

导读 We all know that English is accepted by more and more people, but now more and more people in the world use Chinese. Do you know why not many people h

中国近几年的发展英语作文 第1篇

We all know that English is accepted by more and more people, but now more and more people in the world use Chinese. Do you know why not many people have studied this question? I thought for a long time to find the answer. Now I give my answer first.

Population plays an important role. China is a country with a large population, not to mention its population is growing and neglecting Chinese With the rapid development of Chinese language, although China is a developing country, its own people will certainly speak Chinese, so there are not many people who can speak this language. This is its own advantage, not some people.

They must strive to make themselves accepted, and then try to expand the use of the language. Secondly, under the correct leadership of Chinese leaders, China's development is not allowed In recent years, China has developed rapidly in the world, and China has been accepted by the international community in terms of economy, culture, politics, etc., that is to say, with the improvement of China's comprehensive national strength, more and more foreigners want to learn Chinese and establish some kind of friendly relationship with Chinese people. This is also a force that can not be ignored.

Chinese is more and more widely used The inevitable result of our own advantages and efforts.



中国近几年的发展英语作文 第2篇

In recent years, XX has caused a heated discussion about (first of all) factors. Then, there is a situation, especially when () can really collect these unique views, to remind people that (in this way, we should, like (the influence of television in recent years), with the development of Science and technology, percent of China's households own satellite TV, providing up to.



中国近几年的发展英语作文 第3篇

At present, the vast majority of production materials are solved through the market, and gradually formed an operation mechanism based on market regulation. A large number of domestic enterprises with diversified logistics market entities have realized the importance of logistics. They have gone out of the shackles of planning system and moved towards market economy.

They have established logistics parks, logistics centers and distribution centers to cooperate with international well-known enterprises We have taken the lead in exploring the modern logistics industry. We have taken the lead in forming a socialized and professional industry team. The logistics industry has achieved unprecedented development.



中国近几年的发展英语作文 第4篇

There is no doubt that in recent years, international cooperation from private enterprises to governments has become increasingly common. This is not only conducive to economic globalization, but also beneficial to almost every country. Some people claim that international cooperation is conducive to environmental protection.

They clearly know that each country has its own unique way to protect the environment. For example, if the advanced technology of the Netherlands can be introduced into developing countries, The Netherlands has done a good job in dealing with waste, and it's hard to invent it. Not only some countries or groups, but maybe all the people on earth will benefit a lot.

To be sure, the countries that invented these technologies may suffer economic losses to a certain extent, unless their intellectual property rights are protected by the government. On the other hand, other countries believe that the main advantages of international cooperation are obvious in commerce. Import and export trade does play an important role in a country's economic development.

For example, a modern car often comes from different sources Different parts of the country, but to some extent, it's a cooperation between local enterprises, and foreign companies bring more fierce competition around the world. Therefore, I think the benefits of international cooperation lie in environmental protection and commercial transactions, although it may face some challenges. The improvement of environment and world economy is the focus of international attention in recent years.

Only through international cooperation can people solve the increasingly serious world problems such as global warming and promote the development of world trade.



中国近几年的发展英语作文 第5篇

In recent years, the Chinese government has decided to speed up the western development. Since the reform and opening up, the eastern region of China has developed rapidly, but the western region is still underdeveloped. China is a big nation with many nationalities.

It is necessary to speed up the development of China's western region. Although it is rich in resources, it is short of water in the process of development. In order to realize modernization, we must rely on science and technology and keep the balance of nature so as to make the western region develop healthily.

