

导读 miss pan bei requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for graduate program at your university. as her teacher, i am ple

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dear admission committee:

miss pan bei requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for graduate program at your university. as her teacher, i am pleased to comply with her request. i first got to know miss pan when she enrolled at university and i was the assistant director of her class at that time. being a professor for several years, i noticed that due to the lack of self-learning ability, it is really challenging for students, even those performing excellent in senior school, to keep up with the college speed. however, as a diligent girl without any solid background in computer science before college, she adapted quickly to the especially competitive environment in our department. at the end of the first year, she earned the 5th rank in her class, while ranking 1st among the girls. i was fairly impressed by her self-learning technique and exceptional efforts. hence, i believe, goal-oriented, not afraid of inchoateness and with persistence, she has the quality to make achievements. what distinguished her among her classmates, i think, was that she went far beyond acquiring excellent scores in the exams and instead got her range of knowledge enlarged. in spring, , miss pan took the course i taught named “algebraic structures and combinatorial mathematics”. this inquisitive and assiduous young woman was sometimes the last to leave after my class, raising novel questions related to the subject. i found that she understood the knowledge in depth and detail. furthermore, i still remember during the spring vocation in may, due to the break-down of my mail box, i missed her mails to discussing some questions. but the following week during the course time, she asked me directly. her zeal for knowledge and the spirit to explore answers really leave me a deep impression. finally, she was among the few students who got almost full marks in every test in class which showed her exceeding grasp of every chapter. thus, i gave her 98/100 for the excellent performance in my course. in summary, i have every reason to believe that miss. pan will make outstanding performance at your university as a graduate. i would appreciate greatly if you give her a favorable consideration. please feel free to contact me directly if more assistance is needed.

faithfully yours, wanling qu, professor department of computer science and technology peking university email:

推荐信范文英文作文高中 第2篇

Dear Professor:

This letter of recommendation is for Caleb, a young man I have had the pleasure of knowing for the last 20 months. As a professor emeritus, I have come in contact with thousands of college and graduate students. However, Mr. Caleb stands out as a very extraordinary one with his research and teaching capability, personality and what is more, his _academic spirit_.

During his graduate study, he worked as my research assistant first, then as a teaching assistant of our department. Usually it is hard for someone to be good at even either one. However, as his adviser, I was pleased to find thatboth works he did was far exceeding what is called good. For example, unlike most other graduate students who are eager to publish essays and thus fear to take pains to make exhaustive investigation for their research, Mr. Caleb made extensive survey for his in the project sponsored by Science and Tech Commission of _Chicago_ municipal searched every possible source of information within his reach and affords for related materials. As far as I know, he has been to Beijing to the National Library of China, Science and Tech Information Center, Tsinghua University s Library and most public libraries of _Chicago_. He searched both in library and on web, which is a totally new approach to us. Neither was Mr. Caleb satisfied with second-hand information only. During the process, he also interviewed with supervisors of some scientific institutes of _Chicago_ to obtain first-hand information.

His teaching is equally praiseworthy. I often heard his students said that s lectures were interesting and enlightening and they loved to listen to his lectures. In fact, he has his own teaching my knowledge,it is quite western. In other words, he pays more attention to arouse the desire of seeking knowledge among his students instead of maintaining a quiet and rigid lecture atmosphere as most other teachers you can imagine his lectures are full of discussions, laughter and eager eyes of learning.

His personality also impressed me so much. I would like to take only one case among numerous ones as summer, I happened to have some thesessent to a professor who lived in another university for his was so urgent that I could not wait even one more moment. Then I got Mr. Caleb to do it. He nodded without even hesitation. It sounds like not a big deal. However, it was scorching outside at noon then and it took him almost 1 hour s bike ride back and forth!

Besides his research, teaching capability and personality,I think I should bring up the overwhelmingly strong point of Mr. Caleb--his academic spirit. Although I know that it is hard to define what is called _academic spirit_, Mr. Caleb does prove it through his independence on his research, innovative perspective and commitment to academic activity. Frankly, I think it is the _academic spirit_that distinguishes him from thousands of college and graduate students I have ever known. With the _academic spirit_, Mr. Caleb is marching steadily towards his career goal--an ideal scholar with time goes by.

推荐信范文英文作文高中 第3篇

Dear Sir:

It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Fuping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school. Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council's project- _The United States and the United Nations' Financial Crisis: The Role of . Congress_ since September 1997.

His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing and translating. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality. Mr. Wang is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties. All the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assign him with heavy responsibilities.

With his help, I have been able to spend more time in writing the research paper. I really consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable assistant. I am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competence and pleasant personality, will assure him of academic achievements in his future academic pursuits. I strongly recommend his admission without any reservation.

Sincerely yours

推荐信范文英文作文高中 第4篇

Dear colleagues:

ms. requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. as her research adviser when she was a graduate student in my school of science beijing university of chemical technology, i am pleased to comply with her request.

i have known ms. zhang since 20xx, when she was admitted as a master of science candidate into the school. as her research adviser, i directed her research and found her a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. during her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earnd good scores major and general gpa . she particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as quantum chemistry and theory of electrochemistry.

during the following two years, ms. zhang worked on a computational theory study of inorganic functional materials project for his degree thesis “theoretical study of electronic structures of several representative metal element in the hydrotalcite slabs&rdquo to make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques. working hard and independently, she cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence. during her . period, she had three papers published in international journals.

judging by her outstanding performance while she studied with me, i am convinced that ms. zhang has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which she can undertake world-class training. i therefore lend her my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.

推荐信范文英文作文高中 第5篇

nternship certificate

, male, born on october 14th ,, has accomplished an internship in the investment promotion agency of ministry of commerce, from july 10th, to september 12th, . during his internship, he acted as the assistant of the director of the project development department. his work resposibility includes the daily operation of the department’s reception work , translation of the documents and external relations with the economic offices of foreign embassies in china.