea to be suitable to the God at work in this universe, but he never believed that the universe was one of chance or disorder. The universe to him was one of pure law and order. He once said, “God may know everything, but he is not hateful.”

56. From the passage we know that .

A. no scientist is as great as Albert Einstein during this century

B. Albert Einstein was likely to be the greatest scientist of his time

C. Albert Einstein made the first atomic bomb for the United States of America

D. Albert Einstein gave up his German citizenship for political reasons

57. If Einstein had known that Hitler had no atomic bomb and that the first atomic bomb would fall on Japan, he would .

A. have continued his scientific research

B. have won another Nobel Prize for physics

C. not have advised starting uranium research in the U. S. A.

D. not have moved to the U. S. A.

58. Einstein in 1933.

A. visited England and the U. S. A.

B. lost everything

C. became a man without a country

D. both A and C

59. Einstein believed that everything in the universe .

A. was kept in order by its own law

B. had nothing to do with each other

C. happened in an irregular way

D. was made by the personal God

“That’s funny! These fellows in the middle of the plate have died.” Dr Alexander Fleming was talking to another doctor in a laboratory in London. He had been studying some germs(细菌)that he was growing on a plate. They were very dangerous germs because they caused different kinds of illnesses that could kill people. Dr Fleming found that a mould(霉菌)had floated in through the window landing on the plate. It had killed some of the germs it had touched.

“This certainly looks promising.” Fleming said. “We must grow some of this mould to see if it will kill other germs.”

He named the strange mould “penicillin”. It proved to be a killer of many germs. Fifty mice were given deadly germs and then half of them were injected(注射)with penicillin. The twenty-five untreated mice died, but twenty-four of those lived that had been treated with penicillin. Dr Fleming wrote a report about what he had found out. Hardly anybody took any notice of it.

In 1938 Dr Howard Florey, an Australian working in London, read Dr Fleming’s report and was very interested. He found that penicillin was effective in treating blood poisoning in human beings.

When World War II broke out, it was not possible to make enough penicillin in England. Dr Florey went to America where he helped to have enormous amounts of this wonderful drug made. It saved the lives of thousands of soldiers, sailors and airmen who would have died from their wounds if the hospitals had not had penicillin.

60. Dr Alexander Fleming .

A. had been studying a mould which was very dangerous and could kill people

B. had been studying some of the germs on a plate which could cure illnesses

C. had been making experiments on some germs that he was growing on a plate

D. had been making experiments on different germs that could help sick people to get better

61. Some of the germs on the plate .

A. had been killed by a mould floating in through the window

B. had been killing one another, which was a surprise to Fleming

C. had been killed by a mould that had been grown by Dr Alexander Fleming

D. had been killed by a mould found by another doctor

62. The reason why the twenty-five mice died was that .

A. they had been given deadly germs and had been injected with penicillin

B. they were almost dead ahead of the experiment

C. they were easy to die in the experiment

D. they had been given deadly germs and had not been injected with penicillin

63. In 1938, an Australian working in London named Howard Florey read Dr Fleming’s report and .

A. left England for America, making the drug

B. went to America to save the lives of thousands of soldiers, sailors and airmen

C. found penicillin effective in treating blood poisoning in human beings

D. went to America to make this drug for mice

64. The word “enormous” means .

A. 剩余的 B. 恰当的

C. 少许的 D. 巨大的

Einstein, a great scientist of the age, was almost as strange as his Theory of Relativity.

Once, while riding a street car in Berlin, he told the conductor that he had not given him the right change. The conductor counted the change again and found it to be correct, so he handed it to Einstein, saying, “The trouble with you is that you don’t know your figures.”

Einstein said that there were only twelve people living who understood his Theory of Relativity although a good many books had been written to explain it.

He had nothing but contempt(藐视)for the things most people set their hearts on—for fame and riches(财富)and luxury(奢华).

He didn’t want money or praise. He made his own happiness out of such simple things as his work and playing the violin and sailing his boat. Einstein’s violin brought him more joy than anything else in life. He said that he often thought in music.

65. The conductor thought Einstein .

A. wasn’t good at maths

B. had good memory

C. was either mad or strange

D. liked to make trouble

66. Einstein meant that many people .

A. knew his Theory of Relativity well because they could explain it

B. had written to have grasped his theory correctly

C. pretended to have grasped his abstract theory

D. admired him very much

67. The underlined part “set…hearts on” means .

A. believe B. have

C. love D. hate

Louis Pasteur, the famous French chemist and bacteriologist, invented “pasteurization”. In 1854 Pasteur was made head of the department of science at the University of Lille, and it was there that he made one of his most famous discoveries. Lille was a major center for wine and beer-making, and some of the local wine-makers asked Pasteur if he could help solve the problem of keeping wine fresh. At that time, it was believed that food and drinks go “bad” due to a purely chemical process (变化过程). But during a series of experiments Pasteur proved that tiny living organisms (微生物) caused food and drinks to go bad. In the case of wine and beer the organisms are already present in the form of the various yeasts (酵母) that caused the fermentation (发酵) process. Pasteur discovered that heating the wine gently for a few minutes after it had fermented would kill off the yeast that was left in the wine, with the result that the wine would remain fresh for much longer. He also proved that food and drinks could be turned bad by other organisms that were present in the air, and that they too would keep fresh much longer if they were kept in airtight containers.

The heating process was so successful that it made Pasteur famous. It was named “pasteurization” in his honour, and by about 1900 it had been widely used for processing and bottling cows’ milk. The result was a huge drop in the number of bottle-fed babies dying from infant diarrhea (婴儿腹泻) and from that time on it has been a standard treatment for milk and many other food products. This simple process has saved thousands, possibly millions, of lives worldwide.

68. Pasteur became in 1854.

A. the chairperson of the science department at the University of Lille

B. the director of a chemical laboratory at the University of Lille

C. the general manager of a large beer-making company

D. the president of the University of Lille

69. According to the passage, Lille was a major center for in the mid-19th century.

A. growing grain crops

B. making beer and wine

C. doing chemical research

D. producing various kinds of yeasts

70. In the last sentence of paragraph 1, the underlined word “they” refers to .

A. wine and beer

B. food and drinks

C. the various yeasts

D. other organisms

71. We can infer from the passage that Pasteur’s discovery .

A. is no longer widely used for treating milk and other food produts

B. did not bring much profit to the wine makers in Lille

C. has done a lot of good to children in the world

D. has greatly reduced the number of wars in the world

On the first day of class, Mr Whiteson gave us a lecture about a creature(生物) called cattytiger, a kind of cat-like animal that completely disappeared during the Ice Age. He passed round a skull (头骨) as he talked, and we all felt interested and took notes while listening. Later, we had a test about that.

When he returned my paper, I was very, very surprised. There was a very large cross through each of my answers. And so it was with everyone else’s in our class. What had happened? Everyone was wondering and couldn’t wait to get the answer.

Very simple, Mr Whiteson explained. He had made up all that story about the cattytiger. There had never been such an animal. So why none of us noticed that and how could we expect good marks for the incorrect answers?

Needless to say, we got very angry. What kind of teacher was this?

We should have guessed it out, Mr Whiteson said. After all, at the very moment he was passing around the cattytiger skull (in fact, a cat’s), hadn’t he been telling us that it completely disappeared during the Ice Age? Clearly he was telling a lie. But we just kept busy making notes and none used his head. We should learn something from this. Teachers and textbooks are not always correct.

72. We failed in the test because we didn’t .

A. take notes while listening

B. show interest in what Mr Whiteson said

C. listen to the teacher carefully

D. think carefully

73. We got angry because .

A. Mr Whiteson didn’t tell us the truth about cattytiger

B. we failed in the test

C. we didn’t know why he played the joke on us

D. there was no cattytiger

74. Mr Whiteson gave us a special lesson .

A. to show his special way of teaching

B. to play a joke on us

C. to help us learn our lessons better

D. so that we would no longer believe him

75. Mr Whiteson meant that .

A. teachers couldn’t make any mistakes

B. textbooks might be wrong sometimes

C. we should speak up if we thought our teacher or the textbook was wrong

D. we shouldn’t believe our teachers because sometimes they might tell lies

五、书面表达 (满分15分)












3.参考词汇:方便的 convenient;交通 transportation

Dear editor,

I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about whether it is good or not for families to own cars.




Yours truly,

Li Hua

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第4篇



■To help students learn to express attitudes, agreement & disagreement and certainty

■To help students learn to read the text and learn to write diaries in English

■To help students better understand “friendship”

■To help students learn to understand and use some important words and expressions

■To help students identify examples of Direct Speech & Indirect Speech (I): statements and questions in the text



upset, ignore, calm, concern, settle, suffer, recover, pack


add up, calm down, have got to, be concerned about, go through, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, at dusk, face to facer, no longer/ not …any longer, suffer from, get/ be tired of, pack (sth.) up, get along with, fall in love, join in


“I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do,” said Anne. →Anne said that she didn’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do.

I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven…

…it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face…




Hello, everyone. I’m so glad to be your teacher of English. I’d like to make friends with you, to build up a close friendship with you. Today we shall take Unit 1. The topic of this unit is Friendship. What do you think friendship is?

1. Warming up

⑴ Warming up by defining friendship

Hello, everyone. I’m so glad to be your teacher of English. I’d like to make friends with you, to build up a close friendship with you. Today we shall take Unit 1. The topic of this unit is Friendship. What do you think friendship is?

Yeah, there are many explanations about friendship. However, friendship is a relationship that can’t be restricted(限制)by definition(定义). It can only be experienced. True friendship can exist between any two souls, be it between people or animals. It can happen at any moment, to anyone. Even to lifeless things, like a diary, a ball, a friendship can happen.

Then what is your opinion about friendship?

Do you think that friendship is important to our life? Why?

⑵Warming up by learning to solve problems

Nice to meet you, class. We shall be friends from now on. For everybody needs friends. But being a good friend can sometimes be hard work. Learning how to solve problems in a friendship can make you a better friend and a happier person. Discuss the situation below and try to solve the problems wisely.

Common problems among teenagers


Some of the common problems include forgetting friends’ birthday, not keeping promises, letting out friends’ secrets and so on.

Maybe we can have a heart-to-heart talk with our friends to ask for forgiveness.

Situation 1: Friends get angry with each other when they try to talk about something difficult.

Try to understand your friend/ Try to talk about the problem in a different way.

Situation 2: Friends don’t know how to apologize

Start by telling each other that you are sorry. A simple apology is often enough and is a good starting point.

Situation 3: Some friends don’t know how to keep secrets.

Keep your secrets to yourself

Tips on being a good friend

Treat your friends the way you want to be treated. Keep secrets that are told to you.

Pay attention when your friend is talking. Keep your promises. Share things with your friend. Tell your friend the truth. Stick up for your friend.

⑶Warming up by doing a survey

Good morning, class. I am your teacher of English. Glad to be here with you. Today we shall take Unit 1 Friendship.

To be frankly, I’d like very much to keep a close friendship with you, my dear students, in the following years. How about you then? Ok, thanks. I do hope to be your good teacher as well as your helpful friend (良师益友).

Now please do the survey on page one.

Add up your score according to the scoring sheet on page 8. You don’t have to tell your results. You can just keep it a secret.


英语必修一单元2作文范文 第5篇

Every year the Spring Festival I want to go home and family reunions. My parents and I live together, at ordinary times home from far away, can only back to a few times a year. I really miss my grandma, grandpa, grandma, aunt and so on a lot of relatives. I want to talk with them, and often, they report their learning situation.

I want to have witnessed great changes of home. A few days ago to listen to my grandfather called and said, the village on the tarmac, families float on the water, a lot of farm built buildings, liking the closed-circuit television (CCTV), install the telephone, use of mobile phones, washing machines, motorcycles and other modern products, a lot of the past can't buy vegetables, now can be purchased at any time. I think a walk on the asphalt road in the village, to the families to have a look, a glass of tap water taste, feel the new rural construction brings to the farmers' benefits and convenience.

I also feel the hometown the lively atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Spring Festival can be noisy in the countryside. Families at the gate will be labeled as festival couplet, set off firecrackers everywhere, the wonderful sound jan made people stop to watch the show. I want to appreciate the desire for happiness from door to door couplet, set off firecrackers with my father and mother, take a look at jan.

While every year the Spring Festival is roughly same, but as the are of the age, I also can feel more and more, from the children are eager to go home! I believe that the 20__ Spring Festival will bring me much happiness.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第6篇

Spring, I never had strong feeling to spring before last year. Some people said spring should be a happy season. But I never sensed that. I always liked the autumn because I thought autumn was a romantic season. I liked summer when I was very young for I loved my skirt with , I still like autumn and summer,while I like spring and winter. Before I disliked the various colors of the flowers,and I thought they are flighty and superficial. I thought only only the blue ocean is deep, the golden autumn is elegant. However, now I have a different idea that I find spring wonderful. I like the blossom in the field and in the moutain. From them I am spirited with life.


英语必修一单元2作文范文 第7篇


In the forest school, principal Sun said, _today, spring girl will come to our school to be a guest. Please be ready._ Flowers and trees have talked about: what can we do for spring girl?


The willow said, _I made a willow ring out of wicker and put it on the head of spring girl._ Yingchunhua said, _I'll play the trumpet to welcome Yingchun girl._ Peach tree said, _I make Rouge of my flowers and give it to spring girl._ _I made my flower into a white dress and put it on the girl in spring,_ said the pear tree


Look, spring girl is wearing green willow ring, pink rouge, white gauze skirt, dancing, laughing and coming.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第8篇

hundreds of 数以百计,许多

hunger for 渴望

hunger up 赶快,迅速完成

in a hurry 急忙的,急于

if only 要是……多好

improve on 改进

for instance 例如

instead of 代替,而不是

at intervals 不时,时时

by oneself 独自,单身

in itself 本身

keep back 阻止,阻挡,隐瞒

keep down 控制,压制,镇压,压低

keep from 使……不做

keep off 不接近,避开

keep on 继续,保持

keep out of 躲开,置身之外

keep to 坚持,保持

keep up 保持,维持,坚持

keep up with 跟上

knock down 撞倒,击倒

knock out 击倒,击昏

known as 被认为是,被称为

at large 一般,大体上

at last 最终,终于

lay aside 把……搁置一边

lay down 放下,制定

lay off 解雇

lay out 安排,布置,陈列,展示

at least 至于,最低限度

in the least 一点,丝毫

leave behind 留下,忘了带

leave out 遗漏,略去

at leisure 从容的,有空

at length 最后;详细地

no less than 不少于,不亚于,和……一样

let down 放下,降低;使失望

let go 放开,松手

let in 让……进去,放……近来

let off 放(炮,烟火);开枪;免除

let out 放掉,发出

lie in 在于

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第9篇

Most of the Chinese people think that a family with one child is better than those with more children. For one thing, many people will try their best to achieve career success and have little time to care about their children; for another, if they only raise one child they can afford better education for the child.

But there are also some negative views about the one-child family. They think it is better to have a big family. Everyone in the family can help each other when they have difficulties. What is more, the more children they have, the better life they will live when they grow old.

In my opinion, it's enough for a family to have one child. Nowadays population expansion is one of the most serious problems in the world. Population expansion contributes to a series of problems: shortage of natural resources and food supply,crowded cities and high rate of unemployment. Some day the earth will be too crowded for people to live in

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第10篇

Enough sleep is very important. It affects we are happy or not. We can easily find if we sleep enough in the night, we usually have a good mood next day. But, if we do not have enough sleep, sometimes we will feel depressed without a reason. What’s more, sleep also affects our study or work.

Try to imagine that a sleepy person how can he listen to the teacher in class or work in their position. It must be a hard job or in low efficiency. Thus, if a person sleep enough, he can do better in their life. In addition, do you find that a person with good sleep usual do not have acne, because enough sleep balance their internal secretion and detox. Knowing the importance of enough sleep, do you

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第11篇


Spring is my favorite time of the year.


Spring wind blowing, blowing green weeping willows, blowing green grass. The children on the grass are bathing in the warm spring wind and flying kites!


In the spring wind, the willows seem to be dancing with long branches. The light dancing posture seems to fly. The clear water reflects her colorful body. The green grass and flowers on the bank are reflected in the water. The bottom of the water seems to be a wonderful fairy tale world.


The pink peach blossom bloomed, looking like a gorgeous and colorful morning glow from afar. Pear blossom, white pear blossom full of branches. The golden winter jasmine blooms like a shy little girl.

一阵微风吹过,顿时一股花香扑鼻而来 ,让人陶醉。细听,蜜蜂们已在辛勤工作,“嗡,嗡,嗡”地飞来飞去。蝴蝶也不甘寂寞地在花丛中翩翩起舞。


What a charming spring!

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第12篇

When you look around, you will find that the spring is ing. The breeze is gently brushing your face. The blue sky is above you. After raining, the flowers are blooming in the garden. The living beings start to grow. Everything is full with vigor and fragrance. The best season of this year, you cann’t miss it and you will love it.

The spring is ing, it brings green to the trees and grass, pink and yellow to the flowers. Activeness to the animals. Hopes to the human beings. The birds start to sing, the farmers begin to plant crops in the fields. In spring, everywhere is full of hope. People usually say that a good beginning is half done, while spring is the beginning of a year. So we should appreciate it and make the most use of it. Try the best to spread seeds in spring and you will get a good harvest in autumn. Then you will see how important spring is and how lovely it is.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第13篇


Fun is what we experience during an act, happiness is what we experience after an act. The latter is a deeper, more abiding emotion. Watching a movie or television is fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.

The way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, painfree life equals happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness, but in fact, the opposite is tree. More often than not, things that lead to happiness involves some pain. It seems no fun undertaking some hard work, but when you finish it successfully, you will feel happy.

The moment we understand that fun does not necessarily bring happiness, we began to lead our lives differently. We should not merely seek fun in life, but try to pursue happiness even if we may undergo pains and difficulties.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第14篇



1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part.

2. Get students to read the play.

3. Let students learn the expressions of ordering food.


1. Develop students’ reading skills and enable them to learn how to use different reading strategies to read different reading materials.

2. Enable students to understand and act out the play.

3. Have students learn how to use the expressions to order food.


1. Stimulate students’ interests of learning English by reading and acting this play.

2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.


1. Develop students’ reading and speaking skills.

2. Let students read and act the play.

3. Have students learn to use the expressions to order food.


1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.

2. Get students to act the play.

3. Have students make a dialogue at the restaurant.


→Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask two students to retell the content of Act I, Scene their own words.

→Step 2 Warming up

We have learned that Henry got a letter from the two old brothers ,so please predict what will happen next.

→Step 3 Reading

1. Read the play fast to understand the gist and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1)The owner looked down upon Henry when he noticed Henry’s appearance.

2)Henry asked for more of the same food because he is an American who like to eat a lot.

3)When Henry saw the million pound bank note, he was happy and proud of it.

4)The owner didn’t believe that the bank note was real and he asked Henry to get out of the restaurant.

2. Read the play carefully and do the following:

1)Answer these questions in small groups.

(1)Whose behavior changes the most during this scene? Give examples.

(2)What kind of person is the owner of the restaurant?

(3)Why do you think the owner of the restaurant gave Henry a free meal?

2)Pay much attention to the different attitudes towards Henry.

Before Henry shows his million pound bank note:

Owner Hostess Waiter

That one’s reserved.

Well, we will have to take a chance.

. . . if you pay the bill. . . My goodness! He eats like a wolf.

It’ll cost a tiny bit.

Again, everything?

What’s there to wait for?

After Henry shows his million pound bank note:

Owner Hostess Waiter

I’m so sorry, sir, so sorry.

Oh, please, don’t worry, sir. Doesn’t matter at all.

Just having you sit here is a great honor! . . . bow. . . Screams

And you put him in the back of the restaurant!


. . . bow. . .

3. Retell the story:

With the envelope in hand, Henry decided to enter a restaurant for a meal. He ordered some ham and eggs and a nice big steak together with a tall glass of beer. The waiter told him the meal would cost him a tiny bit. After eating his first order, Henry asked for more of the same.

When Henry opened the letter, he found it was a million pound bank note. He was surprised but the owner and the waiter were shocked. The owner was not sure if it was genuine or fake. They couldn’t believe Henry who was in rags could be so rich. At last, the note was proved to be real.

After knowing that the bill is genuine, the owner thanked Henry again and again for his coming to his little eating place and even asked Henry to forget the bill . The owner, hostess and waiter all bowed together as Henry left.

→Step 4 Language points

n.要(叫)的菜eg. May I take your order?

n.顺序,次序eg. The books are arranged in order of size.

n.命令eg. Soldiers must obey orders

v.命令eg. The officer ordered his soldiers to march

v.预定,预购eg. I have ordered a steak.

a chance碰运气

Eg. As for whether he will win the game or not ,we must take a chance .

Maybe true love is a decision, a decision to take a chance with somebody.


3. genuine adj 1)真正的,真实的,名副其实的;非人造的,非伪造的

Eg. Her wedding ring is made of genuine diamond.



My genuine friend is not such right?


3. Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount. . . Anyway, I don’t think it can be a fake.


助动词do或其他形式does, did在肯定句中用于谓语动词前,表示强调。例如:

I did tell him what I thought of.



It can’t be Jim. I know him too well.


5. But he’s in rags!但是他穿得破破烂烂的。


The girl in green is a good friend of mine.


in rags衣衫褴褛

The old man in rags used to be very rich.


6. As for the bill, sir, please forget it.


as for: with regard to至于;关于

As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.


As for the hotel, it was very uncomfortable and miles from the sea.


→Step 5 Acting

1. Ask students to listen to the tape and role play the text. Remind them to remember that Henry has an American accent while the owner, the hostess and the waiters all have British accents. Let them pay more attention to correct pronunciation and intonation.

2. Have as many groups as possible to act out the play in front of the class.

→Step 6 Speaking

1. Ask students to read Act Ⅰ, Scene 4 again and underline all the expressions used to order food. Read them aloud.

2. Show the following form on the screen. Let students read the expressions aloud, and make sure they understand their Chinese meanings.


Can I help you?

I’ll take your order in a minute.

Are you ready to order, sir/madam?

What would you like. . . ?

Enjoy your meal!

Here’s your bill.

Here you are. CUSTOMER

I’d like. . .

I’ll have. . .

Do you have. . . ?

What do you suggest?

I’ll have that.

The bill, please.

Can I have the check, please?

2. Suppose the situation: Now imagine you are having a good meal in a restaurant. Make a dialogue with your partner, who acts as a waiter/waitress.

3. Give several minutes for the students to prepare their dialogues in pairs.

4. Ask as many pairs as possible to present their dialogues to the class.

→Step 7 Extension

Many people are crazy about buying lottery tickets (彩票). What do you think of it?

● What kind of role do you think money plays in our daily life?

● Is money everything?

Suggested Answers:

Money is not everything.

Money can buy a house, but not a home.

Money can buy a bed, but not sleep.

Money can buy a clock, but not time.

Money can buy a book, but not knowledge.

Money can buy you a position, but not respect.

Money can buy you medicine, but not health.

Money can buy a friend, but not love.

Money can buy you blood, but not life.

→Step 8 Homework

1. Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.

2. Act out the play.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第15篇

Ladies and gentlemen,

It's my honor to stand here and say something about friendship.

First, I think everyone needs friends and is eager to get you are happy, you can share your happiness with your friends and when you are sad, you can complain to your you are arrogant, your friends can persuade you and they can make you confident and brave when you are discouraged.

Second, as we all know, friendship is can touch your heart and give you people are proud of having a good must cherish our friends when we are happy with our should try our best to protect the friendship from being hurt.

We will meet a lot of friends in our should find the people who can understand us and share not only happiness but also you lose it, both you and your friend will feel very you can't give up those friends, please don't forget to keep in touch with your old friends, because staying with old friends is cherishable.

Finally, just as an old saying goes, love comes and goes but friendship 's sweet and poetic, full of tears, hopes and let's cherish friendship!

That's you for listening.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第16篇

High school is a very important stage for every Chinese student, because they will study and fight for their future together. When the college entrance exam is over, it means the end of this stage. Some may go to college and some may choose to work. No matter what the choice they make, they need to be separated and begin the different chapter of life. My classmates decided to make a great appointment. We would meet in the school in twenty years. At that time, we could see the change of the school and talk about our school time. Though we would soon to be apart, we looked forward to the future meeting and wouldn’t feel sad. Thinking about the unknown future, we were excited and scared, but we believed that we could get over and became the better ones.


英语必修一单元2作文范文 第17篇


大家好!今天我说课的内容是高一英语新课程实验教科书必修1 Unit One, The first perid。下面我就从教材分析、教法分析、学法分析、教学过程、教学评价五个方面进行说明。









技能目标:1、学会阅读的技能——scanningand siing 。








重点:1、训练scanningand siing等阅读技能。







英语必修一单元2作文范文 第18篇

Hello,my dear friends!What’s my favourite season?Let me tell favourite season is is a lovely season,I is a garden behind my spring,the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance(芳香).There are many butterflies and bees over the butterflies are dancing and the bees are it usually rains rain moistens(滋润) the trees and the think they may say,“We’re very rain is very can help us.” What a beautiful scene!Don’t you think so?And what about your favourite season,could you tell me?


英语必修一单元2作文范文 第19篇

A Busy Spring 忙碌的春天

As spring comes, everything on earth comes to life. After an overnight s raining, the trees and flowers seem to wear their new clothes. Birds are chanting in trees. Butterflies keep dancing in flowers. All these elements form an elegant spring life.


As spring comes, everything is in a rush. Swallows are busy with building their nests; frogs are busy with breeding their offspring; little grass is busy with growing up; seeds are busy with sprouting. And the farmers are busy with their farm work. Look, how hard they are working in their field! So there s no doubt that they will reap a good harvest through their hard work.


英语必修一单元2作文范文 第20篇


pring is the first season of a are there months in spring:March,April and May,The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in spring。Sometimes It rains a has started to change in ,the trees are turning green。The birds are singing happily As spring comes, everything on earth comes to life. After an overnight s raining, the trees and flowers seem to wear their new clothes. Birds are chanting in trees. Butterflies keep dancing in flowers. All these elements form an elegant spring life.

As spring comes, everything is in a rush. Swallows are busy with building their nests; frogs are busy with breeding their offspring; little grass is busy with growing up; seeds are busy with sprouting. And the farmers are busy with their farm work. Look, how hard they are working in their field! So there s no doubt that they will reap a good harvest through their hard work.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第21篇

Spring is the first season of a are there months in spring :March ,April and May ,The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in It rains a has started to change in trees are turning birds are singing happily in the flowers are showing their smiles to is also my favourite I can wear my beautiful shirts .I can plant trees and go can enjoy myself in the beautiful course ,I like the Spring Festival , a word,Spring is a very beautiful like spring very much.

春天是一年中的第一个季节, 一共有三个月:三月,四月和 五月.春天,天气变得越来越暖 和了.有时候,也会下很多雨.春 天,所有的事物都开始变化了. 看,树变绿了,鸟儿在树上快乐 地歌唱,花对我们张开了笑脸. 春天也是我最喜欢的季节,因 为我可以穿上漂亮的衬衫,我 可以植树,去野营,我可以在春 天里过得很开心.当然了,我也 是喜欢春节.总之,春天是个十 分美丽的季节,我十分喜欢春天. 祝开心!

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第22篇

Military Training

When September comes, it is the time for students to go to school, for the freshmen, they need to join the military training at the beginning of the semester. It will be a hard time for them, because they are princes and princess at home, now they need to be burned in the hot sun, how terrible it is. But the military training is good for the new students, they will learn to be a strong person, they have to bear the hot sun, listen to the order. Comparing at home, most students will give orders to their parents, they are spoiled by their parents. But when they come to the school, they need to live alone, so they must learn to get along with others. When they meet troubles, sometimes they need to get over them, military training teaches students to be a strong person, no matter what difficulty they have met.



Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring.

30% of us think space exploration is not worthwhile. They think space is too far away from us and our daily life. And the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve the earth’s problems such as starvation and pollution.

On the other hand, 70% think space is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it, such as using satellites for communication and weather forecast. What’s more, with further space research, we may solve the population problem by moving to other planets one day. Also, space research will enable us to find new sources to solve the problem of energy shortages on the earth.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第23篇




















④直接引语如果是一般现在时。表示一种反复出现或习惯性的动作,变间接引语,时态不变。⑤如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式(例:ought to, had better, used to)和已经是过去时的形式时,(例:could, should, would, might)不再变。

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第24篇


There is something in the world. It has no shape, no color and no weight. It can’t be seen or touched. But everyone wants it very much. People try to get it in many ways. Some people think money means it, so they try to make more money; some people believe that knowledge can bring it to them, so they study very hard; some other people find only good health can make themselves get it, so they take part in all kinds of sports and games. Now, you may ask what on earth the mysterious thing is. That’s happiness.

From my point of view, being in a good mood anytime and anywhere is the first thing for those who want to be happy. There is an old saying going like this, “happy is he who is content.” I cant agree with it any more. I still remember a story my mother told me when I was a child. A millionaire tried every means to seek after pleasure but to feel unhappy, but its counterpart that poor men who dose not have a thing always feel happy. Why are they so different? The answer is that the rich is being thinking how he can gain more while the poor is satisfied with what he owns at hand-health, freedom, love and so on.

Furthermore, love makes great difference to happiness. If you have love in your heart, you will have happiness in your life. Love consists of two parts, one is to love others, and the other is to be loved by others. Lei Feng set a good example for all of us. He served the people wholeheartedly until the last minute of his life. He regarded serving the people as the happiest thing. There are numbers of similar inspirational stories to be found. In addition, being loved by others can also lead you to happiness. Courage from your parents when frustrated, care from your lover when ill, help from your friends when in trouble… all of these will make you the happiest person in the world.

The last but not least is to act happily. Putting on a happy face and thinking interesting things are helpful to trigger happy feelings.

But I’m sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways. They speak loudly in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others’ shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have destroyed others’ happiness.

From I have discussed above ,we may safely draw the conclusion that happiness means kindness, love and unselfishness. Above all, only bringing happiness to otherms can make yourself happy.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第25篇


Grandpa winter left, and miss spring came in happy steps.


Spring is a beautiful season, the grass is green, the flowers are red, the little yellow warbler, the little swallow and the sparrow are singing happy songs on the tree.


The flowers compete for splendor, the pink peach, the bright red azalea and the yellow dandelion send out fragrance together. The green grass dances with the wind, the bees sing on it, hum..


Spring rain bathes the willow tree, which makes the willow branch smile and stoop!


Spring is really a beautiful season, but also a beautiful and warm season. If everyone can love the environment, the future spring will be more beautiful and warm.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第26篇


Most people haven’t formed the habit of and mitted themselves to waste sorting now in China. They would throw their domestic garbage - kitchen refuse, abandoned plastics and papers,broken china and glass, etc. - all into the same public containers, without thinking whether they are recyclable or not.

This, obviously, will reduce the value of stuff that can be recycled or reused, such as plastics and papers. Besides,the growing amount of garbage makes the building of more landfills necessary, which will worsen the shortage of land. Worse still,disposing of the recyclable waste like plastics by burning will give off toxic smoke which seriously pollutes the air. ID this sense, throwing the trash unsorted should not be advocated, no matter from the perspective of economy or protecting the environment.

On the contrary, if we sort out recyclable waste before throwing them away, the amount of trash will be reduced sharply. Accordingly, the cost of running landfills and treating waste will be brought down greatly. Whafs more important, less waste will have to be burned or buried, meaning resources waste and pollution will be reduced. Therefore, economically and environmentally, it is of great significance to call for waste sorting.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第27篇

Spring is a beautiful, she germinating the breath of life. All of the knot with spring melts things, and then had the beating of vitality, involve intoxicating poetry. Spring, spring, spring, spring landscape, silver, ChunQing, love... All lurk a vigor of life.

Spring is precious, she gave the earth add beauty. People in spring and in understanding the colorful color beauty, charm and beauty of the beauty of the law, scenery beauty, realize her unique vacuolized beauty.

Spring is the angel, people brings warmth. Spring is hope, and her people brings strength; Spring is a season, she called industrious people quickly sow cho s wishes.

Spring is short, especially as a affectionate and specific girl, but only ture love her, she will realize the connotation, will cherish it and have her, let her 1etched in mind.

Friends, let us together embrace spring!!! Embrace spring, embrace good life; Embrace spring, embrace spring hope...

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第28篇

The Great Wall is famous all over the world, it is one of the most remarkable symbols of China, it has long history. But as there are more and more people to visit the famous building, it has been damaged to some degree. In order to protect the great building, we should not throw away the rubbish and do not make some marks, so that we can enjoy the great building.



英语必修一单元2作文范文 第29篇

Dear Li Hua,

I'm glad to tell you that I'm going to visit China in May. My arrangements are as follows:

First, I am planning to visit Beijing, the capital of China, where I will pay a visit to the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and some beautiful parks. Then I intend to climb the Mount Tai to see the sunrise. After that, I am going to Hangzhou, a beautiful city which is famous for West Lake.

What do you think of my travel plan? And do I have an honour to invite you as my guide? Hope to hear from you.



The most successful person may not be the smartest to a survey conducted among a group of people who were in the same university ten years ago , those whose grade-point average was in the middle fifty percent , all become rich or managers of different fields , while not a single young man of the upper ten percent becomes an executive or boss.

Why the smartest kids in the classwill not end up the richest? Why those who are not excellent in studies tend to be managers or own their own enterprise in their later life? And what factors lead to success in career and life if brains are not the only answer? According to my observation , academic brightness is only part of the story , the other factors are very important.

One ingredient , among other things , is good interpersonal skills. There is stong evidence that friendship can help to tide you over a period of difficulty. With a wide circle of friends who can be trusted yo provide

information and resources, your chances of success are much higher. On the contrary , if you are competent in profession , but have difficulty in getting along with your colleagues and even your boss, you can hardly survive the corporation.

Another component is the ability to express oneself . In today s world , what really counts is the ability to express oneself rather than technical competence or professional knowledge . The larger the orgnization of which you are an employee , and th fiercer the competition , the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts and convince others of your ideas.

Personality is also an important factor. Whatever difficulty or situation , those who appear relaxed and confident are nearer to success. Obviously , among the ingredients for success , intelligence counts for the half , the rest depends on your personality , and other abilities.

Why is it so important to learn English?

Do you think it would be fun to have access to information that other people can't get?Talk and write letters to interesting people that others can't communicate with?Impress people around you whenever you opened your mouth?Make big jumps in your career,leaving others miles behind?

You can get all these if you speak English well.

English language is the international language meaning 60% of the worlds population are speaking in means that we can communicate well if we do know how to speak the will help you gain friends not just locally but it will open some doors for you to venture on other countries like UK.,USA,and the likes to spend either vacation or for studying the instructions given in some appliances,gadgets,equipments,food labels and etc were mostly written in you will get better understanding of what is going on.

And finally,English is one of the most frequently used languages in the world.

last Sunday, I and my father, mother, sister, brother went to LvShun by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired. Dad said to me,“ jane,don't do anything halfway”. So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so the hill, we went boating in the lake. In the evening we went to eat rice noodles, had a good day.

Everyone in our life should face something we hate,or some one we never want to face.

So,how can we face the difficulties.

Difficulties happen all the time,but do not be afraid of go ahead withe what we are doing with a cry and have a smile ,which is the best way we can use to beat give up and do your best for tomorrows yourself ,believe in that tomorrow will be better.

You see,no matter what difficulties we face,we always smile,dont we?So,earthquake we are not afraid because of our smile;hXnX, we are not afraid because of our smile....

Together forever no matter what happens,and, with a smile,trust that everything can be soved!

I was not able to get high marks when I was in primary school. Teachers didn’t like me because I was not a good student. Mother considered me as a bad kid. They hurt me by thinking I am a retarded child. But I am no fool. Almost all of my paintings were showed in public. Many famous artists had praised me for my paintings. They called me _little prodigy_. And dad was on my side too. He encouraged me to do what I liked and what I thought was proper. He told me that interest is the best teacher, Dad did what he could to develop my talent fully. I believe that interest together with hard work will make me a successful artist in the near future.

Change yourselfWith alarm scream,I rolled up to take from the Friday,the heart has a thought has somewhat walked,hum songs that has left a hundred times,like the heart without any feeling to rush the bell,I dragged a nearly _disabled_ leg outside the week,the bitterness of too much to the sun is in the life,my busy smothering day,whether there is a think oneself grow up together,imagination can be happy to do,but it is a fantasy,in the end,it is the teacher of the adult animal roars at fellow players everything is the primary school yesterday,when HuChui disorderly bubble,high school at the beginning of the rubbish,almost all this happened at the same time,so empty-headed seven workbooks at all,what is it?Ah!Homework!Every time the brain needs slow when you do your homework will to music,play the novel computer,Chou Chou TV.

These past,now already is only want to share,or even a begins,ha ha,so not how serious,but there is always a we are a slave,everything is bound to the good students are slaves,but bad students will manager to break the REINS,freedom is a group of will change into a complete completely obey,it is the need of,is what I need!

I like watching cartoon, but my parents always do not let me watch it. When I watch it, they will ask me to take the bathe, have dinner, do homework and so on. They have so many things need me to do when I want to watch cartoon. They are so annoy. I hate them.


I'm a student from Class 3, Grade 5 in Nanmen Primary School. Every day, we have Chinese and math classes. Every week, we have three English classes.

In the morning, we have four lessons. And we have morning exercise, too.

In the afternoon, we have two classes.

My school life is very busy and fun.

A year ago, I moved to another city with my parents, so I had to say goodbye to my friends and the most beautiful place. I had a lot of fun there, I always went to pick up the fruits in the garden and caught the fish in the clear water. I will never forget about everything. When I have vacation, I will come back.


The failure is the mother of how many people are actually able to grasp the mystery?

General speaking, people are afraid of should we fail to face?The key issues were to understand and transform the world, the defeat was in face of failure is the only correct way to success of our can sum up the lesson from many mistakes, we should be close to success and believe that failure is only failure of the people tend to be alone, around on his support, even a comforting word, can add to his great power.

In a word,failure are not terrible. Horrible is you dont have the courage to face defeat feeling!

The sky outside is very dark and the wind blows the trees. The trees have to blend their back. There is no sun in the sky. It is two o’clock in the afternoon, but it look like the time of seven o’clock at dusk. Suddenly, there is a lightening and then following several. Later the thunder also comes. It is very terrible. The storm is coming.


Many people under the pressure,like don't get good grades in study or don't do well in feel is bad for healthy and study to be we should know how to relax.

First of all,wo need to forget the things that make us we can do some activites we like to also can help you be relaxed to eat some fruit.

At last,keeping in a good interest to your is improtant way to relax,isn't it?

Yesterday was Dragon Boat Festival, and there was dragon boat race in the park. At first, my mother wanted to take me there. But she had no time suddenly. Then I went there with my friends. It was wonderful. There were many people and many people were cheering for the group they supported. It was a happy day.


In my 6 years of study and career, I encountered many setbacks. But these setbacks, no one can beat me, which has a setback let me the most imprint is engraved on my heart.

When I was reading the fifth grade, a day to the final exam, which made me feel the hitherto unknown pressure and panic. I stayed at home all day, soon to enter the state, I put the book on the review of the knowledge points are read was a long sigh of relief. The time flies, the exam is scheduled. This morning I Chinese, English, maths exam this afternoon. Chinese book the look of the review are so examination is very easy, English also did well in the exam, which made me a little get dizzy with success. The afternoon of the math test I because of his carelessness several application problems originally very simple to the wrong, I kept saying to himself: _dont be afraid, just the wrong a few word problem buckle only buckle of more than a dozen hours, I get 80 When I was in comfort, but who would have thought I had only a 70 math, language points, only 77 points. When I saw the marks, immediately silly eye, let me really want to cry but no tears, blame only themselves to blame be big with pride, thought he did well in the exam, and exam in a complete mess.

I took the papers on the way home, the sky seems to do the like, a downpour. The cold wind whistling blowing sand, sand falling rain, thunder rumble, sounded to me this is like a sad song, listen to my heart sour. Very not easy to go home but did not dare go in, has been hovering in the doorway, has not entered. I saw dad saw my score be furious, constantly scolded me to hit me. Finally I have teeth pressed the doorbell, instead of seeing an angry face but a be courteous and accessible face. I really feel feel shy look said: _Mom, I got......._ To the back of the voice is more and more small, finally small like mosquitoes a _buzz_ sound. _Needless to say, we all The mother said quietly. I marveled: _how do you know? Dont you down?_ Mother said: _I see you come back late, call your teacher, the teacher put your grades said, and that we dont hit you, teacher let you speak with I see light suddenly, the original is the teacher to save my life, I hurried to answer the phone said: _thank you, _No thanks, I just want to tell you The teacher said. Say what you want to say. I was quick to promise. _The sunshine after the rain, do not experience wind and rain, how rainbow? If you understand the meaning of this sentence, not afraid of anything like this Then the teacher hung up the phone.

Yeah! Do not experience wind and rain, how rainbow, life is probably not everything is going smoothly, there will always be some ups and downs, as long as we dare to face and learn from it will not have any setbacks can beat us!

I'm like Saturday and Sunday so much!There is no Saturday,I often go to Amy's is my good usually do our homework .We Sometimes play computer Sunday,I also like flying have many colorful kites.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第30篇

spring is the first season of a are there months in spring:March,April and May,The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in It rains a has started to change in ,the trees are turning birds are singing happily As spring comes, everything on earth comes to life. After an overnight s raining, the trees and flowers seem to wear their new clothes. Birds are chanting in trees. Butterflies keep dancing in flowers. All these elements form an elegant spring life.

As spring comes, everything is in a rush. Swallows are busy with building their nests; frogs are busy with breeding their offspring; little grass is busy with growing up; seeds are busy with sprouting. And the farmers are busy with their farm work. Look, how hard they are working in their field! So there s no doubt that they will reap a good harvest through their hard work.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第31篇

Spring is a hopeful and alive you walk through a street in therain,tasting the latex of the clear sky,don't you think it a joys of life? Spring is ing,my dear to the sound of the world and look at the new wind blows our faces different from the winter wind. Do you look forward a sunny day ? Then you can sit on a chair in the garden with flowers are beautiful in the morning in March and ,wait for the sunrise there anybody having a free spirit and tasting a cup of tea,in the new germination of grass.

Spring has been here already,my dear your heart is full of darkness and despair,don't forget your childish dream,and believe,sping is ing soon.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第32篇

春天 Springtime

Winter was gone,spring love spring best,because it's very spring,the weather is aways sunny and rainy,it's not cold and not hot,it's warmer and flowers begin to open and the trees begin to turn birds are singing in the sky,they are animals will go out to people like to go out and enjoy the like wearing my sweater and jeans, I like to fly kites,plant trees and see the beautiful flowers. Spring is colorful,I think it's a wonderful season. What's your favourite season?Please tell me.


英语必修一单元2作文范文 第33篇

As spring comes, everything on earth comes to life.


After an overnight’s raining, the trees and flowers seem to wear their new clothes.


Birds are chanting in trees. Butterflies keep dancing in flowers.


All these elements form an elegant spring life.


As spring comes, everything is in a rush.


Swallows are busy with building their nests; frogs are busy with breeding their offspring; little grass is busy with growing up; seeds are busy with sprouting.


And the farmers are busy with their farm work. Look, how hard they are working in their field!


So there's no doubt that they will reap a good harvest through their hard work.


英语必修一单元2作文范文 第34篇


point upset ignore calm down cheat list share a series of crazy purpose dare thunder entire(~ly)trust according to power suffer recover suitcase situation disagree be concerned about walk the dog set down face to face be/get tired of get along with fall in love make a list communicate with


1)add vt/vi加;添加;增添

add up合计 加起来,但在口语中有时用于否定句,表示“莫名其妙,不说明问题”。

add up to 总计共达,所有一切都说明,总而言之。

add sth(to sth)把……加到……里去。

add to 增加,扩建。

add 表示“继续说,补充说”。




2)cheat v 欺骗;作弊 n 骗子;作弊者;骗人的事

cheat sb of sth cheat sth out of sb 从某人处欺诈某物

cheat on/at/in 作弊,欺诈

3)list v 将事物列于表上;编事物的目录 n 名单;目录;一览表

make a list of 造表,列……表

take…off the list 从表上去掉……

stand first on the list 居首位,列前茅

as listed above 如上所列


share in 分享,分担,共用

share sth with sb 和某人共用/共享某事物

share out 分配,分发;得到股息,升股息

share(n.)in/of 一分,部分

4)trust vi/vt 信任,信赖;依赖

trust in 相信,信任,信仰

trust to 依靠(运气等),依赖

trust that… 希望,想

5)suffer vt/vi 遭受,受到,蒙受;受痛苦,受折磨,受惩罚,受损伤

suffer from 受……伤害;患……病痛

注意:suffer 和 suffer from 都不能用于被动语态

6)calm vt/vi/adj. 使平静;使镇定。平静的,镇静的,沉着的。

calm down平静下来,镇定下来





be concerned about 担心,关心

as/so far as…be concerned 关于,至于,就某人而言

have no concern for 毫不关心

concern oneself in/with/about sth 忙于,从事;关心,关切

have a concern in 和……有厉害关系

be concerned in/with 参与,与……有关

8)separate v/adj 分开,和……分手;单独的,分开的,不同的

separate…from 使……和……分离

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第35篇

Military Training

When September comes, it is the time for students to go to school, for the freshmen, they need to join the military training at the beginning of the semester. It will be a hard time for them, because they are princes and princess at home, now they need to be burned in the hot sun, how terrible it is. But the military training is good for the new students, they will learn to be a strong person, they have to bear the hot sun, listen to the order. Comparing at home, most students will give orders to their parents, they are spoiled by their parents. But when they come to the school, they need to live alone, so they must learn to get along with others.

When they meet troubles, sometimes they need to get over them, military training teaches students to be a strong person, no matter what difficulty they have met.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第36篇
































































































英语必修一单元2作文范文 第37篇


Spring is finally here!


Colorful rainbow set up a beautiful overpass, colorful flowers opened a beautiful smile, lovely little swallow fluttered powerful wings from the South and flew back, green grass opened their bleary eyes and looked at the beautiful world, the spring wind is combing the hair for sister Liu Shujie, combing, and the willow top is green.


In spring, we take off our thick cotton padded jacket and play to our heart's content: some are flying kites, some are playing football, some are going for spring outings....... Look, how happy we are!

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第38篇

Bitterly cold winter may once come, but now it has gone.

As my bike has been stolen, I have to run from one teaching building to another every day.

The bell declares the end of the last lesson and the beginning of a new journey. Tired as I am, at the sight of the bench, I go straight to it. As soon as I get seated, a world of fresh green immediately catches my eyes. Grass sprouts burst through the soil right in the place of the withered grass and turn the dull grey into fresh green. As I look up, I find those tall trees have also put on new clothes. Green, here and there, everywhere!Spring has come, I realize suddenly.

A breeze stirs, sending over breaths of fragrance. I trace it,surprised to find several lovely small white flowers dotted on a tree. Andthere are even some singing birds! I am so delighted with all these tiny lives that my fatigue vanishes all of a sudden.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第39篇










英语必修一单元2作文范文 第40篇

Spring Spring, reviving everything. Gently twist the spring a beautiful posture, to wake up sleeping in the underground life. In the branches, it is already bursting out with a beautiful life, they are trying to grow with, it seems that the only way to return the land nourished, they grow with and happy to grow with, and strive to make their own blooming the most beautiful colors. Qingqing lake, Yang Liu Yiyi.

Thin thick willow shoots open, gently cage corner to bixi live, semi-curved springs, luring countless butterflies attracted countless bees, confused the hundreds of thousands of hiding behind the fragile soul in the text. They enjoy the bloom, for the sole reward that nourish their land and wake-up to their spring. Spring breeze woke up everything, but also blow the return of their awake heart. That heart, in the flower-decked in the bud gradually.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第41篇

As soon as I was enrolled in college I reit a big burden off my mind. So did my classmates. We just wanted to relax. But at our first English Lesson on how to improve our study the teacher told us,“ There is no end to learning. You can only become a top student with additional work.” And she says hard work is rewarding.

The teacher's words awakened me. In fact everyone in the world is always learning. Man's talents are like wild plants. They need cutting and pruning with the tool of learning, We lears not only inside the classroom but also outside the classroom. Learning is a process in which man adapts to his surroundings. It is driven by man's desire to win respect and to contribute to society. It is the curiosity for knowledge stimulated by knowledge itself.“ To learn is to be young. Not to learn is to die.” This saying applies to every society and to all ages.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第42篇

When the first thunder rumbling ringing in the ears, when the first spring rain xixilili floats to the hair, when the first array when spring breeze touched the small face, winter grandpa quietly away, the spring girl walked with light footsteps came to our side.

Ah! Tano Mami in the spring! In the boundless rape, a large yellow greet our eyes. In the sun, a golden glow, like a sea between yellow and green, is like a blanket. The farmer's uncle in the field is sowing hard. At this time, although a lot of sweat, but the thought of the autumn harvest, the face is filled with a smile.

Ah! The park in spring is really beautiful. The grass out head, tender, green. The willow out of bud, like green braid, like a green ribbon, blooming flowers fall over each other charming smile, red Sihuo, white as snow, Huang Sheng Jin, powder Ru Xia, is really beautiful!

Ah! In spring, you give your life and hope to the earth. I love you, spring!

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第43篇

Spring is my favorite season. In spring days, everything comes out. While you are walking outside, your eyes will be filled with green.

In spring days, our world is a sunny place, which is covered with green trees and colorful flowers, so it can be described as a paradise. Especially when you are in the countryside, you can see green mountains, vast fields, clean streams, and all the living creatures, coexisting harmoniously. All of them make up the most beautiful picture in the world.

In spring days, the sun shines brightly, and there's also some pleasant breeze. So how charming it is while feeling the spring wind blow us. It's also wonderful to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. You will also get a lot of refreshments while having a walk outside.

I hope we can enjoy the life of spring every day.

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第44篇

春天到了,小草变绿了,花儿开放了,蝴蝶和小蜜蜂匆匆忙碌着;小河的水变清了,鱼儿在快活地游来游去;东风吹来,风筝飞满了天;阳光里,不知名的小飞虫在跳跃着;小蚂蚁也钻出洞 穴,忙着找食物;大树脱下厚厚的冬衣,发出嫩芽;小朋友们也脱下那厚厚的棉衣,换上春装,手拉手在暖暖的阳光下蹦呀。跳呀······春天真美!

When spring comes, the grass turns green, the flowers open, the butterflies and the bees are busy in a hurry; the water in the river becomes clear, the fish are swimming around happily; the east wind blows, the kites fly all over the sky; in the sun, the unknown flying insects are jumping; the ants are also drilling holes Hole, busy looking for food; tree take off the thick winter clothes, send out buds; children also take off the thick cotton clothes, put on the spring clothes, hand in hand in the warm sun jump ah. Jump... Spring is beautiful!

英语必修一单元2作文范文 第45篇

Spring is the first season of a year, There are there months in spring : Morch , April and May , The weather is warm and windy. It rains a lot. The trees turn green and all the flowers are coming ont. In spring, I can wear my shirts. I often plant trees and go hiking . So I like spring very much. Of course, I like the Spring Festival, too.


Today is a rainy day and its cold with the temperature of 5℃. There are only a few people on the street and they all wear thick down coats and boots. They walk quickly and seem to go somewhere to escape from cold.

It has been cold for a very long time and this winter is colder than ever, but I like it very much because I was born in winter. Besides, in my oppion, only the coldness makes a real winter.



英语必修一单元2作文范文 第46篇

Winter was gone,spring love spring best,because it's very beautiful.

In spring,the weather is aways sunny and rainy,it's not cold and not hot,it's warmer and flowers begin to open and the trees begin to turn birds are singing in the sky,they are animals will go out to play.

Many people like to go out and enjoy the like wearing my sweater and jeans, I like to fly kites,plant trees and see the beautiful flowers.

Spring is colorful,I think it's a wonderful season. What's your favourite season?Please tell me.



