大学遇到的新朋友作文 第1篇
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第2篇
How time flies! Soon you'll be taking the college entrance examination. Are you nervous? I hope you are not. Actually, there is no need to be nervous because you have always done well in your schoolwork. Perhaps the pressure comes from your parents, who tend to be over-concerned just like the parents of most students taking the exam.
Jane, don't let the people around you upset your usual calm. If they seem to be over-anxious about your exam, it's only because they care about you. You must take it easy. You must keep your cool. I don't think you have to do anything special now. Just keep up the good work you have always done in school. Don't stay up too late. You should relax, have enough rest and eat well so that you will be in good shape when the exam comes.
Well, I hope reading this letter is not taking up too much of your time. I'm sure you'll do well in the exam and enter the college of your choice. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Love, Hsien Min.
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第3篇
One day, my mother bought me a new China dictionary.
When I was reading, there was a word _silent_ that I didn't know and there was no Pinyin. I'm in a hurry, pick up the dictionary and want to look it up. I can't look it up. I turned it around, and had to put down the dictionary with despondency. I was very sad. Mother saw that I couldn't use a dictionary, so she gave me the way to look it up. I did it according to my mother's method, and finally I knew the word _Mo_. I knew that since I learned to look up the dictionary and read some articles without Pinyin, I was not worried.
Now I have a good friend who can't be separated from it. In the future, if you don't know any words, please ask the little teacher!
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第4篇
You became my best friend.
You are a stubborn friend. Every vacation I have to preview the lessons, this holiday I am also confident at the beginning, but gradually the spirit is willing to do not enough. The mathematics of unit 2 is like a stumbling block, which makes me stumble on the path of learning and become a wall in my consciousness that is impervious to the wind. I can't see the way ahead. I had the thought of giving up again. But you do not, let me change pressure to drive. I checked the computer at your urging and asked the learned elder sister at your proposal. This is only a matter of ten or ten, and you know a part of it, you just give up.
You are a lovely friend. I went hiking with my sister over the weekend, and I didn't want to go to the mountain. The lazy man walked for a while and sat on the stone. This is your voice sounded in my ear, I bullet keep up with the rhythm of the elder sister, so urged by the you I finally climbed to the top of the mountain, let me experience _be ling extremely, see the mountains small_ unlimited scenery.
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第5篇
I have many good friends,Lily is one of the play together since we two were very young. She is such a pretty girl that when people meet her,they always pat her little head and say,_Oh,how lovely!_Lily is also very remember one evening two weeks ago,mom sent me to buy some salt and sugar I was back on the darksome stairway,I suddenly saw a black shadow behind me,was that a ghost?I was so frightened that I cried _God!_At that very moment,Lily come,she rush at the shadow and shouted to it loudly till it disappeared,then we ran home safely...
Maybe you have already get it,yes,Lily is my dog,--my best friend,I love her.
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第6篇
We all like to make friends, because no one can survive without a friend. If you ask someone how many friends do they have, most will answer a lot. Indeed, we make friends in different stage, even we are old, we still make friends.
But not all friends are as honest as they are, some friends we made since we are young, some are just meet a couple of times and we don’t know much about them. The former are real friends, while the latter are not true friends. What is the real friend, a real friend is someone who you can talk about anything and can be show up the moment you need. Other friends are just for drinking and eating, they will not help you if you are in trouble.
When we make friends, the real one is what we need.
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第7篇
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第8篇
有这样一个成语:“割席断交”,讲的是管宁和华歆(xin)的故事。在年轻的时候,他们是一对非常要好的朋友,成天形影不离,同桌吃饭、同榻读书、同床睡觉,相处得很和谐。 有一次,他俩一块儿去菜地里锄草。两个人努力干着活,一会儿就锄好了一大片。 这时候只见管宁抬起锄头,一锄下去,“当”一下,碰到了一个硬东西。管宁定睛一看,是块黄金,他就自言自语地说了句:“我当是什么硬东西呢,原来是锭金子。”接着,他不再理会了,继续锄他的草。不远处的华歆听到这话,不由得心里一动,赶紧丢下锄头奔了过来,拾起金块捧在手里仔细端详。 管宁见状,一边挥舞着手里的锄头干活,一边责备华歆说:“钱财应该是靠自己的辛勤劳动去获得,一个有道德的人是不可以贪图不劳而获的财物的。”华歆听了,口里说:“这个道理我也懂。”手里却还捧着金子左看看、右看看,怎么也舍不得放下。后来,他实在被管宁的目光盯得受不了了,才不情愿地丢下金子回去干活。可心里还在惦记金子,干活也没有先前努力,还不住地唉声叹气。管宁见他这个样子,不再说什么,只是暗暗地摇头。
又有一次,他们两人坐在一张席子上读书。正看得入神,忽然外面一片鼓乐之声,夹杂着鸣锣开道的吆喝声和人们看热闹吵吵嚷嚷的声音。管宁和华歆起身到窗前去看究竟发生了什么事。 原来是一位达官显贵乘车从这里经过。一大队随从前呼后拥地保卫着车子,威风凛凛。再看那车饰更是豪华富贵逼人。
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第9篇
1) 人生乐在相知心。-(宋)王安石
2) 万两黄金容易得,知心一个也难求。-(清)曹雪芹
3) 冤家宜解不宜结,各自回头看后头。-(明)冯梦龙
4) 若知四海皆兄弟,何处相逢非故人。-陈刚中
5) 于患难风豪杰。-(清)魏禧
6) 天下快意之事莫若友,快友之事莫若谈。-(清)蒲松龄
8) 人之相识,贵在相知,人之相知,贵在知心。-(春秋)孟子
9) 山河不足重,重在遇知已。-鲍溶
10) 大丈夫处世处,当交四海英雄。-《三国志.蜀书.刘巴传》
11) 人生贵相知,何用金与钱。-(唐)李白
12) 同心而共济,始终如一。-(宋)欧阳修
13) 布衣之交不可忘。-(唐)李延寿
14) 钟子期死,伯牙终身不复鼓琴。-《汉书》
15) 衣不如新,人不如故。-《汉乐府》
16) 换我心,为你心,始知相忆深。-(宋)顾夏
17) 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。-(唐)白居易
18) 君子上交不诌,下交不渎。-《周易》
19) 莫愁前路无知已,天下谁人不识君。-(唐)高适
20) 君子之交淡若水,小人之交甘若醴.君子淡以亲,小人甘以绝。-(战国)庄子
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第10篇
In choosing a friend, one should be very careful. A good friend is as valuable as a precious stone. He can help you study. You can have fun together and she is a genius in understanding and tolerant others, and as a friend, she is honest and reliable.
Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend. As good friend, she always understands what another person is feeling. She is not quick to judge, instead, she tries to think of ways to be helpful. Further more, she is also a good listener. Of course, I’m one of “the others”.
At the same time, however, she is a honest friend. She doesn’t look for faults in me. But she does not ignore them either, she once said to me that she would rather focus on my good points. In short, she can understand me and accept me mostly.
As a good friend, she is also reliable. I can always depend on her, especially during the days when I prepared for my graduate acceptance test last year. And, if she tells me somewhere at a certain tine, I can be sure she well be there. If I need a favor she’ll do her best to help me. If I am in trouble, she’ll not desert me.
So when you meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I’ll tell you that you have found a good friend.
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第11篇
1) 我既找不到一个完全献身于我的朋友,我就必须有些能以其推动力克服我的惰性的朋友。
2) 朋友是抵抗忧愁、不愉快和恐惧的保卫者,是友爱与信赖的罐子。——《五卷书》
3) 人生离不开友谊,但要得到真正的友谊才是不容易;友谊总需要忠诚去播种,用热情去灌溉,用原则去培养,用谅解去护理。——马克思
4) 友情在我过去的生活里就像一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂,使我的生存有了一点点光彩。——巴金
5) 友谊真是一样最神圣的东西,不仅值得特别推崇,而是值得永远赞扬。——卜伽丘
6) 大丈夫行事,论是非,不论利害;论顺逆,不论成败;论万世,不论一生。——黄宗义
7) 仁爱的话,仁爱的诺言,嘴上说起来是容易的,只有在患难的时候,才能看见朋友的真心。——克雷洛夫
8) 人生最美好的,就是在你停止生命时,也还能以你所创造的一切为人民服务。——奥斯特洛夫斯基
9) 真正的朋友不把友谊挂在口上,他们并不为了友谊而互相要求点什么,而是彼此为对方做一切办得到的事。——别林斯基
10) 不论是多情诗句,漂亮的文章,还是闲暇的欢乐,什么都不能代替无比亲密的友谊。——普希金
11) 一死一生,乃知交情。一贫一富,乃知交态。一贵一贱,交情乃见。——《史记》
12) 不要靠馈赠去获得朋友。你须贡献你诚挚的爱,学会怎样用正当的方法来赢得一个人的心。——苏拉格底
13) 人生到处知何似,应似飞鸿踏雪泥。泥上偶然留指爪,鸿飞哪复计东西。——苏轼
14) 世间最美好的东西,莫过于有几个有头脑和心地都很正直的朋友。——爱因斯坦
15) 友谊是一种相互吸引的感情,因此它是可遇而不可求的。 —— 罗兰
16) 诚的友谊好象健康,失去时才知道它的可贵。 —— 哥尔顿
17) 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。 —— 白居易
18) 友正直者日益,友邪柔者日损。——《薛之情公读书录·交友》
19) 顺利时结交朋友,逆境中考验朋友。——拉丁谚语
20) 与朋友交,言而有信。——《论语》
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第12篇
I have many friends, but Jim is one of my best friends. He is not handsome, but kind-hearted. We know each other at primary school. He was the tallest in our class at that time. He is good at study and playing basketball, while bad at playing table tennis. Everytime he has delicious food, he will give it to me.
Moreover, whenever I feel sad, he will play with me and comfort me. However, he is not spoilt me. For example, everytime I meet difficulties in study, I would like to copy his, but no matter what I say, he never give his homework to me to copy. Instead he teaches how to do it. All in all, no matter what difficulties I meet, he will help me. It is him make me realize that a friend in need is a friend indeed.
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第13篇
A good friend of mine is sun X.
Sun X has a pair of small eyes, black skin, thin body. He likes playing badminton, table tennis, football, running and wearing blue and yellow clothes. He is brave, cheerful and confident. For example, the teacher said that sun x should work hard when he failed in the exam. He would immediately say to the teacher that this time it was a mistake. I am confident that he will do well next time! Sure enough, his score will be much better in the next exam. Confidence helps him!
Sun x is also a smart, lively and optimistic student. He often helps me. I am willing to make friends with him and he is willing to be good friends with me. I believe that in our primary school years, he and I will become intimate friends, help each other and make progress together!
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第14篇
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第15篇
lucy is my close friend who i came to konw in jiangyin county in 1999.
she is a teacher of one high gave me a sharp impression when we met at the fisrt chatting ,we found that we have many common favorites,and finally we came to be friends.
lucy is tall and slender with white skin,long-black hair and an blue-frame glasses. she looks beautful and has good characters of considerate and she is easy to get along with.
lucy is good at singing and also has many other favorites ,such as swimming outdoors, reading ,surfing and so she is a modern and intellectual young girl with diverse abilities and knowledge.
lucy is not only a good friend but also a ofen told her the story all of mine when i was in she always does her best to help me and encourage me to face up to the dificulties of life,till i am successful.
time flies,we have been good friends for several years,and the friendship between us becomes more sweet and solid.
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第16篇
I have a good friend. His name is Chin Daibe. He is 15 years old. We both want to be detectives. He is very clever. He is just a secondary school student but he is cleverer than any other student. I think he is as clever as a university school student. His favorite detective is Kindalchi Hajime. He wants to be just as famous when he grows up. He is as helpful and brave as Sherlock Holmes. He is generous to his friends, too. When he has some new detective books, he always shares with me. So I am willing to lend him books, too. His favorite writers are Jinguchi Lanbu and . Mason. His favorite book is _At the Villa Rose_. I think it is a good detective book, too. I really think he will be a very good detective. He is my best friend.
我有一个好朋友。他的名字是Chin Daibe。他15岁了。我们都想成为侦探。他很聪明。他只是一个中学生,但他比其他学生更聪明。我认为他跟大学生一样聪明。他最喜欢的侦探是Kindalchi Hajime。当他长大后他想成名。他像福尔摩斯一样乐于助人和勇敢。他对朋友也慷慨大方。当他有一些新的侦探书,他总是与我分享。所以我也愿意借给他的书。他最喜欢的作家是Jinguchi Lanbu和. Mason。他最喜欢的书是在“玫瑰别墅”。我也认为这是一个很好的侦探书。我真的认为他会是一个很好的侦探。他是我最好的朋友。
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第17篇
Gorky once said, _books are the ladder of human progress._ And I, just like that, because I am a _fan_.
From the romance of the Three Kingdoms, I learned the Thirty-six Strategies and many principles. From _Juvenile Science_, I know more about science. In the creative composition, I have improved my writing level. The book is a brick, filling in my vacancy. Books are cement, consolidating my growth foundation.
At school, there is no one who plays in the playground, he is addicted to books; at home, there is no one who is addicted to TV, he is surfing in the _book sea_. That person is me.
Book, my good friend. Forever is _flesh and bone_ good friend!
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第18篇
FriendsFriends are important. It has often been said that,” no man can live like an island”. As our population increases in size, this is being increasingly true. A person will have trouble coping with society without should not be confused(困惑的) with acquaintances. Acquaintances are people whom you may see often. But, you could never share weal(幸福) and woe(悲哀) with an acquaintance. Acquaintance are usually with you for what they can get. Maybe, they like to be with you because you are popular. People usually have few friends and many are always there when you need them. They are dependable(可靠的) and responsible(需负责任的) they share your sorrow(悲痛) and happiness. They are not interested in what they can get from you. They influence your development, maturity(完善) and sense of responsibility. They also warn you when you are in danger of doing wrongly. Yes, friends are wonderful. It is nice to enjoy the warmth radiating(散发) form good friends.
大学遇到的新朋友作文 第19篇
I have a good friend, name is . She is more bark than bite. Linda long clever and lovely, like a peach, always has a smile. Linda has a baby-face fine-boned, long in her white even teeth by the mouth. The classmates see Linda long so lovely, all say like a little child, she may not believe this little urchin is our class to learn the best! She was our class reading king!
Remember, one day, the teacher speak _suddenly_ the meaning of this idiom, the teacher standing on the platform asked: _who can say the meaning of this idiom?_ In a flash, noise, the classroom was silent, teacher see nobody hands, said: _Linda you read very much, remember you recite with the idiom in a period of writings in classical style, give you back a back! Linda not nervous to stand up and have answers of reciting the writings in classical style. Linda recite is very skilled, but his classmates were whispering, this is because Linda back is too deep, we also don't understand as a pupil.
a is not only a piece of bark, have a bite.