

导读 今天是我新生活的第一天,我翻看我的新课本,检查了新学年的一切。我既激动又担心。矗立在埃及沙漠中吉萨的三座大金字塔建于4000年前,它们一直都是有史以来最宏大的建筑。根据记忆,我的高中生活充满了幸福和运气,因为有可爱的朋友和老师。他们是我高中生活的阳光。

大学趣事英语作文100字 第1篇

From 2005 to 2008, I spent my college life in Hunan First Normal College. Reminding my college life, I think it was of great significance.


When I was in college, I studied very hard. As a major of English, I often practiced my oral English. Every time, I could think in English. After thinking and expressed my thoughts to others in English. Although sometimes I couldn't speak English so freely, other people still appreciated me, because of my confidence.

我在大学的时候,很努力学习。因为是英语专业,我经常联系英语口语。 每一次,我能用英语的方式来思考。在思考之后我会把我的想法用英语表达给其他人。虽然有时我英语说得不是很流利,其他人还是很欣赏我,因为我的信心。

In English class, I was always the first one to open my mouth, so my teachers always praised me for my good pronunciation, and my classmates also admired me for my courage. It seemed as if I were on top of the world.


However, I have few chances to speak English now, because my job has nothing to do with English. What a great pity! How I wish to work with foreigners, so that I can use my great English.


大学趣事英语作文100字 第2篇

Today, when I came home from school, I saw my mother busy in and out of the kitchen. The more I looked, the more I loved my mother, so I wanted to help my mother cook. I thought: my mother is so hard, I should help my mother.

Finally my dish came out of the pot, _yes, I can!_ I answered.

From this cooking, I realized that people must not give up everything easily. If they stick to it, they can succeed. I also experienced that it is not easy for my mother to make arrangements for the diet of the whole family every day! In the future, we should help our mother do more housework within our ability!

大学趣事英语作文100字 第3篇

There are many memorable things, I have had a particularly memorable things, that is my primary school graduation party. Although it is a party, but we are held during the day, may be called _white_.

_The day before the white_, we are ready to do the work, prepared a cake, tea, sound...... There are many wonderful programs. The night before, I can't sleep a night, excitedly waiting for the arrival of_white_.

The second day, I went to school early. To the classroom, I saw the classroom four corners of asound and the walls are connected with lights, window adhesive beautiful balloon......

When all the students came to the classroom, the teacher in charge announced the graduation party officially began. Some students take the curtains closed, lights are open, as in the balloon is more beautiful in the classroom, sound floated out of the soft songs. I drink a cup of milk tea, quietlywatching the students performances. Have a classmate in front of the blackboard, with white lightappeared in the students who, like in a concert. The classmates performance is very wonderful,suddenly the lights, _bang_ sound. I don't know what was happening at the time, until you feel a littlepaper shredder body, I know just the students put pieces of fireworks.

_White_ slowly is close to the end, the students sang Li Shutong's _farewell_ _pavilion, the trail edgegrass, sky......_ The song. Later, everyone is very sad, because some of the students in junior high school when they are not together, also after all, this is the last day in his alma mater.

Primary school I is how naive, is a naive child. Junior high school I know at that time were sad. A classmate, a friendship.

The primary school graduation let me forget.

大学趣事英语作文100字 第4篇

Today was the first day of my new life. I looked at my new books and checked everything for the new school year. I was excited as well as worried.


Entering new school, I was curious about everything, new classrooms, new teachers, new classmates etc. It would be a new start for each student. And what I was worried about is that I had no friends here. I wondered if no liked to play with me. Were the teachers strict with students?


I fell relaxed when the teacher asked me, ''What else could I help you, freshman?_. I found that the teachers were kind and polite, and the classmates around me were friendly. While I was thinking about how to get on well with my classmates, my desk mate showed me his favorite Ipad4s. He wanted to play with me, but I didn't know how to play, so he taught me patiently, and we played happily.


Worries have gone, and happiness is coming.


大学趣事英语作文100字 第5篇

Hello,I want to introduce a world wonder,the Great the north of China,there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long ancient well-known as the Great Wall of China,it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the one of the Eight Wonders in the world,the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture.

大学趣事英语作文100字 第6篇

With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college life. However, there was one thing for sure that I did feel quite excited and curious about my university. There is no doubt that students like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted to enter the university.

Bringing with expectation, I got into Zhejiang Gongshang University. Generally speaking, it's an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live in. Every day a series of outgoing people get into my eyesight. Curious and out of politeness, I'd talk to them heart to heart. Here I make friends with my new classmates from everywhere around China. What's more, time and weather permitting, I will enjoy jogging or playing basketball with my classmates on the playground, tired but happy. When staying in dormitory, I choose to read news online and sometimes watch a film for relaxing. However, a good student can never leave his study behind. When it comes to study, hard problems never upset me, instead they arouse me. Rather than ignoring it, I'd think carefully for a while and ask my classmates for help.

To be honest, there are some things I don’t deal with properly. For instance, once I spent nearly a whole day playing computer games. Personally, we university students are already adults and it's our obligation to develop ourselves in college by learning new professional skills. Not until we take a right attitude towards our study and life can we win a rich and colorful experience in college.

大学趣事英语作文100字 第7篇

Life have many for the first time, pregnant with sorrow, the first is worth you cherish. I also have many for the first time, took it to cook, I put my kitchen make is a mess!

_Oh! Today who is cooking......_ Nobody answer me. I searched through family and there's nobody in sight. What is this? A note with a very casual write _noon we don't go home, you do eat_. I was silent for a moment. Then, head appeared a word _I can't cook?_

_Guru, guru......_ ! My stomach began to complain, can't, do it by yourself! I reached into the one that makes me uneasy kitchen. First open the refrigerator, _what?_ Eggs, cabbage and potatoes. That do it today an egg, Chinese cabbage Fried rice!

Ah! The first type egg mixture. Stir o, should do. Chinese cabbage, wash up first. Then slowly one knife a sword of cutting. _How can that be?_ Size is differ, thick thick, broken broken, Chinese cabbage dropped a land; Eggs also make the place is all. No matter, fill the stomach just is the most important.

大学趣事英语作文100字 第8篇

The world is full of wonders which since the dawn1 of civilization man has created through his skill and talent. Early in history travelers began to list and describe the marvel they saw. Ancient2 writers limited their lists of wonders to seven, possibly because the number seven was thought to have a special meaning.

1. Great Pyramid

The only surviving wonder of the ancient world is the Great Pyramid. It was built nearly 5,000 years ago as the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh3 Khufu, who ruled about 2,700 . Covering an area of 13 acres at its base, the pyramid contains nearly 2,500,000 well-cut stone blocks. Each block weighs about tons, although some weigh many tons more. At its peak4 the pyramid originally5 rose to a height of 481 feet. The area it occupies could contain four of the largest European churches. Yet the men who built it did not have even animals for labor, let alone machinery. Even the wheel was unknown to them, and the huge stone blocks were then pulled by an enormous number of laborers. The only mechanical aids they had were levers6, and primitive7 cutting tools. Yet in spite of these difficulties, the Great Pyramid is so accurately constructed that a thin piece of glass can hardly be inserted8 between the close-fitting stones.

2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The next oldest wonder was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The 5th century Greek historian Herodotus has left us a full description of the gardens in all their glory. They were created over 2,500 years ago by King Nebuchadnezzar Ⅱ(605—.). Some say he had them made to delight his young bride9, who came from mountainous Persia10. Babylonia lay in the flat land of Mesopotamia11 and had no mountains. On the banks of the Euphrates River, which flowed through his royal city, the King's workmen raised an artificial12 hill 350 feet high. It was made up of a series of platforms with trees, lawns13, and flowers. Water from the river was pumped14 to the top of the hill and allowed to flow down through c****s and small waterfalls. A heaven of coolness and beauty was created in that hot, thirsty land. Little remains of Babylon today except piles15 of broken mud brick.

3. Statue16 of Zeus

The huge figure of Zeus, King of the Gods, stood in the Temple of Zeus at Olympia in Greece. It was completed about 456 . The statue rose to a height of 40 feet and almost touched the temple ceiling17. It was made of thin plates of gold and ivory18, covering a wooden form. The eyes were made of two large jewels. The statue was moved to Constantinople in the 5th century . and was destroyed by fire about 475. Today visitors to Olympia, where the first Olympic Games were held, see only the foundations19 of the building in which it stood. But the workshop where the parts of the statue were prepared has been discovered nearby. Here some of the tools and even the molds20 from which the gold plates were made can still be seen.

4. Temple of Diana

Diana was the Roman name for Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon, protecting unmarried girls and animals. She was worshipped21 in many places, but her most important temple was at Ephesus, near the coast22 of present-day Turkey. The temple, built in the 4th century ., was of white marble23, enriched with gold and silver. Precious24 jewels were stored below the temple. It was so lovely that it put all the other wonders in the shade.

5. Mausoleum

Also in Asia Minor(modern Turkey) was the Mausoleum. It was a marble tomb built for King Mausolus(?—.) by his wife, Artemisia(?—350?). So beautiful was this monument that the word mausoleum has passed into our language and now means “burial place”. Unlike the pyramid and the Temple of Diana, the Mausoleum was not large. It was a bright jewel of a building, made of shining white marble. Rising to a height of 140 feet on a mound25 overlooking the little port of Halicarnassus, it was visible to ships entering the harbor. Its courtyard was surrounded26 by a wall. In the center of the court stood a high platform that was approached by splendid marble steps. Lions carved27 in marble guarded the approach. On a second wall surrounding the platform were more statues. At each corner were statues of proud warriors28 on horses. Other carved horses drew the chariot29 on the top of the building. In the chariot stood figures. Only a few fragments30 of this splendid mausoleum remain. Some are now in the British Museum in London. From these, scholars31 have been able to reconstruct the building in model form.

6. Colossus of Rhodes

This statue of the sun god Helios towered above the harbor of Rhodes, an island in the Aegean Sea. It stood over 100 feet high on a stone base that was itself higher than most statues. The Colossus was built in 280 . It was made of metal32 that had been melted33 down from the arms used by Demetrius (337?-283 .) when he attacked Rhodes in 305 . After bravely resisting and defeating this invader34, the Rhodians built the statue as thanks offering to their god. The Colossus shaded35 its eyes and gazed out to sea. Twenty times the height of a man, it stood at the harbor entrance for only 56 years. In 224 . it was thrown to the ground by an earthquake36. The large metal plates lay there for centuries until, in the 7th century , they were carried away and sold by tradesmen.

7. Pharos

The pharos was the forerunner37 of all lighthouses. It was built on the island of Pharos near Alexandria, the gateway to Egypt, between 285 and 247 . It stood about 400 feet high and was built in levels. The top supported a pan38 in which a fire burned day and night. A huge mirror, possibly made of metal, reflected the light so brightly that it could be seen far out at sea. Inside the building were 300 rooms. Horse-drawn carts carried fuel up to the ever-burning light. The Pharos was destroyed by an earthquake in the 14th century . Some people believe that on calm days its fragments still can be seen below the waters of the harbor.

In every generation, man creates new marvels that can be added to the list of wonders of the world.

大学趣事英语作文100字 第9篇

According to my memory, my high school life was full of happiness and fortune because of my lovely friend and teacher. They are sunshine in my high school life.


I met my best friend in senior one. She is a girl with long legs, white skin, and small face. What makes me a deep impression is her wide shoulder, wider than other girls who have the same height as her. She was kind, treating me just like I was her sister. I didn’t live in school dormitory, but she did. So, I slept with her at noon. Sometimes we argued, but we both checked our mistakes and recovered our relationship soon. When we were senior two, I moved in school dormitory, I didn’t feel comfortable in there very fast. She took care of me and made me feel warm. In my opinion, she is more than a friend, like a family.


As for my teachers, my chemistry teacher is my favorite teacher. She is a woman with sweet smile, not so tall, but she built a tall imagination in my heart. I used to chat with her result from my failure in the exam. She is a divorced woman; however, she was steel, living a happy life with her daughter. I appreciate people with a strong heart, maybe the reason is that I want to be the kind of person who is always optimistic and can’t be defeated easily. She expresses that.


The high school memory is a valuable memory in my life. It’s my fortune to meet them, my sunshine.




大学趣事英语作文100字 第10篇

My teachers and fellow students,

In a couple of weeks, we’ll say goodbye to our mother school. How time flies! Now It’s really hard for me to put my feelings into words. The past three years has been really a wonderful journey with you guys, full of laughter and tears。

To make the journey safe and fruitful, our great teachers contributed their time, energy, love and the whole heart. Here, we are extremely grateful for all that you, dear teachers, have done for us。

It’ll soon be the time for us to depart, though unwillingly. But it is not the end. It just means that we’re going to begin a new journey。

Finally, on behalf of all the graduates present here, let me extend our sincere wishes for our mother school and respectable teachers. Thank you!



大学趣事英语作文100字 第11篇

Hello everyone。Today I'm glad to be here to give a speech about my fresh experience in China Agriculture University。

First I must say the campus life is really different from what I have experienced in high school。For instance,I used to lean upon my dormitory teacher to wake me up on time。But now I have to set several alarm clocks to make myself could hear them in the morning otherwise I would miss my class。And then even worse there would be nobody remind me

大学趣事英语作文100字 第12篇

On this day, it rained. It was always boring on rainy days. I had nothing to do. When I saw my grandmother busy preparing lunch dishes in the kitchen, I volunteered to _help_ my grandmother. In fact, my so-called help was to help my grandmother cut the dishes and then process them carefully. I cut the roots of my grandmother's gourd, fungus and cauliflower vertically and horizontally, Grandma kept telling: _be careful of the knife, be careful of the knife._ I felt like a cook and made a hodgepodge.

It's good to experience being a cook on a boring rainy day!

大学趣事英语作文100字 第13篇

I cooked by myself this morning.

I'll pour the oil into the pot first. Light the fire, and the red and blue flames come out at once. I put the cut potatoes into the pot, add a little salt and soy sauce and stir. After a few minutes, the smell of the dish floated out. I finally turned off the fire and put the dishes on the plate.

After a while, the soup was ready. Finally we can eat. I feel particularly delicious when I eat my own dishes.

Our family ate happily.

大学趣事英语作文100字 第14篇

My mother and I are going to cook celery fried meat this noon.

My mother asked me to obliquely cut the washed celery and blanch it with water. Mother said, _let's make meat sticks!_ _OK,_ I said.

I took out the pork. My mother cut the pork into strips and pickled it with cooking wine, soy sauce and starch. After a while, the celery and meat strips are ready, and then stir fry. A plate of fried meat with celery is ready. Finally, I cut it into six pieces with a small tomato and put it in the middle of the plate. Red tomatoes, set off by green celery, are like lotus flowers in full bloom in a lotus pond.

It's beautiful!

大学趣事英语作文100字 第15篇

Enjoy Yourself While Fulfilling Responsibility

In my 18 years of life, there have been many things. University days are the best part of them. I can never forget the days when I stepped into my university. I was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. I at once fell in love with it.

After the arduous military training, I get absolutely absorbed in my studies. The classes given by the teachers are excellent. They provide us with information not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. They easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as I can.

Frankly speaking, at first I had some difficulty following the teachers. However, through my own efforts and thanks to my teachers' guidance, I made remarkable progress. Now I've benefited a lot from lectures and many other academic reports.

Learning is a long process; I'll keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself. This summer I got out of the ivory tower and entered the real world. A publishing house offered me a part-time job in compilation and revision.

At the beginning I was belittled by my colleagues. But they were really surprised when I translated seven English articles over 5,000 words on only one day. Gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes. In their opinion I turned out to be a useful and trustworthy colleague.

I also realize that only those who bring happinefor others can be truly happy. So I often take part in activities concerning public welfare. I once went to a barren mountain village with my classmates. We taught the kids there who could not afford school. While showing them how broad and how civilized the outer world is, I was deeply touched by their eagerneto learn, their honesty and their purity. I couldn't control my tears on the day when we left. The precious experience with the poor kids made me aware of the responsibility on the shoulders of us, future teachers.

Besides study and social practice, there are entertainments as well. I do body building every day, hoping to keep healthy and energetic. We also write a play and put it on in our spare time.

Campus life is the most splendid time. But different people have different choices. The majority of students cherish their beautiful season and cherish the hope that one day they'll become outstanding. But there are indeed some students still under ignorance. They gather together for eating, drinking or playing cards. They're busy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. They forget completely about their mission as college students and the hope of their motherland.

Finally, I do hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy citizen of the country. I do hope everybody can become the backbone of our nation and make great contributions to society

大学趣事英语作文100字 第16篇

There are many for the first time, for example: first wash the dishes, the first time cooking, first stage etc.. Unforgettable first is an animal.

Previously, I just had a little hamster. It's small, and Mao, feels fluffy, and some fat, very cute. We spent a day, but there is no feast! One day, a cup 《tragedy》 happened.

Once, my mother and I go home to play, there's my _busy_ extremely, every day here, where. Although this is the case, but also did not forget to feed it every day. I found that slowly hamster lost past active. I am very puzzled, but still don't care about feeding. Soon the hamster die. I saw it and then secretly determined, I want to have a cause of death.

I recall the scene feeding, food should be no problem? But how to die? I think of this way and that, think about ten minutes, suddenly, I patted the head. _Look at my memory, I forget to feed it with water. Really be negligent!_ So I said to the guilty, his corpse _buried_ in my pot. Bury it after I prayed, I hope it can rest in bed. Expect it to the next life don't do hamster, do a live and work in peace.

This is the first time I, sad and grief, pain and remorse. I slowly began to change my careless habits, it is a harvest, but this is the hamster lives give me in return only. I hope you don't like me be negligent, otherwise it will have bad things happen!

大学趣事英语作文100字 第17篇

At noon today, my father said he would cook for me. I was very happy.

Dad said: today I teach you how to make hot and sour potato shreds. The materials to be prepared are: potatoes, onions, peppers, vinegar, salt and monosodium glutamate.

Step 1: wash the potatoes, cut them into shreds and wash them in clean water. clean

Step 2: put a little oil into the pot. When the oil is 70-80%, then add onion, pepper and vinegar, and then put potato silk into the pot. When it is 70-80%, add salt and monosodium glutamate out of the pot.

大学趣事英语作文100字 第18篇

Nearly 300 miles long, up to 18 miles across and a stomach-dropping 4000 vertical feet down, the 8th new wonder: the majestic Grand Canyon.

Gazing on its glory, President Theodore Roosevelt called the Grand Canyon _a natural wonder … absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world._

He urged Americans to preserve what he described as the _wonderful grandeur, the sublimity, the great loneliness and beauty of the canyon._

More than a hundred years later, it's still easy to see why so many of the 5 million annual visitors call the Grand Canyon a wonder.

“All you can pick up when you are looking at this is…

“Thank you, God.”

“It’s an awesome thing.”


“There was a magic, and it is the world, boy.”

The canyon stretches as far as the eye can see and it also reaches back in time.

Some 5 or 6 million years ago, the Colorado River raged through this land, carving out the massive canyon we see today, exposing even older layers of rock previously buried. Geologists say some are 2,000 million years old.

Native Americans were the first people to make these rocky walls their home about 12,000 years ago.

Today the Hualapi and Havasupai Indians reside deep in the canyon, balancing age-old traditions with modernity. There are no roads to this village; mules carry the mail here.

But at the same time, the tribes are engineering a gravity-defying skywalk that promises an unprecedented view over the canyon early next year.

The bald eagle, another longtime resident of the Grand Canyon, and appropriately wild and majestic setting for this endangered American icon.

At the bottom of the canyon winds the Colorado River, boasting some of the most intense big water rafting in the world.

Carved into a corner of the Arizona plains, the great roaring river, towering rock formations and breathtaking vastness of the Grand Canyon serve as a monument to the bold and enduring spirit of America.

“There is no place like it.”

“(The Grand Canyon is…) one of God’s greatest creations, I think.”

大学趣事英语作文100字 第19篇

It has been two years since I first got to university. Some of my classmates say that the college life is boring, because they have plenty of time but do not know what to do. However, from my point of view, the campus life in college is interesting and colorful as long as you make it meaningful.


In the first semester in college, I didn't relax and I still worked hard as I was in the senior school. I usually spent two hours in study at night and I went to the classroom forautonomous the difference is that I have many extracurricular activities. For example, I went to the English Corner regularly on Tuesday night, in which I could practice my spoken English and make friends with common interests.


Besides, I join the Student Union of my department. In the Student Union, I have a group of workmates who work hard together and support to each other. Actually, it looks like a big, warm family that we can share our lives together. During various activities, I realize the importance of team spirit that helps us go further.


Finally, college is great stage to improve a student and show one's abilities. In college, I know more about our society and get more channels to explore the outside world. I realize that I am not only a student but also an adult who is preparing to step into the society.


In short, I cherish my life in college campus and I will try hard to make it colorful as well as meaningful.




大学趣事英语作文100字 第20篇

After passing the 2012 College Entrance Examination, I find my name in the enrolling list ofNanjingAuditUniversitywhich many young people dream of。 As a boy of 18, I am happy to go to such a famous university, so that I want to make my life colorful and fruitful in university。 Here's my plan for university life。


大学趣事英语作文100字 第21篇

My favorite holiday is Mid-autumn Day. Do you know why? Firstly, it’s day for family gathering. On Mid-autumn Day, families will stay together and eat a big dinner. My families always make very delicious food. After dinner, families will enjoy the beautiful full moon. We often have a good talk and eat moon cakes and fruits. For me, I like moon cakes very much. They are so tasty. Besides, the Mid-autumn Day is in autumn. It’s my favorite season.


大学趣事英语作文100字 第22篇

At noon today, my father said he would cook for me. I was very happy.

Dad said: today I teach you how to make hot and sour potato shreds. The materials to be prepared are: potatoes, onions, peppers, vinegar, salt and monosodium glutamate.

Step 1: wash the potatoes, cut them into shreds and wash them in clean water. clean

Step 2: put a little oil into the pot. When the oil is 70-80%, then add onion, pepper and vinegar, and then put potato silk into the pot. When it is 70-80%, add salt and monosodium glutamate out of the pot.



大学趣事英语作文100字 第23篇

built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at giza, in the egyptian desert remain the most colossal1 buildings ever constructed.

the pyramids were built by egyptians under the orders of the egyptian leader, whose title was pharaoh2. there was a sequence of pharaohs culminating3 around 2615 ., with the pharaoh cheops who built the biggest thing ever built, the great pyramid, also known as khufu. cheops built a pyramid 770 feet on one side and 481 feet tall. how ancient builders managed to build these massive structures has never been fully answered but the effort clearly required brains and brawn4.

was there engineering genius involved? yes, there was. for example, when you're putting the b lock right at the top, how are you going to lug5 a block of stone that weighs several tons 480 fee t up a structure? how are you going to do it, and how are you going to do it without leaving scratches6 on all the rest of the structure? and how many people does it take to drag a block weighing several tons 480 feet up into the sky? approximately, million blocks of stone were cut, transported and assembled to create the great pyramid.

the pharaohs may have set out to build magnificent tombs for themselves, but in the end they created monuments to human potential. there's a universal message in the pyramids. the pyramids be long to egypt, but the pyramids also belong to the world. that's why we can all identify the pyramids as an early monument of human greatness.

for being a man made wonder that has survived the sands of time1, the pyramids rise to the n umber two spot.



大学趣事英语作文100字 第24篇

Springs are not always the same. In some years, April bursts upon Virginia hills in one prodigious leap – and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses of tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas of flowering plum. The trees grow leaves overnight.

In other years, spring tiptoes in. It pauses, overcome by shyness, like my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, giggling in the hallway. “I know you’re out there,” I cry. “Come in!” And April slips into our arms.

The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings. Within the perfect cup a score of clustered seeds are nestled. One examines the bud in awe: Where were those seeds a month ago? The apples display their milliner’s scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged. All the sleeping things wake up – primrose, baby iris, blue phlox. The earth warms – you can smell it, feel it, crumble April in your hands.

Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street. This is how it was, is now, and ever shall be, the world without end. In the serene certainty of spring recurring, who can fear the distant fall?

大学趣事英语作文100字 第25篇

With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college life. However, there was one thing for sure that I did feel quite excited and curious about my university. There is no doubt that students like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted to enter the university.


Bringing with expectation, I got into Zhejiang Gongshang University. Generally speaking, it's an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live in. Every day a series of outgoing people get into my eyesight. Curious and out of politeness, I'd talk to them heart to heart. Here I make friends with my new classmates from everywhere around China. What's more, time and weather permitting, I will enjoy jogging or playing basketball with my classmates on the playground, tired but happy. When staying in dormitory, I choose to read news online and sometimes watch a film for relaxing. However, a good student can never leave his study behind. When it comes to study, hard problems never upset me, instead they arouse me. Rather than ignoring it, I'd think carefully for a while and ask my classmates for help.


To be honest, there are some things I don’t deal with properly. For instance, once I spent nearly a whole day playing computer games. Personally, we university students are already adults and it's our obligation to develop ourselves in college by learning new professional skills. Not until we take a right attitude towards our study and life can we win a rich and colorful experience in college.


大学趣事英语作文100字 第26篇

With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college life. However, there was one thing for sure that I did feel quite excited and curious about my university. There is no doubt that students like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted to enter the university.


Bringing with expectation, I got into Zhejiang Gongshang University. Generally speaking, it's an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live in. Every day a series of outgoing people get into my eyesight. Curious and out of politeness, I'd talk to them heart to heart. Here I make friends with my new classmates from everywhere around China. What's more, time and weather permitting, I will enjoy jogging or playing basketball with my classmates on the playground, tired but happy. When staying in dormitory, I choose to read news online and sometimes watch a film for relaxing. However, a good student can never leave his study behind. When it comes to study, hard problems never upset me, instead they arouse me. Rather than ignoring it, I'd think carefully for a while and ask my classmates for help.


To be honest, there are some things I don’t deal with properly. For instance, once I spent nearly a whole day playing com*r games. Personally, we university students are already *s and it's our obligation to develop ourselves in college by learning new professional skills. Not until we take a right attitude towards our study and life can we win a rich and colorful experience in college.





大学趣事英语作文100字 第27篇

With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college life。 However, there was one thing for sure that I did feel quite excited and curious about my university。 There is no doubt that students like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted to enter the university。


大学趣事英语作文100字 第28篇

As we know, many people favor the idea that the college life is free and comfortable, but I’d like to say it’s not true。 As a matter of fact, my life in university is so busy that I wonder if my energy is enough。 As to my college life, I divide it into four parts, including study, student activities, library and the others。
