

导读 My home is located in Ganzhou City, which is a picturesque town. Outside the city, there are clear rivers, fresh air, continuous green mountains, beau

英语范文我的家乡江西赣州 第1篇

My home is located in Ganzhou City, which is a picturesque town. Outside the city, there are clear rivers, fresh air, continuous green mountains, beautiful and quiet; In the city, there are straight roads, lively markets, delicious snacks and bustling beauty. The scenery inside and outside the city constitutes a unique picture.

Ganzhou is also a cultural ancient city! It mainly includes the intact ancient city wall of Ganzhou in the Song Dynasty, the majestic bajingtai, the yugutai, the complete and spectacular Confucian temple, the art treasure house Tongtianyan, etc. Located in the northwest suburb of Ganzhou City, Tongtianyan scenic spot is a national key cultural relics protection unit and a national 4A scenic spot. It is a typical Danxia Landform Scenic Spot with deep rocks and valleys, towering trees, Danya cliffs and beautiful scenery. It is mainly composed of five caves, including Guanxin rock, forgetting rock, Longhu rock, Tongtian rock and Cuiwei rock.

Ganzhou also attracted many poets. Yugutai is one of the famous ancient buildings in Jiangxi. In tianluoling in the northwest corner of Ganzhou City. At that time, it was its beautiful scenery that attracted the famous poet Xin Qiji and made the poet write the famous work _Bodhisattva man · clear river water under the lonely stage_. There were many pedestrian tears in the middle of the clear river water under the lonely stage. Looking at Chang'an in the northwest, I pity countless mountains. The green mountains can't cover it. After all, it flows to the East. The river is worried at night, and the mountain smells of partridges. _ He expressed his concern for the country and the people with the flowing water under Yu Gu's stage. It is located on the Tianluo ridge in the northwest corner of the city. It is named because it stands alone at the intersection of Zhangjiang River and Gongjiang river. The ancients called it _crown a county_. The scenery of yugutai is quite mysterious in Su Shi's works: _the smoke and clouds are ethereal, yugutai, and the accumulated emerald clouds are half open. If you want to see Zhifu Guanhai City, the Jiang palace is Penglai._ Ganzhou is not only famous for yugutai, but also for Tongtianyan, ancient city wall and bajingtai.

This is Ganzhou - my home.

英语范文我的家乡江西赣州 第2篇

Dear friend, have you ever been to Ganzhou? If Ganzhou is an ancient and modern city with a long history, let's show Ganzhou again and again!

First of all, show the _green_ of Ganzhou, which is known as the _national garden city_ all over the country. The biggest feature of Ganzhou is its fresh air and pleasant scenery. The rows of neat street trees on both sides of the street and the flower belt in the middle of the road complement each other. All kinds of trees, shrubs and bright flowers and plants with strange shapes dress up all parts of the city beautifully and vividly. Especially in spring, all kinds of colorful flowers and grass are covered in the streets and alleys of the urban area. Entering this city is like entering nature. Therefore, Ganzhou is a particularly suitable city for people to live in.

Then show the _changes_ in Ganzhou. Grandma said that Gannan theater _fought alone_ in Ganzhou city more than ten years ago. At that time, it was more difficult to see a movie than to go to heaven. Now Gannan theater has long been _buried_ in many studios. If you don't pay attention, you can't even see the shadow! In addition, the department store at that time stood out among the bungalows, but now the department store is just one of many buildings. If you cross Zhangjiang to visit the golden area, you can't count the high-rise buildings there. _

Let's show Ganzhou's _civilization_. In recent years, the roads in Ganzhou have become wider, the roads have become better, the streets in Ganzhou have become cleaner and cleaner, and the people in Ganzhou have become more and more civilized. Clean roads, orderly markets, smooth traffic and civilized people have attracted more and more businessmen to invest and tourists to travel. Because of this, Ganzhou has been rated as an excellent tourist city in China and a national health city.

Ganzhou also has many famous scenic spots: the famous yugutai, bajingtai in Sanjiang, Xiongzhen, Tongtianyan in the cliff grottoes of _the first Grottoes in the south of the Yangtze River_, as well as the best protected brick wall of the Song Dynasty and Fushou ditch in China so far; There are Pingshan ranch, known as _the second natural ranch in the south of the Yangtze River_, and the ancient Hakka village of egret, a famous national historical and cultural village. There are also many red tourist attractions, such as Junjun County - rejuvenating the country, Ruijin, the red capital, and the memorial park of the first crossing of the long march of the central workers' and peasants' Red Army

My hometown is this environment-friendly, modern, civilized and ancient city - Ganzhou!

英语范文我的家乡江西赣州 第3篇

Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, was founded in the Western Han Dynasty and has a history of more than 2000 years. Ganzhou has the magnificent ancient city wall of the Song Dynasty, a variety of mouthwatering delicacies, and a long history and culture.

The lower half of Jianchun gate, located in the middle of the city wall, is made of bricks, while the upper half is an attic made of wood. The mythical beast with tile eaves and sharp corners is the _mocking Phoenix_ among the nine sons of the dragon. Standing under the gate and looking up, it looks particularly dignified. Walking on the city wall, it looks like a temple in Penglai fairyland from a distance. Climb the attic and overlook the clear Gongjiang river. There is an ancient floating bridge made of 30 small boats shaking with the water, lying on the river like a millipede.

The stalls on both sides of the pontoon are full of local delicacies. Amy fruit is a kind of dark green dumpling. In the steaming steamer, it emits bursts of fragrance, which is the unique aroma of Wormwood Leaves in Amy fruit. When I opened the Amy fruit, I saw that it was wrapped with pickled vegetables, bacon and dried beans. Its taste was sour, spicy, salty and fragrant. It was a super delicious Ganzhou food.

This is my hometown - Ganzhou. Welcome to my hometown.

英语范文我的家乡江西赣州 第4篇

Ganzhou has changed a lot! In the past, because it was located in the hinterland of land, traffic congestion and poor information, it was difficult to start a business here and everyone's life was very difficult. But now with the help of the government, railways and roads have been repaired, and the economy has gradually improved. Most people here have built high-rise buildings. Many people start businesses here, even some foreigners start businesses here!

Now, more and more people are building houses. Because it's easy to start a business here, they think it's very suitable to live here. The ecology here is so good! The cattle raised here are very strong and have great strength, and the pigs are also fattened. Many fruit trees have been planted here! There are peach trees, banana trees, navel orange trees, apricot trees and so on. Speaking of navel orange, he is our specialty! When it is not mature, it is cyan. When it is about to mature, it is half green and half yellow. When it is fully mature, it is all golden. Looking from a distance, the small navel orange seems to be a small golden ball of golden yellow. Is it beautiful? After the ripe navel orange is picked off, it is peeled and eaten. It is easy to have an indescribable orange fragrance. It is very comfortable. Moreover, navel orange is a pure natural green food with rich nutrition and is sold at home and abroad.

Ganzhou, our home, our forever home, I hope here and other places will be happy and peaceful forever!