

导读 be promoted to 被提升为/be proposed as (被提名推荐为)一般来说,对记叙文注意5w和1h;对描述文注意主要情节,对说明文或论证文要注意主旨句。我明白做对公司有利的事等于对自己有利,所以我严格遵从指示并经常向我的主管汇报。

经验总结英语作文 第1篇

Have you got any experience in advertising?


Do you have any sales experience?


Do you have any practical experience as a secretary?


Yes,I have been working in the Public Relations Section of a company in the past two years.


Yes,I worked in a fashion shop last summer as part-time salesgirl.


Yes, have been a secretary in an insurance company.


Although I have no experience in this field, I'm willing to learn.


I am sorry to say that I have no experience in this field.


Would you tell me the essential qualities a secretary should maintain?


Well,to begin with,I'd say she needs to be diligent,and the second point is that she has to do a lot of things on her own ,she can make report writing,summary writing,keep minutes at meetings,and so important of all is that she seems to have a better memory than average.


What have you learned from jobs you have held?


Above all,I have learned that what is good for the company is good for I follow the instructions strictly and always keep my boss informed.


What work were you responsible for at your previous work unit?


I was responsible for advertising designs.


How many employer have you worked for?


经验总结英语作文 第2篇

It's a problem for our graduates to start work immediately or continue to study postgraduate. After graduation, they feel confused at the crossroads of life. In fact, most students will face a dilemma when they graduate from university.

This is a challenge: different people, I think, may have different ideas in the process of graduate study Almost every aspect can not find a job, four years of college life is just to lay a solid foundation, and the development of experience is not in place, the best way is to strike while the iron is hot. In order to help make greater progress, anyone who wants to excel in his field must be an expert who needs very complex knowledge.

经验总结英语作文 第3篇

There are many advantages for a student to have a part-time job. For instance, it helps him to realize that no success comes from nothing. It enables him to be independent and builds up his self-confidence. Therefore, part-time jobs can get the students out of the ivory tower and give them the opportunity to know more of himself and of his personal value in society.

As everything has two sides, the disadvantages cant be ignored. First, part-time jobs shorten students study time. Second, some even become so preoccupied with making money that they cant focus their attention on studying. In the end, the students may fall behind or fail in their studies.

Personally, I believe students can choose to take up a job according to their own situation. The most important thing is for him to keep a good balance, put his study on top of the list and assign an adequate amount of time to it. (158 words)

经验总结英语作文 第4篇










经验总结英语作文 第5篇

⑧i:please tell me about your working experience.

⑨i:does your present employer know you are looking for another job?

a:no, i haven‘t discussed my career plans with my present employer, but i am sure he will understand.

经验总结英语作文 第6篇

It's a problem for our graduates to start work or continue to study graduate students immediately. After graduation, they feel confused at the crossroads of their lives. In fact, most students will face a dilemma when they graduate from university.

This is a challenge: different people may have totally different ideas from the learning philosophy of graduate students that I pursue. For four years College life has more or less a solid foundation. And professional development has not yet begun, and the best way is to strike while the iron is hot to help make substantial progress ahead of time.

Anyone who wants to excel in his field must be an expert who needs very complex knowledge.

经验总结英语作文 第7篇

Some people enjoy working in collaboration with human, while others prefer to comperate with am favor of the latter.

There are a moount of advantage in work with image that ,population is thriving at a cray in the present in the it is always just the artificial cultivation,I am fear there will be many people starved to ,machines can improve the efficiency ,they are not afriad of weathered,thus they could satify the human to demand for food.

In addition to agriculture,there are dangeous aerial work or some dirty and a lot of effort to work, let machines to do will be increasingly with machines is a change.

经验总结英语作文 第8篇


Q: Have you got any achievement or received any honor in the company?

A1: Yes, I was chosen as one of “employees of the month” last year. And as a sales manager I succeeded in raising yearly sales volume by 25%.


A2: As I am an administrative secretary, I have develop a secretary's training manual which explains procedures and significantly reduces clerical errors.


《 白领英语900句》:即使是以打字,复印文件和接电话为主要工作的秘书,在简历中也加进了这样的accomplishment,用以显示其杰出的能力,会给面试官留下深刻的印象。在说明业绩成就时,会经常用到develop这个词,会给人以复杂,罗唆的感觉,尝试用运以下词丰富于变化。Create(创作);compose(写作); design(设计); establish(建立); formulate(创制); implement(实施);institute(制定);introduce(引进);organize(组织);set up(设立)

A3: I'll be glad to .Being an electrical engineer of Macro Motor Company Ltd., I improved our assembly line of the electric fans. As a result the annual output has been greatly increased.

Q: Why are you leaving your current position?

A1: I need to be challenged to develop my potential further. I'm interested in additional responsibility and new opportunity, which unfortunately are limited at Macro Motor Company Ltd. Because of company restructuring.

《白领英语900句》:当今社会跳槽已不是什么新鲜的事儿,不必可以隐瞒。但过于频繁的更换工作可能会给面试官以不安份的印象,你可强调:多种工作背景使自己经验丰富,能更好地为新雇主服务,而且你已希望安定下来。你可以把责任归咎于自己的'年轻不成数,而工作经历已使你成长,变得稳定多了。类似的或许还会问:“How many employers have you worked for?/How many work units have you served? 旨在了解你曾换过几次工作。


accomplish 完成任务等

achievement 工作成就

administer 管理

analyze 分析

appointed 被任命的

assist 辅助

be promoted to 被提升为/be proposed as (被提名推荐为)

breakthrough 关键问题的解决

conduct 经营,处理

duties 职责

eliminate 消除

expand 扩大,推广

execute 实行,实施


operate 操作operating the fax and duplicators(操作传真机和打印机)

sponsor 主办

supervise (监督,管理)


A: Have you worked as a secretary?

B:Yes, I have worked as a secretary in an investment company?

A:What are you doing now?

B:I'm learning English and I hope I can get more chances.

A:Could you tell me what's your last job?

B:Of course, I worked at an advertisement Co. Ltd. And I do sales work.

A:Would you mind telling me the name of the company?

B:OK, the name is Xinyue Internet Co. Ltd.

A:Have you got any achievement or received any honor in the company?

B:Yes, I was chosen as one of ”employees of the month“ last year. And as a sales manager I succeeded in raising yearly sales volume by 25%.

A:Well, you've done a good work.




1. Describe the best company you ever worked for. (Think carefully about what ”best company_ means to you as an employee and develop your script from your experience. Write it in the lines provided after the following two samples.)

2. What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?

经验总结英语作文 第9篇

The month of June means the end of a semester for most students, while for college students, they are busy in the job market, they will graduate and need to find the first job in their lives. According to the research, college students’ expectations on first job have changed during these years.

The report showed that the salary is no longer considered in the first place. Nowadays, college students expect to earn more than 5,000 RMB every month. This overweighs average companies can offer. But if the enterprise culture attracts them, they are willing to accept this job. Enterprise culture has been the most important factor for students to think about.

经验总结英语作文 第10篇

When students graduate from college, many of them will face a big problem---the high unemployment rate. With the development of the science and technology, the requirement of the society towards talent is becoming higher.

Firstly, the graduate students must work hard during university. At school, we must not only learn knowledge in the class but also we should read more books from library. Secondly, we must have more experience to face it The society is complicated Last but not least, when we choose a job, we must ask ourselves two questions, what do we think we would like to be and what kind of people are we? We must choose a job that is suit us.

Business makes a man as well as tries him.

经验总结英语作文 第11篇







经验总结英语作文 第12篇




1) Do you have any work experience in this field? 你有这个行业的工作经验吗?

2) What kind of jobs have you had? 你做过哪些工作?

3) What`s your responsibility at your present work unit? 现在这个单位你负责什么工作?

4) I am responsible for product distribution. 我负责产品销售。

5) I have 4 yearsexperience in staff management. 我有四年管理员工的经验。

6) I have experience as a receptionist. 我做过接待员。

7) What have you learned from the jobs you have had? 你从过去的工作中学到了什么?

8) Would you like to tell me something about your outstanding achievements? 谈谈你的工作业绩好吗?

9) How would you evaluate the company you are with? 你将如何评价你现在的公司?


(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)

Dialogue 1

I: Do you have any work experience in this field?

A: Yes. After my graduation from university, I worked as a Customer Service Coordinator in a foreign representative office, and then I transferred to a joint venture as a Market Development Manager. So I am familiar with the market in China.

I: What have you learned from the jobs you have had?

A: I learned to be patient when dealing with customers complaints and try my best to solve them. In addition, I learned at my previous jobs how to cooperate with my colleagues.

I: Does your current employer know you are looking for another job?

A: No, I haven`t discussed my leaving plans with my current employer, but I am sure he will release me.

I: What is your impression of your present company?

A: Very good.

I: What would your current colleague say about you?

A: They would say I`m a dependable and hard worker.

I: 你有这个行业的工作经验吗?

A: 有,在我大学毕业后,我就到一家外企代理处做了一名顾客服务协调员,之后我转到一家合资企业做市场发展部经理,所以我对中国市场非常熟悉,

I: 那你从以前的工作中学到了些什么?

A: 我学会了在处理客户的抱怨时要有耐心而且要尽力为他们解决困难。而且,我还学会了如何与同事共同合作。

I: 你现在的老板知道你在找另一份工作吗?

A: 不知道,我还没有和他讨论我要离职的计划,但我坚信他会让我走的。

I: 你对你现在这个公司印象如何?

A: 非常好。

I: 你现在的同事会如何评价你呢?

A: 他们会说我是一个值得信赖并且工作刻苦的人。

Dialogue 2

I: What kind of jobs have you had?

A: I have been a Production Manager.

I: How many years have you worked as a Production Manager?

A: 3 years.

I: Would you like to tell me something about your outstanding achievements?

A: I had introduced an advanced product line, which increased the output and lessened the cost.

I: Wonderful. Then how many employers have you worked for?

A: Frankly speaking, three. If your company employs me, it will be my fourth.

I: Then have you received any award at your present company?

A: Yes. I was awarded the title of advanced Worker last year.

I: How would you evaluate the company you are with?

A: Although I could not say that everything is perfect there,I still very much appreciate what the company has given me,especial many chances.

I: How would your colleagues evaluate you?

A: They would say I am a responsible friend and a capable colleague.

I: Can you get recommendations from your present employers?

A: Yes, I have brought them with me. Here they are.

I: Do you have any questions?

A: I think that you have covered all the important points already. But if I have any questions later I will contact you.

I: 你都做过什么工作?

A: 我做过生产经理。

I: 你做了几年的生产经理?

A: 三年。

I: 能给我谈谈你的突出业绩吗?

经验总结英语作文 第13篇


Senior Internal Auditor

Conducted operational and financial audits of .

Designed and implemented audit programs to test theefficiency of all

aspects of accounting controls.

Recommended changes and improvements to corporate anddivisional management.

Trained and supervised staff auditors in all aspectsof accounting controls.

Trained and supervised staff auditors in all aspectsof the audit engagement.

Involved with corporate management in areas of acquisitionand corporate development.


Staff Auditor

Plan,identify,and test controls;present findings and recommend actions to management.

Assist in the audits of New England,Northwest,New Jersey,Washington, Great Lakes Districts and General Ledger Group.


office Manager

Arrange logistics for office expansion and office procedures and filing system,client billing system and supplies;maintain word processing and receptionist responsibilities.

Stevenson Data Systems,Los Angeles,CA

Components Evaluation Engineer

Responsible for the characterization and evaluation of,and approved vendors list for:Power supplies,oscillators,crystals,and programmable logic used in desktop and laptop and recommended quality components

that increased product and developed power supply

test plan used for evaluating third party power with vendors to resolve problems associated with components qualification.

Technical advisor for to Engineerll.







Signature____________________________ Date _________________________

经验总结英语作文 第14篇


当今社会,各种知识更新换代较快,旧知识迅速的老化,新知识飞速的生成。如果我们教师仍然死守着自己的传统教学方法、理念,不愿意学习新知识,那么势必跟不上时代发展。所以,教师的假期再教育再学习就显得尤为的重要了。 远程教育培训是在职教师继续教育改革的一项新举措,它不同于以往我们所接受的传统的教育培训,它是应用网络平台,搭建了一个的教育空间,在这个崭新的学习环境中,参加培训的学员不需要统一的时间和地点,可以根据自己的计划随时进行学习。这种全新的教育培训方式给我们充分自由的同时,也需要我们充分了解自己所处的学习环境,选择适合自己的学习方式,掌握学习技巧、策略,最终学会学习。




通过这次远程教育培训,我深刻地体会到新课程教学应该是:“学生在老师的指导下,通过自己亲自去体验、尝试,来获得知识,逐渐打下学会生活、学会学习的能力,从各个方面来培养学生探究事物的兴趣和积极的态度,以学生为主体,教师尽量只起到指导的作用,以培养学生的能力为中心,为重点。上课的教师自身素质要高,驾驭课堂能力要强,对于学生错误性的认识,教师能够及时予以讲解。另外教师要善于运用启发,提问题时要有针对性,让学生有的放矢;幽默、流畅、优美的语言也很有吸引力。教师要注重学生探究能力的培养,让每个学生都有展示自我的机会等等。” 当一名教师容易,但是要当好一名教师却是不易的,我在深深地问自己,我做到了没有?我们的老师做到了没有?我们必须要转变观念,采取一些行之有效的措施。





经验总结英语作文 第15篇

Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should gain some work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision. Do you agree or disagree?

In this competitive society, employment experience and abundant information have become very important features of ordinary students future. Nevertheless, it does not seem many holders of a high school diploma should apply for a job or travel before being enrolled in the university. The above point is certainly true; this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that students study will be delayed and disadvantaged. The academic knowledge of students will not progress. In this special period of life, students have the best memory and intellect. If they do not work hard at study, they will lose it and that cannot be compensated by good salary or wide information. If they choose to straight away enroll at university, they would gain a better future.

Another reason is that knowledge of students is not enough to keep them cope with work requirements. Many holders of a high school diploma are taught that the subjects are too academic. They are not trained for professional technology in practice, so they find it difficult to get opportunities of employment. Only limited and ordinary opportunities of work are provided to students, it is just a dream that means they could not obtain plenty of work experience.

Last but not the least reason is the students whose mental capacity is not sufficient to understand complex interpersonal relationships. Holders of a high school diploma are so young that they are not good at interpersonal communicating skills. In addition, the adult world is too dangerous and unreadable to students who dont have strong ability of analysis.

In conclusion, the students ought to keep on studying in university after they finish their courses in high school, and attending to study is definitely right in school. It is my firmly held view that students should not give up study just for the experience of employment and abundant information.

经验总结英语作文 第16篇






经验总结英语作文 第17篇

It was a little far from my school to the family of my student. But the feeling of being a teacher and making money by myself conquered all difficulties, even the far way and tire. 20 RMB per hour was enough to me whose cost of living was only 400 RMB per month at that time. Every Friday afternoon and Sunday morning I went to teach by bike with songs in ears, green field in my eyes, soft wind on my face. What a happy time and a happy small boy! Hehe!It was nearly about June, before the high exam, I was unemployed. With a little sorrow and 600 yuan, I ended my first job. But the door of life would never be closed. With the closing of the old, a new one must be opened.

经验总结英语作文 第18篇


Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should gain some work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision. Do you agree or disagree?

In this competitive society, employment experience and abundant information have become very important features of ordinary students' future. Nevertheless, it does not seem many holders of a high school diploma should apply for a job or travel before being enrolled in the university. The above point is certainly true; this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that students' study will be delayed and disadvantaged. The academic knowledge of students will not progress. In this special period of life, students have the best memory and intellect. If they do not work hard at study, they will lose it and that cannot be compensated by good salary or wide information. If they choose to straight away enroll at university, they would gain a better future.

Another reason is that knowledge of students is not enough to keep them cope with work requirements. Many holders of a high school diploma are taught that the subjects are too academic. They are not trained for professional technology in practice, so they find it difficult to get opportunities of employment. Only limited and ordinary opportunities of work are provided to students, it is just a dream that means they could not obtain plenty of work experience.

Last but not the least reason is the students whose mental capacity is not sufficient to understand complex interpersonal relationships. Holders of a high school diploma are so young that they are not good at interpersonal communicating skills. In addition, the adult world is too dangerous and unreadable to students who don't have strong ability of analysis.

In conclusion, the students ought to keep on studying in university after they finish their courses in high school, and attending to study is definitely right in school. It is my firmly held view that students should not give up study just for the experience of employment and abundant information.

经验总结英语作文 第19篇















经验总结英语作文 第20篇

Whatkind youdo after you graduate? We havetwo choices. Academic work Commercialwork. Well, academicwork. universityteacher. First academicwork means freedom usemy own idea makemy own decisions. I’ll have plenty time domy own research writemy books. Furthermore, universityeducation basicfactors decidewhether you could compete jobmarket. amsuitable academic,because myundergraduate graduatestudent.

Above all, doing academicwork allows me enjoywatching latestdevelopment Commercialcompany, keptunder close watch manysupervisors. don’tlike ’s worse, many business activities full manypeople commercialwork earnmoney. academicwork bringme material comforts, myspirit pursuit.

经验总结英语作文 第21篇

Work and Play

work and play are two important parts in peoples life, but some times they are contradictory, whether we can balance them has much to do with our success.

some people think that we should do more work, because everyone has a limited life, and we should make as many contributions as we can to society. besides, we can acquire more knowledge and gain more eperience by hard work, which will help us a lot later in our believe that we should spare enough time for play. there is a saying that all work and no play makes john a dull boy. play makes people feel relaed and free them from the stress of work.

in this sense, it is also beneficial to our health. so if we dont play, we cant work well. in my opinion, we should do more work when we are young be cause we are energetic, and we can spend more time playing and enjoying our life when we become aged. of course, we should never overdo things and never indulge ourselves with play.

经验总结英语作文 第22篇







还有城阳二小的唐文青老师执教的Module 5 Unit 1的一节课,也让我开了眼界。唐老师课堂教学技巧娴熟,逐渐形成了自己的教学风格,为了突破重难点,老师运用了抢答的形式,调动了学生的积极性,为了吸引学生的注意力,老师自制了钟表,让学生在学中玩,玩中学,愉悦了课堂,充分发挥了学生的主体作用。

三、 理念和思想的更新








经验总结英语作文 第23篇

In the past two years of my college life, I have never ceased to think what kind of work I shall take up upon graduation. Although my ideas are not consistent, I have now decided to start a business of my own as my lifelong career.

A variety of factors have led me to make this decision over other more lucrative ones. To begin with, running my own business means freedom and independence. As a person having my own business, I am free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions. More importantly, I like starting my own business in that it offers a certain peace of mind. No more rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, no more worries about your paycheck which is steady, if not handsome.

Nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the satisfaction of being your own boss and a gentle peace of life.

经验总结英语作文 第24篇

Many people are inclined to do one job in their lives. In their opinions, people who change their jobs frequently are superficial and tactless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.

But there are still many people who don’t agree. They argue that change means progress. If you are not satisfied with your present job, of course you have the right to replace it with a more challenging and better paid one. Every change is a step to further success. This idea may be. the reason why they change their jobs so often.

For my part, I think it reasonable to change your job if you have a better opportunity. But once you have found a position where you can fully display your ability, it is advisable to settle down to it and put all your efforts into it. Only in this way, can you get the true joy of achieving your goal.

经验总结英语作文 第25篇











经验总结英语作文 第26篇


1)Do you have any work experience in this field?


2)What kind of jobs have you had?


3)What's your responsibility at your present work unit?


4)Please tell me about your working experience.


5)Have you ever been employed?


6)What kind of job are you doing now?


7)Do you have any work experience in this field?


8)Do you have any work history in this field?


9)Do you have any occupational history in this field?


10)Do you have any specific experience in this field?


11)What have you learned from the jobs you have had?


12)Would you like to tell me something about your outstanding achievements?


13)How would you evaluate the company you are with?


14)Give me a summary of your current job description.


15)How do you rate yourself as a professional?


16)What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?


17)What makes you think you would be a success in this position?


18)Are you a multi-tasked individual?
