

导读 calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是9. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter就我而言,我完全同意前者/后者。

高考英语满分作文句式分析 第1篇

far as ...is concerned

goes without saying that...

can be said with certainty that...

the proverb says,

has to be noticed that...

`s generally recognized that...

`s likely that ...

`s hardly that...

’s hardly too much to say that...

calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是

高考英语满分作文句式分析 第2篇

1. 阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义    

2. 分析并举例使其更充实

The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it.

First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三).

In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the saying------------(引用谚语). If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.

三. 解决方法题型

高考英语满分作文句式分析 第3篇

1. 有一些人认为......

2. 另一些人认为......

3. 我的看法......

The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三).

While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三).

From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice .

高考英语满分作文句式分析 第4篇


第1段Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways.Others, however, argue that B is much better.Personally, I would prefer A because I think Ahas more advantages.


第2段There are many reasons why I prefer A.Themain reason is that ...Another reason is that...(同意A的原因)

第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent...(列出1~2个B的优势)


第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B.From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论)

高考英语满分作文句式分析 第5篇

1. 说明事物现状

2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面)

3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法

Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First ----------------(A的优点之一). Besides -------------------(A的优点之二).

But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点).

Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to ---------------(我的看法).

(From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, ---------------(对前景的预测).)

五. 议论文的框架 

高考英语满分作文句式分析 第6篇

1. Some people think that … 有些人认为…To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。

2. For years, … has been seen as …, but things are quite different now多年来,……一直被视为……,但今天的情况有很大的不同。

3. I believe the title statement is valid because… 我认为这个论点是正确的,因为…

4. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that …我无法完全同意这一观点的… I believe…

5. My argument for this view goes as follows我对这个问题的看法如下。

6. Along with the development of…, more and more…随着……的发展,越来越多…

7. There is a long-running debate as to whether…有一个长期运行的'辩论,是否…

8. It is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized that…它通常是认为…

9. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter就我而言,我完全同意前者/后者。

10. Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument of both sides在给出我的观点之前,我想有必要看看双方的论据。