

导读 **飞船要在11:30分才能发射,我走到一台新型观测仪面前,准备察看新家的最新动态。人类的生活品质一直在提高,而科技也越来越发达。当人类活到25世纪时,生活会变得怎样呢?接着我参观了我的书房,一台小巧精美的粉红色kitty猫手提电脑是我办公娱乐的好帮手。

火星生活英语作文80词 第1篇

A passenger stepped onto the bus and did not take out the _one card_ or put in coins. Instead, he touched the ticket terminal on the bus with his hand and only heard a _beep_ indicating _pass_. Originally, this passenger had a dedicated bus payment communication terminal in his pocket. He only needed to touch the ticket checking equipment on the bus with his hand to complete the ticket settlement. This is not magic, but the latest demonstration of human communication.

At present, the most reliable biometric technologies are fingerprint and iris recognition, which have been applied in airports, banks, and various devices, and are expected to replace peoples credit cards or passwords. However, both fingerprints and iris can be stolen, which can also create unsafe factors. After human communication, these details will be resolved accordingly, because the biological codes inside each human body are different and absolutely impossible to forge. Therefore, it is more reliable and safer. We only need to install communication devices on our bodies and touch the sensors with our hands to complete identity recognition smoothly.

In the future, the application scope of human body communication will become increasingly widespread. For example, if you touch an advertising poster, product information and a purchase order will be transmitted to your portable computer; Whenever shaking hands with a stranger, if the other person is also carrying the corresponding device, each detailed information that usually appears on the nameplate will be downloaded to your phone through your arm

You may carry more than ten microcomputers on your body, which are embedded in your watch, earrings, or sewn on your clothing bones. These microcomputers with specialized features are connected to each other, forming a human LAN. No matter where you go, online news or wireless voice can be transmitted to your headphones and eyes, you can hear and see clearly.





火星生活英语作文80词 第2篇

Nowadays, peoples lives have become very prosperous, and cars have become an essential means of transportation for almost every family. The streets and alleys are filled with speeding cars, buses, bicycles, and electric vehicles... Traffic is congested, and accidents of all sizes occur every day, resulting in heavy casualties and shattered families. So, I want to invent a car that can fly in the sky and run on the ground, which can greatly reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents.

In the deep blue sky, cars of various colors and shapes are flying, but they share a common feature: a propeller is installed on top and wheels are installed below. They fly freely in the sky like birds.

On busy mornings, I will never worry about being late for school again. When the road was congested, we started the propeller and the car that had been stuck on the ground the previous second flew into mid air in an instant. In the blink of an eye, we arrived at the school. When we travel during holidays, the roads are congested and tickets are difficult to buy. At this time, we can drive a flying car and go out to play happily. If you are hungry, press the _eat_ button and you will see _eat_; If the car is broken, press the _repair_ button and tools will appear; If we want to go to a place and say the location, a flying car will take us there. Its really amazing. We were driving while listening to birds singing, our hearts as sweet as honey. Another function is to press the _Dream_ button before going to bed, which will create a beautiful dream for you and make you sleep sweetly.

In the future, there will be good technological development; In the future, a prosperous China has been established; In the future, everyone will surely be happy. Do you like my creations?





火星生活英语作文80词 第3篇

There is life on Mars. Residents shoot limbs and big heads. They run naked.

They enjoy every day. So the population on Mars is about to explode. Martians know that Mars will not accommodate any new born people, so they plan to invade the earth.



火星生活英语作文80词 第4篇



我把手放在识别仪上,一阵叮叮当当的响声过去,显示仪上立即出现了我的新家——一座巧克力搭成的城堡,房顶上用果酱涂**英文——the chocolate family。我新家的编码是66,一个吉利的数字。





火星生活英语作文80词 第5篇

In the 24th century, the appearance of Ninger County changed greatly. Walking on mechanized roads, there was no garbage, no dust, and it could be said that it was spotless. Ah, its time for class. Im riding the newly invented _winged bicycle_ from the 24th century, which is almost ubiquitous and environmentally friendly. Its clean and pollution-free. It has two functions. The first is that if you dont want to ride, you can activate the flight function. If you want to practice foot strength, you can activate the second function: the traffic function. The traffic function also has advantages, that is, wherever the bicycle passes by, the garbage and dust in that area will be sucked into the body by the bicycle.

After finishing my homework, I went to play with the computer. The old-fashioned computer like before has long been untouched, and if you play with it again, you will definitely be laughed at. We have a lot of games to play now. No matter what game it is, as long as we put the levels into the virtual environment machine, I will soon enter the game. I have become a cute little penguin, wearing a gorgeous princess dress. Unconsciously, a day passed and I sat down on the massage chair, where I was sucked in and vibrated to massage. My whole body seemed to have undergone a transformation. Its time to cook. I put the seasoning into the automatic pot and in less than five minutes, the delicious meal was ready. After finishing my meal, I put on my _flying shoes_ and went shopping. Not many people in the county have such advanced things. After a while, I was a bit thirsty, so I took my _Infinite Card_ and swiped it on a fruit machine. I brought a string of colorful grapes and a multi flavored apple. Haha, my future life is good, right? Welcome everyone to visit Ninger County, and I will use a _flying car_ to take you for a ride.



火星生活英语作文80词 第6篇

This is 2033, and human houses are all above the clouds. Clouds are ready-made taxis. When we go out, just blow a whistle and a cloud will come, taking us to wherever we want to go.

Entering the house, I am always attracted by the pungent aroma. Sometimes its delicious food, sometimes its rich coffee, and sometimes it can be a soft cake. These are all prepared for me by the kitchen robot. I just sat down and found that the table was too high, pressed against my chin. You will definitely think: there should be a button that can make the table shorter. But you were mistaken. When you want to find the button, the chair has gradually become higher until it fits your height before stopping.

After dinner, I will sit on the sofa. The sofa automatically massages me, helping me eliminate fatigue throughout the day. I was enjoying the massage while watching the exciting TV program. I thought to myself: if it were an animated film, it would be great to relax. Before I could finish thinking, the TV automatically switched channels and started playing cartoons. Its so comfortable - I yawned long.

Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ringing. I was walking towards the door when the TV screen gradually dimmed and made a sound: _Master, please turn off the phone when you leave to save resources._ I quickly said, _No, no! I still have to watch!_ The TV screen immediately lit up again. After a while, the TV made another sound: _Parents have set an automatic shutdown time, good night!_ I said, _No, no, let me finish watching!_ _I cant change the settings, Im sorry!_ I had to stand up and walked into the bedroom in frustration.

Outside the window, various aircraft glided silently, creating a peaceful atmosphere.






火星生活英语作文80词 第7篇

What will the future world look like? I think the future world will definitely be an era of highly developed technology. And the future in my imagination is like this.

Firstly, in the future world, every household will have a _Time and Space Rapid Transit Machine_, which is mainly designed for people who are far away from their place of study or work. It is small and simple, and can be changed in size according to a persons body shape. The main components include: location selector, handwriting selection screen, and home button. The location selector is when students arrive at a certain place, for example, after class, they meditate on their home address three times in their minds, and then press the only button on the selector to return to the place where they silently recite. How fast!

Secondly, each household has a _WSL_ three performance vehicle. The so-called _three performance_ refers to the ability to browse sea, land, and air. That is to say, it can achieve three forms of flying, running, and swimming, and the body is made of _PVR_ advanced memory alloy. The windshield is made of tempered glass, and there is unlimited food, water, and oxygen inside the car. Just press one button and say where you want to go again to achieve automatic navigation. There is also a warning system inside the car, which will display vehicles within ten meters on the screen. If you dont slow down quickly and brake, the car will automatically stop. In addition, cars use a special type of oil that emits fresh oxygen instead of exhaust gas, thus reducing pollution on the earth.

Ah。 The future world is truly full of wonders! I must study hard and contribute to technology. It would be great if I could sit on the machine I designed myself in the near future!





火星生活英语作文80词 第8篇

The quality of human life has been constantly improving, and technology is also becoming more and more advanced. What will life become when humans live to the 25th century?

In the 25th century, every household would have at least one computer. Because computers have become an essential tool for every household. At that time, computers had many functions and were all three-dimensional. As long as you touched them in the air, the pages would be displayed, which was very convenient. Nowadays, computers may only have over a hundred functions, but in the future, computers will have over a hundred. As long as you write down the functions you want to use, the page will pop up for you to use. You can play more games on the computer; Do more work; Find more information

The future does not mean that there will be no schools because of computers. The teaching courses in schools will be enriched in the future. When you are in class, teachers will take you to do experiments and experience the beauty of nature outdoors together; When you are in math class, the teacher will set aside rigid textbooks and take you outside the classroom to understand the wonders of mathematics; When you are in Chinese class, the teacher will not keep lecturing, but sometimes some interesting small games will allow you to learn in the game

In the future, household chores dont need to be done by humans. Just give a command to the robot at home and it will automatically help you. But its not just sitting lazily on the sofa waiting for someone to take care of you. In the future, it will also be done by the gym, where specialized robots will teach you to make every move correctly and help you exercise properly.

In the future, everything is beautiful, and everyone is civilized. In the future, there are still many items waiting for us to discover. Are you ready?






火星生活英语作文80词 第9篇

Twenty years later, I am driving a new type of biomass powered maglev car to work at a technology company. Due to the depletion of Earths resources twenty years ago, the government has been continuously developing environmentally friendly transportation vehicles. At the same time, influenced by the movie _Back to the Future 2_, the transportation vehicles we use will no longer emit exhaust gases, and even require some flowers, plants, and plants to drive the car for sightseeing. As soon as I entered the company, I began directing my employees to develop the latest research. Twenty years ago, I aspired to become a leader, and now it has finally been achieved.

After a busy day, I rushed home at the speed of light to accompany my wife and children. Due to frequent issues with parent-child relationships twenty years ago, I hope to emulate my parents, establish a stable bridge between my children, and listen to their voices, so that they can have happiness in the future. I must not place too much emphasis on their academic work. As the saying goes, _love it, trust him_, and give him some space, Avoid repeating the mistakes of twenty years ago.

Twenty years later, my daily life and that of my family became completely technological. With the help of natural therapy, my parents, even though they were old and old, were still healthy like a dragon. If their children had any academic difficulties, as long as they put on the _electrocardiogram helmet,_ the answer would automatically enter their minds. When going out for fun, as long as you set the direction, the car will automatically go there. If you want to travel in time and space, it is not a problem, as long as you are willing.

I hope that in the future of twenty years, all of these things will happen. In order to embrace a vibrant future, to become a leader in the future, and to build a happy family, I must work hard from now on, to _live in the present_, to study hard, and to create that beautiful twenty year future.





火星生活英语作文80词 第10篇

I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think two words can summarize my imagination.

The first word is fast. In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means. No matter how far we go, it takes only a short time. With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets.

The second word is convenient. Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by computers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated. Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.

This is my idea of the future life,what dou you think it?



