

导读 Walking on campus, you always find that you are surrounded by enonnous posters for college are various organizations catering for students' different

建立英语四级作文框架 第1篇

Walking on campus, you always find that you are surrounded by enonnous posters for college are various organizations catering for students' different interests,sucb as Football Club,tbe Guitar Society,the Pop Music Society,and Society of photograpbers,and the Volunteer's Society,etc.

The reason why some students are so entbusiastic about college societies is mainly that they can obtain what they can't get from tbe societies,students will develop their interests and talents,and gain opportunity to communicate with others, which can help them grow into men or women of all-round development.

Taking all tbe above into consideration,I think it is advisable for students to participate in some activities can help them relax after hard work and add enjoyment and excitement to their campus societies provide students with opportunities to contact witb more people and prepare tbem for life outside campus. Apart from outstanding acadernic acbievements,the modem society requires of young students many qualities,such as being cooperative,innovative, responsible and the students' participating in college societies is a practical approach for their comprehensive development.




建立英语四级作文框架 第2篇

Technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. As a young person, I believe that technology has both positive and negative effects on our lives.

On the one hand, technology has made our lives more convenient and efficient. We can communicate with people from all over the world, access information at our fingertips, and automate many tasks that were once time-consuming and labor-intensive. Moreover, technology has also led to many breakthroughs in fields such as medicine, transportation, and energy, which have improved our quality of life and expanded our possibilities.

On the other hand, technology can also have negative effects on our social and psychological well-being. For example, it can lead to social isolation, addiction, and cyberbullying, as we may spend too much time on our devices and neglect face-to-face interactions. In addition, technology can also have ethical and privacy concerns, as it may be used to manipulate or exploit individuals and groups.

In conclusion, technology is a powerful tool that can bring both benefits and challenges. We should use it responsibly and critically, and be mindful of its impact on our lives and society. By harnessing the potential of technology while addressing its negative effects, we can create a more equitable and sustainable future.





建立英语四级作文框架 第3篇

Environmental protection is a pressing issue that affects us all. As a responsible citizen, I believe that we all have a role to play in protecting the environment.

Firstly, we need to be aware of the impact of our daily actions on the environment. For example, we can reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation, turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and reducing our consumption of meat and dairy products. Moreover, we can also reduce waste by recycling, composting, and using reusable bags and containers.

Secondly, we need to advocate for policies and practices that promote environmental sustainability. This includes supporting renewable energy sources, protecting natural habitats and biodiversity, and reducing pollution and waste. We can also participate in environmental activism and raise awareness about the importance of environmental protection.

In conclusion, environmental protection is a collective responsibility that requires individual and collective action. By making small changes to our daily habits and advocating for environmental sustainability, we can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable planet.



