

导读 learning English.在开始学英语的时候,对于学生来说,尽量多记单词和短语是非常重要的。我坚持写日记,这不仅能提高我用英语表达自我的能力也有助于我学以致用。a lot of trouble with my listening 在听力方面困难

怎么学英语作文80 第1篇




Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Morning !

Welcome you to Tianjin, beautiful city, my home town!

Tianjin is one of big and beautiful cities in the east of Beijing, the capital of China. It remains attractive to visitors from all part’s of China who look forward to having its information known to them.

This makes me proud of achievement in Tianjin city that becomes famous for Drum Tower, Tianjin Eye and much delicious food, together with for some interesting sightseeing places and old buildings. By visiting them, tourists can have good time on holiday, getting much more familiar with locally social development.

It enables to population to grow for a little more than 15 million. People have some newly high-store buildings work done well that makes it happy for some citizen to live in.

To enjoy taking a trip alongside Haihe river by cruise, visitors have a great time during their visit to 600-year-old Tianjin city where they would buy them some traditionally delicious food from shops opened in the High Street. In it, tourists would find it busy for vehicles to go here and there really.

上述英语作文可以看出:逻辑思维及其思辨力,不但是英语写作的“牛鼻子”而且更是英语学习和考试的“大纲”。英语交流信息、表达思想、阐述观点和看法的能力,上升到结合内容对思维能力的训练,作为考试的重点。如此帮助语言能力对语言知识的提升,即听、说 、读的反映能力的提升。这样思维能力通过六方面:⑴记忆;⑵理解;⑶应用;⑷辨析;⑸评价;⑹创意,得到提升。




怎么学英语作文80 第2篇


learning 主动学习

sea of words 海量的词汇

Chinese 书面汉语

your vocabulary


widely used language广泛使用的语言

picture-based language


across a lot of unfamiliar words


high marks in English 英语成绩好

trouble learning English


a lot of trouble with my listening 在听力方面困难

to English radio programmes听英语广播节目

what you hear 重复你听到的

English in public


progress in English


part in the learning process


on what we have learnt


you to further learning


a good command/grasp of English 精通英语

the habit of reading


me not to give up


Ⅱ. 佳句背诵

Our memory reaches its full power at the age of 25.


'm more than pleased to know that you are eager to learn Chinese.


admire your passion for the Chinese language and I'm more than happy to give you some help.


and listening are very important for language learning, by which you are sure to make great progress. 听和说对于语言学习来说很重要,通过这种方法你肯定会取得巨大进步。

insist on keeping a diary and it can improve my ability to express myself in English and help me to put

what I've learnt into use.


must read them in books for many times. Then you'll be able to use them correctly.


is important to take an English course, as you will be able to learn from the teachers and practice speaking English with your fellow students.


's important for the students to remember as many words and phrases as possible at the beginning of

learning English.在开始学英语的时候,对于学生来说,尽量多记单词和短语是非常重要的。

, I listen to the tape and speak with myself. It's really good for improving my listening and speaking.此外,我听磁带和自己说话。这对提高我的听力和口语真的很有好处。

effective technique to remember things is to group similar ideas or information together so that they can be easily connected to things that are already known.


Ⅲ. 语段背诵

(2021上海卷书面表达)It's great to learn from your letter that you want to learn Chinese language. I'm writing to give my advice on your choosing course.

Personally, I'd like to recommend listening and speaking one hand, only by speaking and listening can you master Chinese quickly. For another, good listening and speaking ability will be helpful for you to adapt yourself in class. As for wiring and reading, you can try to write a diary in Chinese to memorize its spelling.

In a word, if you have any problem in learning Chinese, please contact me at any time.


你的美国朋友Tom 对学写中国汉字很感兴趣,请你写一篇博文鼓励他并给他一些练字的建议。




I'm delighted to learn that you like Chinese characters. I'm glad to offer you some suggestions.

Firstly, practice with patience and you'll make progress in time. Moreover, as proper guidance will help you learn much more easily, it's a good idea to learn some basic writing skills either from a Chinese teacher or from teaching videos on the Internet. What's more, you'd better use copybooks as we Chinese do in the early stage.

I hope my advice will be of some help to you.


Li Hua

怎么学英语作文80 第3篇

What kind of adversary do you want to meet in a contest?

I'd say that if given the chance, I'd prefer to meet tough adversaries in a contest. Since I want to seek self-improvement, I do believe strong adversaries make me stronger and help me to achieve self-breakthrough. Of course, I won't make an attempt to hide my real feelings and disguise my real intentions. I desire to defeat them and to be the best. But meanwhile, I will honor my adversaries, since they are not my enemies.