

导读 The four seasons of Serenity Place are beautiful.In spring, the snow melts and everywhere displays a vibrant spring atmosphere. Evening is a good time

写美景的英语作文书 第1篇

The four seasons of Serenity Place are beautiful.

In spring, the snow melts and everywhere displays a vibrant spring atmosphere. Evening is a good time to take a walk. After dinner, the family can take a walk in Serenity Place.

Actually, summer is also good!

In summer, the sun scorches the earth. The flowers blooming in the flower bed are truly breathtaking. At night, there are still some people dancing to exercise their bodies, and the beautiful dance movements make people intoxicated.

You will definitely ask what autumn looks like?

In autumn, the whole Serenity Place is shrouded in thick fog. Everything is immersed in the milky morning fog, and flowers and trees are all white.

Actually, the most beautiful thing is still winter!

In winter, there is white snow everywhere. There is also a lifelike ice sculpture. At night, those playful children were having snowball fights, and the laughter was captivating!

My hometown is so beautiful all year round! I will always love my hometown and Serenity Place!

写美景的英语作文书 第2篇

Wenzhou, with its picturesque scenery and pleasant climate, is a beautiful and rich city.

She has many scenic spots. The well-known Jiangxin Island is a small island in the Oujiang River. There is also an ancient Jiangxin Temple on the island. There is a long couplet hanging on the door, which ordinary people can't read! In addition, there are numerous places of interest such as Yandang Mountains, Daluo Mountain, Dongtou Island and Nanxi River.

Wenzhou has many unique snacks, such as fish balls, muffins, duck tongue, and lantern cake, among which my favorite is the delicious duck tongue!

There are many specialties in Wenzhou, such as the red and purple red bayberries in the tea mountains and the yellow and shiny orange in the Ouhai sea. Its surface is golden, like big gold, and as long as you put the fruit in your mouth, it is a bit sour and bitter, with a faint fragrance in the bitterness.

This is my hometown, where I was born and raised. Welcome to visit.

写美景的英语作文书 第3篇

The stars are scattered, and when a glimmer of bright dawn shines in the east, the earth lifts its chest in the dusk. The morning air is fresh, and the weeping willows on both sides of the Yi River are covered in a veil, appearing and disappearing from time to time. Morning, so refreshing!

At noon, the warm sunshine came to the glass window, shining brightly. The snow on the trees, houses, and slopes began to melt, and the frozen soil became soft. At this moment, you can hear the sound of _ticking_ water and the sound of snowflakes falling everywhere. It should be a touching dance song on a clear day in the middle of winter!

It's snowing! The trees by the roadside were covered in silver flowers, furry and more robust than before. The original building shone with dazzling silver like a jade building. The snowflakes, one after another, fluttered down in abundance. This hexagonal and magnificent flower is as crystal clear as jade, pure and flawless. Its elegant charm and elegant demeanor are so beautiful and touching. It is the broken jade sprinkled by the fairy, the colorful falling flowers of osmanthus in the moon palace, and the fine fluff overturned by the weaver

How are you, pretty? Welcome to Yiyu!

写美景的英语作文书 第4篇

In spring, everything recovers, the willow trees turn green, grow long buds, and the pink peach blossoms quietly bloom with a smile. The fragrance of peach blossoms will seep into your heart and spleen as soon as you enter the park.

The sun goes crazy in summer, the trees grow into lush cages, the grass becomes green, as if laying a green carpet on the earth. At night, there are elderly people practicing Tai Chi under the trees, some dancing under the trees, some playing chess, and others playing games.

In autumn, the autumn wind blows, and the fallen leaves float. The fallen leaves spread a golden carpet on the earth, which is extremely beautiful.

There is no change between winter and autumn, only it gets colder in winter.

写美景的英语作文书 第5篇

The North and South Lake is composed of one South Lake and one North Lake, hence its name. Between South Lake and North Lake, there is a long embankment, with peach and willow trees planted on both sides of the embankment. Every spring, peach red willow green is vibrant. Because it is similar to West Lake in Hangzhou, North and South Lake is also known as _Little West Lake_.

The scenery of North and South Lake is so beautiful! Surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing the sea on one side. The mountains are lush with lush vegetation, including dark green, emerald green, tender green, and grass green, showcasing a variety of green colors. The lake water is clear to the bottom, and the green water plants dance with the waves like ribbons; The little fish with long fingers darted through the water.

The most beautiful thing about North and South Lake is at sunset. The sunset was burning like a huge salted egg yolk, reflecting on the water surface. Half of the lake's water was dyed red, while the other half of the water rippled slightly under the evening breeze, truly echoing the phrase _half river is rustling and half river is red_. Gradually, the sunset sank from the mountain depression until it disappeared completely. The sky darkened, but the stars poked their heads out of the clouds one by one, flickering in the velvet like night sky, like precious stones.

My hometown, Nanbei Lake, is truly breathtaking! I love my hometown!