

导读 在这个下着蒙蒙细雨的日子里,我静候在电视机前,关注着东京奥运会的比赛。看完比赛后,我感叹万千,此生不悔入华夏,来世还做中国人!因为我身后是强大的祖国!On the whole, the Chinese table tennis team signed well and had the strengt

东京奥运会的范文英文 第1篇







东京奥运会的范文英文 第2篇












东京奥运会的范文英文 第3篇

The strong performance of Italian and Serbian women's volleyball teams in the Tokyo cycle is undoubtedly the most conspicuous impact, and the old strong teams such as the United States and Brazil can not be ignored. At the Tokyo Olympic Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team was divided into group B together with Italy, the United States, Turkey, Russia and Argentina. The first game against Turkey on July 25 is a good training opportunity for the Chinese women's volleyball team to enter the state and adapt to the game, and it can also prepare and adjust for the second game of the American women's volleyball team. The highlight of the group stage is undoubtedly the strong dialogue with the Italian women's volleyball team on July 31, which is also the key battle to determine the qualification ranking. Generally speaking, although the Chinese women's volleyball team was divided into strong groups, such opponents and schedule gave them more full warm-up and difficult tests. After all, the key is the knockout.

After stepping down from the podium of the Rio Olympic Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team started again in a down-to-earth manner, made steady progress in the Tokyo Olympic cycle, and successively won many honors, including the Grand Champions Cup, the world cup champion and the third runner up of the world championships; On the basis of taking Zhu Ting, Yan Ni, Ding Xia, Yuan Xinyue, Zhang Changning, Gong Xiangyu and other Rio Olympic champion members as the team members, new stars such as Li YingYing and Wang Yuanyuan were added, especially the strong main attack line is the most lethal weapon of this Chinese women's volleyball team.

东京奥运会的范文英文 第4篇

The first draw on that day was mixed doubles. Unlike singles, each team can only send a pair of players to participate in mixed doubles. Because the Chinese table tennis team has obvious advantages in team competitions, and there are two players in men's and women's singles, only one pair of mixed doubles with a combination has become a relatively unstable link in all fronts of the national table tennis. As the No. 1 seed, Xu Xin / Liu Shiwen had a good signing. Their first round opponent was Wang Yu / Zhang mo of Canada. In the whole upper half of the region, Huang Zhenting / Du Kaiyu from Hong Kong, China is most likely to pose a threat to the _Xinwen_ combination. However, in the Olympic simulation match in June, Xu Xin / Liu Shiwen won 4-1. If the _Xinwen_ combination successfully qualifies from the first half of the zone, the final is likely to face the host player Suzuka / ITO Meicheng, provided that the latter breaks through the second half of the zone with good players such as Chinese Taipei combination Lin Yunru / Zheng Yijing and Korean combination Li Shangzhu / Tian Zhixi. As mixed doubles is the first single to determine the champion in table tennis, it is particularly critical whether Xu Xin / Liu Shiwen can get off to a good start.

In the women's team draw, the top seed China fell to No. 1. The first round opponent was Austria, and then the winner against France and Singapore. China's potential opponent in the semi-finals is South Korea, or against the host Japan in the finals.

In terms of men's team, China entered the first half of the region as the number one seed and played Egypt in the first round. After that, the Chinese team is likely to play against Hong Kong, China, for a place in the semi-finals. The Japanese team is located in the second half of the region, and the strong German team is also located in the second half of the region. They are very likely to compete with the host for the finals. In singles, the four national table tennis generals fan Zhendong, Ma long, Chen Meng and sun yingsha guarded one and a half areas respectively, forming two pairs of _double insurance_. The national table tennis civil war will not be staged before the final, but once someone _loses_, it is bound to bring additional pressure to his teammates. In women's singles, the famous Japanese player Meicheng ITO, regarded as the opponent of national table tennis, is in the same area as sun yingsha, and another Japanese player Jiachun Ishikawa enters the upper half of Chen Meng's area. In the men's singles, host player Zhang benzhihe fell in position 8 and shared the upper half of the area with fan Zhendong, while good players such as caldrano and ocharov entered the lower half of the area guarded by _Grand Slam_ winner Malone.

On the whole, the Chinese table tennis team signed well and had the strength to win the championship in the five individual events. Earlier, Liu Guoliang, chairman of China Table Tennis Association, said that Guoping is ready for five years of preparation.

东京奥运会的范文英文 第5篇






东京奥运会的范文英文 第6篇

Raise the gun and aim. Jiang ranxin took the lead in pulling the trigger. ring! This was a very good result in the pistol competition, and a burst of cheers broke out at the scene. Pang Wei followed with a ring. In the last shot, the Chinese team successfully scored two key points with a score of rings ahead of its opponent, winning a valuable gold medal for the Chinese sports delegation, which is also the first 10 meter air pistol mixed team gold medal in Olympic history.

The same story was staged again in the 10 meter air rifle mixed team final in the afternoon. Yang Qian's partner Yang Haoran, who won the first gold for the Chinese sports delegation, won the gold medal of the project, adding another gold to the Chinese team.

Two new events entered the Olympic Games for the first time and two hard won gold medals. Chinese Olympic athletes made history with wonderful performance. When the five-star red flag was raised twice, the scene was jubilant.

Air pistol, air rifle, flying saucer and other mixed team events are new events in the Tokyo Olympic Games. The two contestants participating in the competition must go through two rounds of qualification competition, and the top four can be qualified for medal competition. The two pairs of Chinese combinations passed through the customs all the way, ranked first in the second round of qualifying that determined the trend of the competition, and successfully advanced to the gold medal.

The competition between top teams makes the gold medal game ups and downs. Jiang ranxin and Pang Wei caught up when the first two guns fell behind and once gained a 14:10 lead. But then, the powerful opponent chased the score to 14:14.

_I was thinking about the coach's arrangement and did every move well._ Jiang ranxin said that she kept telling herself to stick to the last minute. Jiang ranxin has played a ring and a ring in the previous game, which is good enough. At the last shot, she and Pang Wei resisted the pressure and locked the victory.

Wang Yifu, a famous Chinese shooter who watched the battle at the scene, thought that the two fought tenaciously at the critical moment: _they hit this shot very well. It's not easy to seize the opportunity and play to a high level at the time of 14 Ping. _

Yang Qian and Yang Haoran had the same tortuous process of winning the championship. In the 10m air rifle mixed team gold medal, the Chinese team drew with its opponent for 4 times, which shows the intensity of the competition“ The start was not very good. I was always adjusting my mentality. Fortunately, I grabbed the score. _ Yang Qian said.

Yang Qian, 21, has previously boarded the highest podium of the Tokyo Olympic Games. The joy of winning the first gold did not affect the little girl's preparation. _Get off the podium and start from scratch_. Her good attitude made her try again in the mixed team competition.

Compared with the individual competition, the rhythm of mixed group competition is more compact, and the rules are similar to the _grab seven_ in tennis competition. After each shot, the team with the highest number of rings will get 2 points, and the team with the lowest number of rings will not score. The team with the first 16 points will win. Because the number of shots is small and the results are not accumulated, the game is more suspense“ Having teammates nearby will make me more focused. _ Yang Qian said. The mixed team competition seems to play each other, but fighting side by side with teammates, mutual trust and tacit understanding will become the driving force and motivate themselves.

_As long as we try our best to do a good job in the process, there will be good results._ This is Yang Qian's creed of life and the persistence of Chinese shooting for many years. There is still a long way to go in the future. We still need to continue our efforts and take every step well in order to spell a better future.