

导读 Taiwan is also known as Formosa, an island in East Asia, far away fm the mainland of China, in the southwest of the main Japanese islands, but in the

闽南小吃翻译的总结 第1篇

Taiwan is also known as Formosa, an island in East Asia, far away fm the mainland of China, in the southwest of the main Japanese islands, but in the west of the Japanese Ryukyu Islands, north-east of Philippines, east to the Pacific Ocean, south of the Chinese mainland and Luzon Strait, and the long distance of the islands to the north of the Taiwan Strait and the East China Sea. The population of Taiwan is estimated to be nd 10000 people, most of which are the descendants of the early Han immigrants, known as _hometown people_ (pinyin: B ě NSH ě ng) R e n literally means _hometown people_. This gup contains o sub gups: the southern Fukien, the Minnan people and the Minnan people who migrate fm the southeast coast of China to the southern Fujian (Minnan) area.

The Hakka people who moved to Guangdong oginally, and the population of Taiwan are called exogenous people (Chinese: Pinyin: W ishng). R e n, literally _mainlanders_ or _mainland Chinese_, is composed and descended fm Chinese mainland immigrants who arved after World War II. This gup mainly includes refugees who fled the Chinese mainland under the following circumstances.

In China's civil war, and young people be to call the mainland _new residents_ for political reasons..


也被称为福尔摩沙,是一个位于岛屿,远离大陆海岸,在主要岛屿西南部,但在琉球群岛西面,在菲律宾西北偏北,东临太平洋,南南海和吕宋海峡,西经海峡和东海以北岛屿长公里,宽公里,由陡峭高山组成,被热带和亚热带植被覆盖,人口估计在万人左右,其中大部分在岛上人口大约是这些汉族人早期汉族移民后代被称为“家乡人”(中文:拼音:Běnshěng rén字面意思是“家乡人”这个群体包含两个亚群:从大陆东南沿海闽南(闽南)地区移民总人口中南部福建人或“闽南人”和“闽南人”原南迁广东客家人,它周边地区和人口被称为外生人(中文:拼音:Wáishng rén,字面意思是“外省人”)或“大陆人”,由二战后抵达大陆移民组成和后裔。这一群体主要包括在下列情况下逃离大陆难民在内战中,由于原因,越来越多年轻人开始称大陆人为“新居民”。

闽南小吃翻译的总结 第2篇

Eae8a2adaf ce pordge white ce glutinous ce oil ce stewed pork ce egg sweet potato pordge wonton noodles sesame paste noodles duck goose noodles eel noodles seafood noodles pork, pickled mustard green noodles oyster thin noodles fed ce noodles green bean noodles fish ball soup meatball soup egg vegetable soup clam soup oyster soup laver soup sugar and vinegar soup wonton pig ssage soup Pork Soup squid soup squid soup vegetable gelatin tomato stick longevity peach glutinous ce sesame balls Iced oatmeal, iced sweet potato, iced red bean with milk ice eight treases ice tofu pudding sugar cane juice plum juice star juice vanilla juice oyster fed egg ll coffin stinky tofu oil tofu spicy hot tofu shmp biscuit shmp ball spng ll chicken ll salted ce pudding ce tube pudding red bean cake bean paste cake pig blood cake glutinous ce cake fed white radish pie ta cake Taiwan meatball pyramid dumpling ce dumpling ded tofu paste Fed leek dumplings steamed dumplings steamed bread steamed sandwich ce vegetable new year cake egg salted duck egg soybean milk ce peanut milk Angelica duck.



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闽南小吃翻译的总结 第3篇

Stewed liver, yam, jujube ll, fed ginger, fed butter cake, pea cake, ear ist sugar, mung bean juice, tea sugar / flo tea / oil tea cake, caramel, sugar cspy doughnut, sweet baked dough cake, bean paste cake / precipitate fed beans.

