

导读 Adolescence, the trouble period of children is their mature physical development period, and also a little understanding of their physical condition.

青春期的烦恼英语作文 第1篇

Adolescence, the trouble period of children is their mature physical development period, and also a little understanding of their physical condition. They think that they are independent, economically independent, and can not be full of heteroual desire. The ideal and reality are often in conflict with each other psychologically.

Especially, the confusion of the opposite and the conflict between parents and children are often the troubles of adolescence We communicate with parents and correct guidance, then children's psychological conflict, will greatly reduce psychological confusion.



青春期的烦恼英语作文 第2篇

High school students have entered a sensitive stage. Their bodies are growing so fast that their minds must keep pace with the changes. Boys and girls begin to realize the gender differences.

There will be some awkward moments between them. Problem agers are troubling many agers because they always bring problems to girls. They want to look like business models So they go on a diet, fight hunger for the boys, they want to be as cool as the heroes on TV, so they pretend they don't care about anything and violate the school rules.

Teenagers have typical problems. They can talk to their teachers or see a psychologist. They need to take a correct attitude towards these problems, or they will go on the wrong path.



青春期的烦恼英语作文 第3篇

One night in adolescence, while preparing dinner, our one year old daughter asked, _Mom, what is my adolescence?_ My wife was in a hurry, so she suggested Peggy look up the word in the dictionary, and then they could talk about it. A few minutes later, Peggy came back. Her mother asked what was said in the dictionary.

_Peggy_ means _the earliest age at which a child can be born._ _What do you think?_ My wife asked. _I'm not sure,_ Peggy replied. _I've always been able to have children.

I can't stand adults. _.



