

导读 How things have changed!(大转折,用于句首,替换But.)11、want sth→desire sth. 高级词汇使情感强度更加具体a ball替换have a good time/ enjoy oneself

高考英语作文替换词 第1篇

singer n.歌唱家,歌手

sister-in-law n.嫂,弟媳

Skateboard n.冰鞋

ski n./vi滑雪板

skilled a.熟练的

Skillful a.熟练的,精湛的

skillfully ad.精湛地,巧妙地

skip v.跳绳

Skyscraper n.摩天楼

slavery n.****

sleepy a.想睡的,困倦的,瞌睡的

Sleeve n.袖子,袖套

slice n.片,切面 薄片

slide n./v.幻灯片,滑道

Slim a.苗条的,纤细的

slip n.片,条,纸片,纸条

smelly a.有臭味的,发出臭味的

smog n.烟雾

smoke-free a.非吸烟的,无烟的

smoker n.吸烟者

Smoking n.吸烟,抽烟,冒烟

snack n.小吃

snackbar n.快餐店

Snatch v.夺,夺得,夺走

sneaker n.轻便运动鞋 美

sneeze v.打喷嚏

Snowball n.雪球

snowman n.雪人

snowy a.雪 白的

Sob n./v.抽泣,啜泣

soccer n.英式足球

social a.社会的

Sofa n. 长沙发

soft drink n.清凉饮料

softball n.垒球

Sorrow n.悲伤,悲痛

so-so a.一般

southeast n.东南

Southwest n.西南

souvenirs n.纪念品,纪念物

sow sowed, sown或-ed vt.播种

Spaceship n.宇宙飞船

spade n.铲子

spaghetti n.意大利式面条

Spain n.西班牙

sparrow n.麻雀,雀型鸟类

speaker n.演讲人,演说家

Spear n.矛,枪,梭镖

specialist n.专家,专科医生

spelling n.拼写,拼读


高考英语作文替换词 第2篇


【例句1】I go to school everyday.

【例句2】I ride to school everyday.



【例句3】Mr Wang is a good teacher.

【例句4】Mr Wang is a kind, patient and knowledgeable teacher.

例句3只表达出Mr Wang是一个“好”老师,而到底“好”在哪些方面,却没有具体说清楚;例句4则清楚地告诉读者,Mr Wang好在三个方面:和蔼(kind)、耐心(patient)以及知识丰富(knowledgeable)。


(8)adj. 学习


闪光高分词:research研究;pick up偶然学到,顺便学到,轻松学到;master掌握

(9)n. 好老师

黯然低分词:a good teacher

闪光高分词:a kind, patient and knowledgeable English teacher一个善良、耐心、博学的老师


【例句5】I,together with Tom and Jerry, rode to the Zhongshan park yesterday,feeling rather excited.

同样的,例句4也可以加上一个定语从句,写出Mr Wang到底擅长哪些事情,如:

【例句6】Mr Wang is a kind, patient and knowledgeable teacher who knows how to enlighten us students.


高考英语作文替换词 第3篇


(4)v. 参加


闪光高分词:take part in

(5)v. 使用


闪光高分词:make good use of

(6)v. 拜访


闪光高分词:pay a visit to


高考英语作文替换词 第4篇

说到“勇敢的”,_brave_一词出镜率较高,甚至有些电影名字也用_brave_形容勇敢的,如_brave heart_《勇敢的心》,而迪斯尼直接用_brave_《勇敢传说》为一部动画电影命名。不过,你也有其他的选择。

替换词 courageous

eg:It was a courageous decision, and one that everybody admired.


替换词 bold

eg:He believes that students should be encouraged to experiment with bold ideas.


替换词 fearless

eg:Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. -- Young people are fearless.

高考英语作文替换词 第5篇

对…有信心 have confidence in

说清楚 articulate; verbalize; put in words; utter

接受…之美意 embrace the offer of…

累积 amass; accumulate; heap up; assemble

连系 tact; get in touch with; contact with

排除这可能性 rule out the possibility

等于 is equivalent to; equal

选择 choose; elect; opt for; pick; single out

发出 deliver; give out; hand over

绕路 detour; take a detour; take a roundabout way

禁止进入 is kept out; is barred from

小看 make little of

坏了 out of order; on the blink; is not working

分别 distinguish between; make a distinction between; tell…from

依靠 count on; depend on

忽视 neglect; give too little care to

高考英语作文替换词 第6篇


替换词 sound

eg:She gave me some very sound advice。


替换词 rational

eg:Your choice was perfectly rational under the circumstances.


替换词 sensible

eg:That sounds very sensible to me.


高考英语作文替换词 第7篇

1. in fashion(=stylish,most modern)时兴,流行

2. after the fashion (of)依照…

3. find fault with(=complain about; criticize)找毛病,对…吹毛求疵

4. at fault (=in the wrong,blamable)有错

5. in favour of赞成

6. be in favour with受宠,受偏爱;

out of favour with失宠,不受宠

7. in one's favour(=to one's advantage)对。有利

8. (be) favourable to(=advantageous)有利的

9. fear for (=be afraid for the safety of sb. or sth.)为…担心

10. for fear of (=in case of; because of anxiety about)以防,由于怕

11. in fear of (=afraid for the safety of)担心

12. feed (sb.) on sth.靠吃…,用…喂养

13. be fed up with(=be unhappy,tired about sth. dull)厌烦,腻了

14. feel like (=have a desire for)想要

9. mention sth. to sb.向某人提起某事

15. at the mercy of (=in the power of)任…摆布,在…支配下

16. be in a mess乱七八糟,处境困难make a mess of弄乱,打乱

17. bear(or keep)…in mind(=remember)牢记

18. bring(or call)to mind(=remember)使回想起

19. by mistake(由于粗心,健忘原因而)错误地

20. at the moment (=now)此刻,现在for the moment (=for the time being)暂时just a moment稍等片刻at the last moment在最后一刻

21. in the mood for有情绪去做……,有心境做。

22. no more…than和…一样都不…

23. for the most part多半,大多数,一般来说

24. at (the) most最多,至多

25. make the most of充分利用

高考英语作文替换词 第8篇

1.充足的;丰富的(abundant) → ample / plentiful / generous / sufficient / abounding / lavish / copious / bountiful / lousy with / overflowing / cup runs over with / crawling with / plate is full of / rolling in / liberal / mucho / luxuriant / profuse2.大量的;很多的 → quite number of / a considerable number of / an overwhelming majority of / vast majority of / a crowd of / a host of / multitude of / plenty of / scores of / dozens of / large amount of / a great deal of( 这两个后接不可数名词) / an ocean of / enormous / an army of

3.一些 → a slice of / several

4.极好的;难以置信的;使人惊讶的 → incredible / unbelievable / improbable / fabulous / wonderful / fantastic / astonishing / astounding / awesome / extraordinary / spectacular / magnificent / miraculous(不可思议的;奇迹的) / stunning(极好的;使人晕倒的) / prodigious(惊人的,奇妙的)

5.生气的 → angry / furious / enraged / wrathful / indignant / exasperated / mad / aroused / inflamed / resentful / displeased / ferocious / ill-tempered / irascible / bitter / cross / sullen / uptight / offended / raging / antagonized / impassioned / irate / turbulent / outraged(义愤填膺的;愤慨地) / exacerbated(愤怒的) / provoked / fuming / vexed / storming / piqued(赌气的;不满的;愤怒的) / nettled(惹恼的)

6.消极的,不良的(bad) → detrimental(不利的;有害的) / baneful / harmful / dangerous / damaging / ruinous / deleterious / injurious / disadvantageous / hurtful / unhealthy / disastrous / destructive / unfavorable

7.有害的/坏的 → bad 、 detrimental、 baneful 、undesirable、dreadful、 unfavorable、 poor、 adverse、

8.担心的 → anxious / apprehensive / fraught

9.体贴的 → thoughtful / considerate / sympathetic

10.没必要的(unnecessary) → avoidable / hardly necessary / hardly inevitable

11.严重的;急促的(bad)→ severe / serious / terrible / acute / extreme / intense / painful / distressing / harsh / fierce (残忍的;激烈的)

12.美丽的;有吸引力的(beautiful) → attractive / gorgeous / eye-catching / charming / graceful / pleasant / fetching / fine / fair / magnetic / delightful / cute / exquisite / enticing / tempting / captivating / radiant / appealing / alluring(有货的;迷人的,吸引人的) / drop-dead(极其引人注目的)/ ravishing(引人入胜的;令人陶醉的)/ winsome / prepossessing(给人好感的;有美丽的;引人注意的)/ comely(清秀的,标志的)

13.丑陋的(ugly) → hideous / unattractive / unsightly / repulsive / plain / unlovely / homely / fugly(丑极了=f**king ugly)

14.勇敢的(brave) → courageous / bold / fearless / gallant / gutsy / daring / gritty / fearless / resolute / audacious / plucky(有勇气的,大胆的)/ unflinching / ballsy / lion-hearted / valorous(勇敢的;勇武的)/ dauntless / intrepid(无谓的;勇敢的) / valiant / heroic

15.庞大的(big) → vast / massive / enormous / tremendous / titanic / considerable / giant / giant / substantial / extensive / immense / spacious / gigantic / monumental / bulky / burly / colossal / stellar / prodigious / hulking / ponderous / voluminous / elephantine / ginormous(极大的;甭提有多大的)

16.枯燥的;乏味的(boring) → dull / tiresome / tedious / dreary(沉闷的,枯燥的)/ stale / monotonous / old / dead / flat / dry(枯燥无味的) / routine / uninspiring(不顾无人的;乏味的)/ humdrum(单调的;无聊的) / insipid mind-numbing / unexciting / wearisome(乏味的)

17.小心的;谨慎的(careful) → cautious / prudent / discreet / chary / painstaking(极小心地;辛勤的) / scrupulous / fastidious / circumspect / heedful / discreet / thoughtful / punctilious

18.普通的,普遍的(common)→ commonplace / universal / pervasive / ubiquitous

19.聪明的(clever) → intelligent / bright / wise / smart / clear-sighted / astute / sharp-witted / leery / resourceful / astute / discerning / brainy / deep / keen

20.不同的(Different) → various / a variety of / varieties of / diverse / dissimilar / opposed / contrasting / clashing / at odds(不一致)/ inconsistent / divergent / at variance / discrepant

21.困难的(difficult) → demanding / laborious / formidable / tough / taxing / challenging / exacting / formidable / uphill / arduous / onerous / burdensome / wearisome / toilsome

22.怀疑的;不一定的(doubtful) → skeptical / suspicious / incredulous(表示怀疑的,不相信的) / dubious / shady / unscrupulous / shifty / disreputable / untrustworthy23.好的;杰出的(good) → excellent / outstanding / distinguished / extraordinary / remarkable / superior / tremendous / decent / eminent / top / conducive / fabulous / superb / terrific / brilliant

24.有益的 → beneficial / rewarding / helpful / conducive(adj.有利的)

25.流行的;普遍的 → widespread / prevalent / overflow / rampant26.有活力的(Energetic) → dynamic / animated / vigorous27.杰出的;有名的(famous) → renowned / noticeable / notable / exceptional / distinguished / eminent / prominent

28.迅速的(fast) → rapid / swift / speedy / prompt / hurried / accelerated / brisk / hasty / nimble

29.有帮助的 → favorable / beneficial / rewarding / contribute to / advantageous30.快乐的 → delightful / cheerful / glad / pleased / elated / joyful / jubilant / blissful / chuffed / upbeat / chipper / thrilled / ebullient / overjoyed

31.具有摧毁性的 → damaging / ruinous / destructive / dreadful / unfavorable / adverse / negative / deteriorating / inferior / devastating

32.健康的;强壮的 → strong / healthy / robust / sound / wholesome

33.重要的(important) → vital / crucial / prominent / cardinal / significant / critical / essential / indispensable / profound(意义深远的) / far-reaching(影响广泛的) / decisive(adj.决定性的) / key(关键的)

34.有趣的(interesting) → amusing / entertaining / engaging

35.非常地 → exceedingly / extremely / intensely / highly / remarkably / absolutely / seriously / deeply / profoundly / acutely / awfully / excessive / noticeably / superlatively / uncommonly / surpassingly / decidedly / jolly / eminently / particularly36.合理的 → reasonable / sound(合理的;有能力的) / rational / sensible / persuasive / feasible / logical / advisable / appropriate / convincing / viable37.贫穷的(poor) → needy / in need / impoverished / in poverty / poverty-stricken / penniless / indigent / impecunious / destitute / penurious / necessitous

38.流行的 → popular / prevailing / prevalent / pervasive

39.明显的 → obvious / apparent / evident / manifest

40.明显地;显著地;急剧地 →radically / vastly / hugely / enormously / steeply / sharply / noticeably / substantially / dramatically / remarkably / considerably / significantly / surprisingly

41.轻微地;微微地 → slightly / smoothly / moderately / gradually / steadily / mildly / slowly / marginally(很少地;微不足道地)42.悲伤的(sad) → depressed / gloomy / under the weather / frustrated / grieved / heartrending / spiritless / downcast / dejected / blue / depressed / dejected / glum / downcast / tearful / lugubrious / pensive / grief-stricken / lachrymose / woebegone / doleful / disconsolate

43.崭新的 → brand-new / novel / up to date / fresh / span-new / spick-and-span(崭新的;一尘不染的) / fire-new / span-new(崭新的) / in mint condition / neo-(前缀-新的)

44.富有的(rich) → wealthy / well-heeled / well-to-do / well-off / affluent

45.越来越多 → more and more / growing / a increasing number of / a mounting number of / sth. in mounting numbers

46.仅仅 → only / solely / unique / merely

(如果) → provided that / given that

高考英语作文替换词 第9篇

1.就我而言 → from where I stand / for my part / as for me / as far as I'm concerned / from my point of view / from my perspective / It's my belief that / in my opinion

2.参加 → attend / participate in / get involved in / involve in / take an active part in / engage in

3.繁荣 → flourish / blossom / thrive / advance / progress / boom / bloom / prosper / burgeon / abound

4.阻止(stop) → curb / hinder / hamper / restrain / ward off

5.解决 → solve / deal with / handle / tackle / work out / settle / cope with / address / address / harness / grapple with / combat(防止;与..战斗)

6.忽视 → neglect / overlook / fail to take into account / turn a blind eye to

7.走路 → cover / stride / wander / trudge / march / pace / trek / hike / tread / ramble / tramp / promenade / amble / saunter / stroll / toddle

8.认为(think) → reckon / harbor the idea that / take the attitude that / hold the view that / it is widely/universally shared/acknowledged that / claim / believe / assume / maintain / argue / ponder / mediate / advocate / contend / deem / claim / be convinced that / reserve the view/point/attitude that

9.知道;意识到 → be aware of / arouse one's awareness of sth.

10.要求;呼吁 → require / necessitate / call for / appeal to(呼吁)

11.使用;好好利用 → make/take advantage of / optimize(v.充分利用)/ employ(v.运用;使用) / utilize / apply

12.付账;购买 → pay / cover / purchase

13.有能力做;能够做 → be able to do / be capable of doing sth. / have access to / be competent to do / have the ability to do / be equipped with the ability to do

14.完成(complete) → fulfill / accomplish / achieve / terminate / finalize / execute / settle / perform / wrap up

15.目的是为了 → In order to(目的是) / in a bid to / with the aim of / aiming to / for the purpose of / for the hope of

16.想要;渴望 → long for doing sth. / yearn for doing sth. / be thirsty to / thirst for doing sth / eager to do / intend to do / tend to do / have fancy in / have a yen for / eat your heart out over / would give your eyeteeth for / thirst for / pine for / hanker after / crave / covet(垂涎;觊觎)

17.成功 → make it in doing sth. / prevail / triumph over / succeed

18.对...有兴趣 → sb. take interest in / sb. be interested in / sth appeals to sb. / sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb.

19.与...相关 → be related to / be associated with / be linked to

20.与...相比 → in relation to / relative to / compared with/to / by comparison with / in contrast with /

21.应该做(should do) → be supposed to / ought to / need to do / it couldn't be better if you could do

22.是...的原因;解释 → be responsible for / account for / be attributed to23.导致(cause) → contribute to / give rise to / lead to / result in / trigger / provoke / incite / precipitate / induce / motivate / compel / generate / bring about

24.获得(get) → obtain / attain / achieve / acquire / have access to / gain / reap / procure / earn

25.拥有 → own / possess / enjoy / be endowed with / be equipped with / boast / carry(承载)/ acquire / attain

26.提高;增强 → improve / enhance / optimize(使最优化)/ promote / strength

27.展示 → demonstrate / reveal / indicate / illustrate(阐明)28.认识到;领会到;仔细阅读 → apprehend / bury oneself in / comprehend / cover / construe / decipher / dip into / discover / make out / pore over / refer to / scratch the surface / unravel / perceive / peruse / gather / glance / flip through / interpret / leaf through

29.培养(develop) → cultivate / foster / nurture / agriculture / train

30.摧毁(Destroy) → tear down / knock down / eradicate

31.提供 → provide / offer / give / render / afford

32.鼓励;刺激(encourage) → motivate / stimulate / nurture / inspire / reassure / animate / console / rouse / embolden / boost someone's morale / spur

33.使放松;减轻(ease) →alleviate / relieve / lighten / soothe / allay / mitigate / pacify / mollify / palliate / tranquillize(使瓶颈;使镇定)

34.吸引某人的注意力 → capture one's attention / catch one's eyes / attract one's attention

35.注意 → pour attention to / pour attention to

36.因为(because) → on account of / in that / since / seeing as / in the sense of / on the grounds that


高考英语作文替换词 第10篇

一、 按大词(动词、名词)记忆

look 的常用短语:

look up ? in查找

look sb. up and down 上下打量

look back to/ upon回顾

look upon?as把? 看作

look forward to期待

look through浏览; 看穿

take a new look呈现新面貌


in fear害怕地

(be) in fear of 害怕

for fear of/ that担心;生怕

concentrate 的常用短语:

concentrate on 专心?

concentrate one’s mind on 专心于?


fix one’s mind upon

focus on

put one’s heart into

focus one’s mind on


in surprise惊讶地

to one’s surprise 使某人惊讶的是

be surprise at/to do/that




pull on

put on


dress sb

2. 表示状态的有:


be in

be dressed in

have … on



care for

be attached to

be keen on

be fond of

take delight in…


have much trouble / no trouble (in) doing 在?有/没有困难

take great trouble to do


put sb to the trouble of doing …


make trouble捣乱

be in (great) trouble


help sb. out of trouble



come to an end??结束

put an end to 结束??

on end竖起, 连续

in the end终于; 最后

end up (by) doing?以??结束

make both ends meet收支相抵


1. 导致

cause sth. (to do)

result in

lead to

2. 由??引起

be caused by

result from

grow out of

lie in


do / try one’s best

spare no efforts to do

take great pains to do

go all out to do

do what somebody can (do) to do

do all somebody can (do) to do


in (the ) direction of?.朝??方向

under the direction of ...在??的指导下

follow the directions照说明去做


far from (being)离??要求相差很远

far from +(a place)距离某地很远

far away遥远

so far 到目前为止; 那么远

as far as sb. knows/sees据某人所知

by far



in the distance在远处

from/ at a distance从远处

keep sb. at a distance


It is no distance at all.不远


used to do过去曾经、常做

be used to doing ?习惯于??

be used to do被用来做??

make good/ full use of充分利用??

come into use开始使用??

it is no use doing ?干??没有用


What’s wrong with….?

What’s the matter with…?

What’s the trouble with…?

What happened (to sb.) ?


It is known to all that?主语从句,that不能省

As is known to all,定语从句,置于句首

We all know (that)后接宾语从句

Everyone knows (that)后接宾语从句

, which is known to all.非限定从句,置于句末


agree with sb. /what sb. said

agree to sth.

approve (of) sth.

in favour of sth.

be agreeable to sth.

be for sth.


disagree with sb./ what sb. said

object to sth.

disapprove (of) sth.

be against sth.


sign one’s name签名

sign to sb (not) to do sth.


signs of …


would rather 与 prefer 的区别


would rather do A than do B

prefer A to B

prefer to do A rather than do B

2. would rather 主语 + 过去式,表示“宁愿”

eg. I would rather you came tomorrow than today.

should prefer sb. to do sth./ should prefer 主语 + 过去式,表示“比较喜欢??” eg. I should prefer you not to go there alone.

OR: I should prefer that you did not go there alone.


be caught in a trap落入圈套

be led into a trap中圈套

set a trap to do sth.设圈套??

be trapped in sth.被?..所围困


in the grow of在?.成长中

grow up长大; 成长

grow rich on靠?.. 变富

grow into长成??

grow out of由?..引起/滋生出


be made up of =consist of 由??组成

make up for弥补

be made from/ of由??造成

make up编造;组成;化妆

be made into制成??

make fun of取笑; 嘲弄

make a living 谋生

supply, provide, offer 的区别:


supply / provide sb. with sth.

supply / provide sth. for sb.

supply sth. to sb.

offer sb. sth.

2. 表示“主动提出做某事”

offer to do sth.

3. 表示“倘使”、“假如”

provided / providing that

= on condition that

=only if

4. 表示“满足需要”supply / meet a need.


in short supply 缺乏,不足

medical/military supply医疗/军用品

supplies of?许多


be lacking in sth. 在??不足

make up for the lack of


for/by/from/through lack of…


have no lack of不缺


do damage/harm to 对??有害

cause damage to 对??造成损害

ask for damage要求赔偿

die of 与die from 的区别

高考英语作文替换词 第11篇

hamburger n.汉堡包

Handbag n.女用包,手提包

handful n. 一把

handle n.柄,把手

Handtruck n.手推运货车

handwriting n.书法

handy a.便利的,顺手的

Harbour n.港口

hardship n.困难

harm n./ v.伤害

Harmful a.有害的

harmless a.无害的

hatch v. 鸟、鸡孵蛋

Hawk n.鹰

hay n.作饲料用的干草

headline n. 报刊的大定标题

Headmistress n.女校长

headteacher n.中小学班**

healthy a.健康的,健壮的

Heap n.堆

hearing n.听力

heavily ad.重地,大量地

Heel n.脚后跟

helicopter n.直升飞机

helmet n.头盔

Helpful a.有帮助,有益的

hen n.母鸡

herb n.草药

******e n.女英雄,女主角

hey int.嘿!

hibernate vi.冬眠

Hibernation n.冬眠

hillside n. 小山山腰,山坡

hilly a.丘陵的

Hive n.蜂房

hobby n.业余爱好,嗜好

holy a.神圣的

Homeland n.祖国

hometown n.故乡

honey n.蜂蜜

Hong Kong n.**

hook n./ v.钩子

hooray int.好哇! 欢呼声

Horrible a.令人恐惧的

host n.主人

hostess n.女主人

Hot dog n.热狗

howl vi.嚎叫,嚎哭

humorous a.富于幽默的

humour n.幽默,幽默

hunt vt.寻找

hunter n.猎人

Hurricane n.飓风,十二级风

hydrogen n.氢

ice-cream n.冰淇淋

Iceland n.冰岛

idiom n.习语,成语

immediately ad.立即

Immigration n.**

import v./n.进口,输入

impress vt.留下极深的印象

Impression n.印象,感觉

incident n.事件

incorrect a.不正确的,错误的

Independence n.**

independent a.**的

influence n./v.影响

Inform vt.告诉

information desk n.问讯处

initial a.开始的,最初的

Injure vt.损害,伤害

injury n.受伤处

高考英语作文替换词 第12篇

, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)

(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)

, cling(hold on something tightly)

.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)

(two things next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)

(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)

(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)

(unknown or known by only a few people)

, summit

*****=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)

(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)

, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)

(describe those who are admired), reputation

(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish

(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)

(complain something in a bad-tempered way)

(very important and great in degree), fundamental

(alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)

into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel

(magnify means make something larger than it really is)

(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)

23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her

(very small), minute

(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political)

(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly

(if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)

(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)

, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)+

(to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people.)

(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use this word, you emphasize something’s large), tremendous(INFORMAL)

(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it

(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)

(physically attack someone), assail (attack violently)

(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)

(it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)

(the same as always, but better than always)

(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)

(it means surprise you slightly), astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)

(a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)

(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)

(it means too expensive that it should be)

(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive

(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)

(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. FORMAL)

(if you fret about something, you worry about it)

(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)

(very hot)

(very dangerous, hazardous(dangerous, especially to people's safety and health)

(the only one of its kind), distinctive;

(if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)

(the components of something are the parts that it is made of)

(the results or effects of something)

, manifest

fromcan see or notice them very easily)

(very uncomfortable and disappointing)

(a particular field of thought, activities or interest)

(come into existence)

(the whole of something)

(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet), humid(very damp and hot)!

(incorrect or partly correct)

(change into another form)

(this word means represent a typical example of something)

(very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent(careful and sensible)

, capability(the same as ability)

(if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange way, or his/her opinion is different from most people)

(if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)

utilize (the same as use)

(if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it.)

(if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)

, ephemeral(if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time)

(extremely angry)

(used to describe an unpleasant smell)

(if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)

(pleasing and attractive), absorbing(something absorbing can attract you a great deal)

(a miscellaneous groups consists of many different kinds of things)

, chaos

(used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way)

(ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)

(very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)


(used to describe the best level something can achieve)/

(severe and intense)

(if you deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen

(something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)

(away of getting something done)

(used to describe people who are successful in their career)

(extremely old and extremely old-fashioned)

(embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)

(if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)

, accordingly

(doesn’t happen often)

(greedy and selfish)


高考英语作文替换词 第13篇




闪光高分词:challenging 有挑战性的



闪光高分词:vital 至关重要的;essential 必不可少的;significant 有重要意义的;



闪光高分词:appealing动人的;attractive 吸引人的;charming迷人的;fascinating 迷人的


高考英语作文替换词 第14篇

1、like → be fond of/be crazy about/delight in/rejoice in/take pleasure in/appreciate/

2、all + 名词复数(如students)→ every single student 【注意名词单复数变化】

3、think about/consider → take into account

4、want to do sth → intend to do sth/tend to do sth/be inclined to do sth./

be longing for doing sth./be thirst for doing sth

5、more and more+n. → n.+in /growing/increasing/significant/numbers

6、more and more +adj (如important) → increasingly important

7、most+n.(如student) → an overwhelmingly majority of

a significant proportion of

a sizable percentage of

8、not → by no means的不完全倒装句型。

【例】By no means shall we give up trying.我们决绝能停止努力。

【注】by no means 可以用在“正装”句型中,如:This is by no means a good way to solve the problem. 这绝不是解决问题的最好方法。

9、should do → be supposed to do

10、good --> excellent


11、want sth→desire sth. 高级词汇使情感强度更加具体

12、but→nevertheless/nonetheless 高级词汇使情感强度更加具体(“尽管如此,但是...”)

How things have changed!(大转折,用于句首,替换But.)

13、always →consistently /constantly/continually/eternally/perpetually

14、enough → abundant/adequate/sufficient

15、important →essential/vital/crucial/fundamental/indispensable

16、now → nowadays/these days/ recently

17、really →undoubtedly/absolutely

18、very → extremely/surprisingly //unusually/excessively/noticeably/exceedingly

19、many → a number of/ plenty of/ a multitude of/ many+n.+,if not most,+...(经典插入语)

20、good friend→ true friend\close friend\constant friend\a friend indeed

21、big → distinct 清楚的、明显的 (可以加到difference\change等词的前面)


高考英语作文替换词 第15篇

考虑 consider; take into consideration; take into account

考虑到 in consideration of

用尽力气 exhaust one’s strength; use up one’s strength

开动 initiate; set going

准备…brace for; prepare for

在于 lie in; rest on; rest with

主动 take the initiative

不算 exclusive of; not counting; leaving out

应该得到 deserve; have right to; is worthy of

避免 avoid; shun; get around; circumvent

幻想 fantasy; play of the mind

以此标准来算 by this criterion; by this standard

乍看之下 at first glance

面对 in the face of; in the presence of

以 by means of; by virtue of; by the use of

不惜代价 at all costs

每况愈下 from bad to worse

承受错误造成的后果 in reaping the harvest of his mistakes

取得同意…get the go-ahead to

不择** unscrupulously; by hook or by crook

想法与作法 beliefs and practices

内情 ins and outs; turns and twists

关键时刻 the critical moment


高考英语作文替换词 第16篇


替换think of

Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house.

An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.

It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.


He spends all his spare time in reading. →

He devotes all his spare time to reading.

替换want / look for

They sought ( wanted ) to hide themselves behind the trees.

替换ordinaryI’m an average ( ordinary ) student.


The film we saw last night was very interesting. →

The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.

The film we saw last night was anything but boring.


On his way to school, he found an old lady seated (sitting) by the road, looking worried.

替换shouldHe is supposed to ( should ) have driven more slowly.


Thank you very much for you help. →

We appreciate your help very much. / Your help is much appreciated.

case替换trueI don’t think it is the case ( true ).

替换as soon as

As soon as he arrived, he began his research. →On his arrival, he began his research..


Firstly: previously, beforehand, foremost, initially, originally, formerly,principally, mainly, essentially, basically, generally, commonly, universally, on the whole, fundamentally, to begin with,to start with, first of all, at the outset…

Then: subsequently, afterward, thereafter, after that, secondarily, what is more,furthermore(further more)…

Lastly:ultimately, eventually, in conclusion, to conclude, as a final point,last of all, last but not least, finally…

Too: as well (句末)也, in addition,besides, moreover, additionally, to boot, excessively, also…

And: plus,as well as, along with, in addition, bonus, with…

Or: otherwise, if not, before, or else…

So(adv): therefore, thus, consequently, accordingly,as a result, for that reason, hence, that’s why

Because: as,due to, since, as to, in that, for the reason that, for, now that…

But:however, moreover, nevertheless,nonetheless, on the contrary, on the other hand,让步although, even thought, though, even if, while, as, despite the fact that…

Only:just, merely, barely, singly, solely, rarely…


Very: extremely, acutely, decidedly, deeply, exceedingly, greatly, highly, uncommonly, profoundly, unusually…

Actually: as a matter of fact, indeed, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, in truth, literally, truly…


高考英语作文替换词 第17篇



eg:Simpson's much vaunted discoveries are in fact commonplace in modern sociology.



eg:He was probably right to intuit that it was universal.


替换词:pervasive [pəˈveɪsɪv]

eg:It is knowledge directed to the fundamental and pervasive concerns of existence.



高考英语作文替换词 第18篇

1. occur 替换 think of

Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house. →

An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.

It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.

2. devote替换spend

He spends all his spare time in reading. →

He devotes all his spare time to reading.

3. seek替换want / look for

They sought ( wanted ) to hide themselves behind the trees.

4. average 替换ordinary

I’m an average ( ordinary ) student.

5. but替换very

The film we saw last night was very interesting. →

The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.

The film we saw last night was anything but boring.

6. seat 替换sit

On his way to school, he found an old lady seated (sitting) by the road, looking worried.

7. suppose 替换should

He is supposed to ( should ) have driven more slowly.

8. appreciate 替换thank

Thank you very much for you help. →

We appreciate your help very much. / Your help is much appreciated.

9. the case替换 true

I don’t think it is the case ( true ).

替换as soon as

As soon as he arrived, he began his research. →

On his arrival, he began his research..

to替换because of

He arrived late due to ( because of ) the storm.


After covering (walking) 10 miles, we all felt tired.

to替换 be helpful/useful

Plenty of memory work is undoubtedly helpful to English study. →

Plenty of memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English study.

the corner 替换 coming soon/ nearby

① The summer vacation is round the corner ( coming). Do you have any plans?

② Li Ming studies in a school round the corner (nearby).

to light替换discover

The family were so pleased when they discovered the lost jewels. →

The family were so pleased when the lost jewels came to light.

a ball替换have a good time/ enjoy oneself

After visiting the workshop, we went back to school. Every one of us had a ball ( had a good time ).

up with替换think of

Jack is very clever. He often comes up with ( thinks of ) new ideas.


Some students think that they should set aside some of their pocket money for books. (2004天津卷)

of + n. 替换adj.

The products are of high quality (very good ) and are sold everywhere in China.

to 替换talk about/of, mention

The professor you referred to (talked about ) is very famous.

not but / can not help but替换have to do

I could not but (had to) go home.

often than not替换usually

More often than not (Usually), the meaning of many words can be easily guessed.

替换so that /in order that

I wrote down his telephone number so that I would not forget it. →

I wrote down his telephone number lest I (should) forget it.

long for sth. / be long to do sth. 替换want to do sth./wish for

I want to see you very much. →

I am long to see you.

caught up in/be crazy about/be absorbed in/be addicted to替换be interested in

He is caught up in ( very interested in ) collecting stamps.


① I’m very glad to learn that you are coming in September. →

I’m more than glad to learn that you are coming in September. ( NMET 2003 )

② If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help. (2004全国卷)

(ly) 替换good/ very well

He speaks perfect ( good ) English./ He speaks English perfectly ( very well ).

sb a/the favor 替换help

Would you please do me the favor ( help me ) to turn down the radio?

other day替换a few days ago

The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. ( NMET 1997 )

the course of替换during

In the course of (During) the mountain-climbing, please help each other and pay special attention to your safety.

高考英语作文替换词 第19篇


deem【例】I deem it advisable to purchase the shares in the railway now。我认为现在购买铁路股票是明智的。

reckon【例】I reckon she has good reason to feel smug。我认为她洋洋得意必有其缘故。

maintain【例】She maintains that the accusation is groundless。她坚称该指控是毫无根据的。


tackle【例】I don't know how to tackle this problem。我不知道该如何处理这个问题。

cope with【例】We have taken on extra staff to cope with the increased workload。我们已经额外雇用员工来应付增加了的工作量。

dispose of【例】You did us a great favor by disposing of that problem。你解决了那个问题,可算是帮了我们一个大忙。


enhance【例】They'll be keen to enhance their reputation abroad。他们会非常渴望提高他们***的声誉。

boost【例】We need a big win to boost our confidence。我们需要大胜一场来增强信心。

elevate【例】Good books may elevate the mind。好书可以提高思想修养。


motivate【例】Stock options are a goodway to motivate employees to work harder。股票选择权是激励员工更努力工作的.好方法。

stimulate【例】They counted on foreign investment to stimulate their economy。他们想依靠外国投资来刺激他们的经济。

inspire【例】Her work didn’t exactly inspire me with confidence。她的工作并没有真正的使我产生信心。


result in【例】The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production。这次洪水造成相当大的减产。

give rise to【例】So many things concurred to give rise to the problem。许多事情同时发生而导致了这一问题。

trigger【例】The current recession was triggered by a slump in consumer spending。目前的****是由消费支出骤跌引起的。

完成(finish )

fulfill【例】Unless we make a move soon,we shall not be able to fulfill our plan。如果不赶快采取行动, 我们就不能完成计划了。

accomplish【例】Though the task was difficult, they managed to accomplish it in time。尽管任务困难, 他们仍按时完成了。

complete【例】He pulled out all the stops to complete the work in time。他竭尽全力及时完成了工作。

高考英语作文替换词 第20篇

不知道大家的作文开头是不是这样:With the development of ...,XX becomes more and more important.毕竟是经典句型啊。但是,也不得不承认一个事实,这个句型略俗,尤其_important_有点扎眼!

替换词 vital

eg:Support from those closest to you is vital in these trying times.


替换词 crucial

eg:Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.


替换词 prominent

eg:Political trials were being used to keep prominent activists out of circulation.


替换词 cardinal

eg:Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law。
